To all those 10,000+ e-mails that we have received over the last 3 months or so. This is for you. Most popular actor in Bollywood. We are restricting the poll to the Top 10 stars – Aamir Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Ranbir Kapoor, Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar, Shahid Kapoor, Abhishek Bachchan, Saif Ali Khan and Amitabh Bachchan.
May the most popular win!
Who do you think are the most popular stars in Bollywood? You can vote for upto 3 actors (max).
Please do not try cheat-voting, its a waste of time. We have records of IP addresses and we do detect votes from proxy sites too.
Most Popular Star in Bollywood
- Salman Khan (33%, 1,700 Votes)
- Shahrukh Khan (24%, 1,238 Votes)
- Aamir Khan (12%, 599 Votes)
- Hrithik Roshan (10%, 508 Votes)
- Akshay Kumar (8%, 424 Votes)
- Amitabh Bachchan (4%, 187 Votes)
- Shahid Kapoor (3%, 165 Votes)
- Ranbir Kapoor (3%, 131 Votes)
- Saif Ali Khan (1%, 76 Votes)
- Abhishek Bachchan (1%, 58 Votes)
Total Voters: 3,691

according 4 acters are the best …….
1.aamir khan : his determination towards his movie is fabilous !! he works so hard to make his the blockbuster! and he alwys succed! in short he izz the most promisable acter!
2. sharukh khan : he izz a completa acter ……evry thng izz neccesary like stunts and style but acting ke mamle me shrukh ka koi jawab nahi …aur koi bhi uss se baad kar nahi
3hrithik roshan : style yaar :looks; inn sab me hrithik izz best
4. akshay kumar ki kya personality hai boss ; really he has a ability to make a super flop movie to hit movie
evry really comes to see him more than his movie …
SRK rules. Shark is top predator. Others are mullet and mackerel.
Salman khan is the most handsome and popular actor in bollywood
the one and only king of bollywood is AAMIR KHAN.
Indicine Team !!! Please block stupid khan and Naumaan its enough.They keep on using abusive language against Salman.I am Big Salman Khan fan and I have had enough.Salman rocks………He is the best.Ultimate Rocking Khan Please all the “uncles n saitans” waste ur time on ur beloved stars n leave Salman alone.Sallu u Rock…….Veer Rocks….
Amir Khan is the one of the best acotr in bollywood.
Saju- wat s wrong with u man. wat s abusive language accordin to u..? read wat INdicine team has written bout u first.. den tell bout others…;)
Nauman just told salman uncle.. i dont think its abusive..
Khan used abusive language bcoz u ppl started insultin SRK. common yaar… if v respect each star wy `ll some1 use such words?
every actor has his fan club.. they `ll lik them.. wy others poke them i cant understand..
any person has a right to comment on a movie or an actor but not abuse him…:)
This year certainly doesnot belong to Akshay kumar but still he rocks in every fan heart!!!!!Salman khan looks to be perfect or most popular person in this year since WANTED N LONDON dreams….both movie,his acting was superb…
For me:
Salman ,Akshay and SRK still r most popular person
Srk may win dis po££ but SALLU BHAI HAS WON D HEART OF MILLIONS come wht may b d result SALLU BHAI ROCKS
Sallu bhai wil win dis poll
@ Indicne Team wats wid Khan and Kajol calling Salman saitan. dats wrong and u should ban dose 2 idiots.
i never talk bad bout oder stars so other people shouldnt call Salman saitan or Sallu uncle. ITS DISRESPECTFUL.
i voted for Salman, SRK, Amir. coz dese 3 three took over Big B and took Bollywood to da next level. den came Akki and Hrithik.
Anywayz Salman or SRK will win 100%.
my rating in terms of acting:-
1. Big B
2. Aamir Khan
3. Akshay Kumar
4. Shahrukh Khan
5. Hrithik
6. Abhishek
7. Saif
8. Shahid
9. Ranbir
to indicine team- I am also fed up of people using abusive and foul language. You shud take strict action.
As per regarding the poll, where r Sanjay Dutt and Ajay Devgan, 2 prominent names of the industry from last 20 yrs.
Who s dis Monika who slapped salman khan? is tat news true….?
in every news channel its coming as if some terrorist has attacked india again…;)
Indicine team.. do u have any news regardin this?;)
^ Yup she’s a Delhi socialite, daughter of a rich builder. She was supposedly under the influence of alcohol and was having an argument (and hurling abuses) with Sohail Khan and Sushmita Sen. When Salman Khan stepped in.. he received a tight slap. Funny as it might sound, it really did happen. And has to be the only other female to do so apart from his mom (he confessed on Farah Khan’s show). I.e not taking Katrina’s love-filled slaps into consideration… Kidding.
Salman is believed to have kept his cool and walked out of the place along with Sohail and Sush..
Himanshu, we have to do something about this. Its hard to outright delete some comments because, by the time we check it, it would already be a part of discussion. Like here, Amish has replied to Saju Dey and if we delete Saju’s comment, Amish’s comment wouldn’t make sense.
We cant be monitoring comments 24 x 7 unfortunately.
Henceforth we’ll try and prune out as many such comments as possible. A good, healthy discussion is what we want here.
Regarding, Sanjay Dutt and Ajay Devgan.. Well have included the Top 10 most sale-able stars in Bollywood. If someone like Saif, whose last film opened to a first week business of 40 crores, is down at the bottom of the list.. then how many votes do you honestly think Dutt and Devgan would get? Both are no longer lead stars, they only work in multistarrers or a brand like Munnabhai.
come on people
its obvious
Shahrukh is the most popular around the world. More people know him than any actor in this world so of course its him.
you guys have to remember how he has been on list as one of the most popular, the most powerful in the US newsweek magazine, and they didn’t even take notice of any of the stars to put on the list and the magazine is from over here in the US itself. Did they notice aamir, big b, akki, salman or any other bollywood stars? NOOOO
Shahrukh is the MOST popular than any of the Bollywood actors. The most popular in the world so you guys just have to deal with it.
oh and by the way why on god green earth is Ranbir Kapoor a part of the list?
if akki, salman and so popular but not that popular POPULAR, then why would ranbir be?….he just shouldn’t be in the list, thats all. Everyone else should be in the list but not him!
Shahrukh Khan is the No. 1 worldwide the only incomparable and matchless .. from Peru qe SRK continue the successes are the best character in every interpretation that is why I admire your fans from around the world are solely SRK strength and better of BOLLYWOOD
Only and only Shahrukh Khan!!!!! He’s the best, the King!!!!
100% Shah Rukh Khan is the undisputed Superstar of the Decades
Even though in 2009 there was no fully fledged SRK movie he still rules the heart, minds and souls of millions across the world.
SRK will rock with MNIK and i cant wait for him to come back on the big screen where he belongs.
love you loads SRK!!!! God Bless you forever.
c’mon people we all r knw that salman, shahrukh and amir r da popular then any other star. but amitabh bachhan is a legend i think it is unfair to him that put his name in this competetion his name or fame or acting is far better then any of them.
Shahrukh Khan
Hrithik is defintiely the most popular star, second is Aamir Khan.
salman khan shah ruk amir khan
i vote shahrukh all the way! plz this is just my opinion dotn make fun of him cuz u have no right to insult a self made man!
shahrukh has been my fav for years and always will be.
i didnt notice that we could vote up to 3 so i just clicked on shahrukh. if i had choosen three it would have been in this order:
1. shahrukh khan
2.ranbir kapoor
3.shahid kapoor or akki
Bonita- wy u feel ranbir shudnt be in d list? he has got more votes than saif n abhishek….;) so u can imagine hw POPULAR he s… rt…;)
Times of india has given KURBAAN 3.5/5….
it s said, its similar to KHUDA KE LIYE… not exactly tho..
can this movie work s d big Q…….
About my Ranking …….
No.1 is Shahrukh khann
No.2 is Amir khann
No.3 is Salman khann
No.4 is Shahid Kapooor
No.5 is Saif Ali khann
No.6 is Rehtic Roshan
No.7 is Imran Khann
No.8 is Ranbir Kappooor
No.9 is Akshaye Kumaaar
No.10 is Abeshik Bechan
and important note for all i m not rated to Mr. Amitabh Bechan becoz if i rate here so its a very funny for us .. becoz Mr. Amithabh bechan is legend and legend is always popular . he dont neet any kind of voting shoting . for example of Mr.Yousaf khann ( dlip kumar) he is also a legend for us. i m pray from my heart both of actor like Mr.yousaf khann ( dlip kumar ) and Mr. Amitabh bechan live long and helthy life ..
thanks u all n Indicine team..