Some actors are stars, but are all stars actors? There are a few; the likes of Naseeruddin Shah, Vinay Pathak, Paresh Rawal, Pankaj Kapur who are brilliant actors, but are often restricted to small roles in big films or big roles in small films. Either way they do not get the recognition they truly deserve and are completely ignored at most annual award ceremonies.
On the other hand, Bollywood has a number of superstars, who command a huge fan-following spreading to different parts of the world. But do these stars deserve all the money, fame and not to mention awards, that is a part of super-stardom? Or are they unnecessarily over-hyped? Post your comments below
Here is the list of some of the Top Actors in Bollywood (in no particular order) vote for those who you think are most over-rated. (YOU CAN SELECT UPTO 3 ACTORS FROM THE LIST BELOW)
Note: Most overrated Actress poll will be up tomorrow

Wow, we seriously do have a bunch of jealous people here.
Usman, i think your a retard, SRK has no good films? Are you a caveman? it seems so to me
@ Sudeep, awwz did it hurt?
maybe you are a fan of salman…the most big headed waste-of-space there ever was, making flop after flop movies and always using SRK’s name to promote them. and really, the new interviews from this fella where he is targeting SRK? childish and just proves that salman really has some sort of mental issue. not to mention that this ugly dude always looks like a fat dog with drooping slits for eyes (maybe the side effects from all those drugs)
Oh My you know even what does overrated mean???
why every body is voting for the top they overrated..
i think something wrong is going on..
how could SALMAN’s acting be overrated???
he is the EMPEROR.
take some lessons in English..then vote..
maybe you dont know usman, that SRK works with dharma and yash raj because they are like family
do you know what family is? i dont think so judgung from your comment
if SRK is nothing without dharma and yash raj then dharma and yash raj are equally nothing without SRK.
as for “maine pyar kyu kiya”
that was the only film that went well for salman right? after that he faded away like dust in the air
plus, people like amitabh, akshay and salmon probably have a 100-200 films on their filmography but how many can u name for each without looking at their filmography online?
(and yeah, no need to open another window and copy&paste them ;))
whereas for SRK you can remember them because they are memorable films
its just people like you are jealous of the hard-earned and well deserved success SRK has earned and the fact that your going to deny it will just work against you
Soso : Here’s the definition of over-rated – Giving an undue amount of credit for quality or merit in a field; not necessarily related to popularity
So it has nothing to do with popularity. Its about acting talent. Obviously the best actors in the industry aren’t the most talented.
Lets take Katrina Kaif for example. She is one of the most popular actress in Bollywood, but most of her performances have been poor. Yet she wins National awards for her performances. Overrated, dont you think?
Same applies for Salman or any other actors for that matter. Him being popular doesn’t make him a good actor.
All we are asking is, is he talented enough to be a popular actor? Are his performances over-rated ?
hey..because i know what does overrated mean
I am sooooo wonder why is salman in the top of list??
believe me..i know th e difference between overrated and popular..
SALMAN is the most popular and a brilliant actor..
but let me tell you what happened here..
one of salman’s fans in the you tube..his name in the youtube is xxsalmankhanxx visit this page..and knew about the matter..that there is a voting here..but he havnt understand why is the voting here..he thought that this is for the best actor..and he send a msg to every salman’s fan in the you tube including me..with the link of this page..that plzzzzzzz vote for you can see what happened here..
hey..because i know what does overrated mean
I am sooooo wonder why is salman in the top of list??
believe me..i know th e difference between overrated and popular..
SALMAN is the most popular and a brilliant actor..
but let me tell you what happened here..
one of salman’s fans in the you tube..visited this page..and knew about the matter..that there is a voting here..but he havnt understand why is the voting here..he thought that this is for the best actor..and he send a msg to every salman’s fan in the you tube including me..with the link of this page..that plzzzzzzz vote for you can see what happened here..
This poll is really nonsense cos included very talented actors…
Salman Khan is self-made man… he is son to a very well-known scriptwriter but make his own way in Bollywood. Work hard for it.
SRK is really good but sometime, overdo but still he is well talented person. He is really suitable for devastated role. Crying a lot is really good for him.
Amir is the most talented… without any doubt! Ghajini is superb.
Akhshay Kumar… good in action and comic role. He is really working hard.
These 3 guys shud never entered this poll…
But if they stated that John Abraham, Hrithik Roshan, Abhishek … they are definitely GOOD FOR NOTHING…
John is a statue! HR and AB… were there only becus their father!!!! In one simple word… HAMPEH!
Sunheri :i m not big fan of Salman but i prefer salman than SRK. Y dont u think tht if there was no yashraj n dharma production,wht will happen to SRK…..Was SRK big for Yashraj & dharma or Yashraj &dharma was the reason for SRK sucess…. Even man does good work if they have very good production house under them…..
Look at akshay kumar,who make small production house in biggie….like Priyadasan,Vipul shah n many more………
If a Monkey lives under the infulence of Good and social Man,The monkey also shows some good behavior like tht of man……………………….
Sunheri i think u dont have respect, i am not hear to abused somebody or somebody to abused me,dont you think people are disrespect your parent guided, i didnt find it bad when i said something against shah rukh acting i didnt abused him personaly all this is professionally and i am not an indian actor how did i jeolous about him, i just said my mine thats it. Anyway thanks the poll result show the truth is not only me think so. You can learn how to depeat your rivals by good word and good comment, not abused. Bring good example that can delete your rival comment, plssss do not abuse we are all friends.
first to FATHIYA i think that you love salman becouse in your every comment I have seen you will mention salman and i think that wile you dream in your dream only salman will come and salman dam care about you and to SUNEHRI first you dont have sense to jude some ones talent and please dont comment any more and you all SRK fanssssssss asecpt that salman is the BBBBBEEEEEEESSSSSSTTTTTTTTT and faathiiyyaaaaaa accept this
In my opinion Aamir and Salman are over-rated, and Ranbir Kapoor . Sorry.
J`m from Poland.
Forget about overrated actor in the first place Salamn is not even a actor. He the worst actor in the world
Hello Indicine,
What did u want to indicate to us i saw some names among the list are written in bold, what does that mean?
I totally agree with SHIVa
People who hate another actor,they r voting them overratted…Even though i hate SRK,but i have voted against John,Abishek n saif ali khan. Y people r just voting those whom they donot like…..
Yes,Some of time all the actor r overrated like when new movie come,they show only news of tht actor who has big costing movie, Media is just making them overratted……But still feel this is not fair judgement
akshay is the real king
They’re all equally useless.
I think with regards to tomorrow’s poll, i.e. overrated actresses, Katrina should top the list, don’t you think?
Hello Sudeep 4 u only
If you are not mind i want discuss with u personaly, hear is my email Till i hear from u. Byeeeeee.
Shiva can u please name of Akahay’s movie which is worth watching? Noone hates Akahat in fact people have been very kind to him if not who the hell in this world want to bear all the stupid crap films?
1-Akshay kumar is one of the finest actor in bollywood, after Mr.Bachan he is the only actor who can play any kind of role, from action hero to romantic to comedy and negative role as well, (2) he is one of the most good looking actor (3) he reached this position on his own power and struggle, he has the ability to how entertain fans.
note: read this carfully chamz
Oh poor Shiva and Ahsan seems to be both of them can’t face the reality. Akshay is the finest actor in bollywood OH REALLY this made my day. If then Salman must be the second finest actor in bollywood. Wow CC2C, kAMBQ iSHQ, tARSHAN, wELCOME ARE MASTER PIECES. Oh it’s really unfair poor Akshay must have win at least one oscar.
Shiva u are right there is no need to tell anything. I’m sorry without anydout Akshay is the most talented actor in bollywood. What a great performer?????????///
Usman Solo :Srry dude….I m not able to give u personal information…………I m here as a public n will be public for all those who likes or hate my comment….
Tina:Lol,this is most over-rated actor…..Is katrina male…Hehe……U seems funny
No problem Sudeep, nothing very serious i just want ask u many things about your favourite actor (AKSHAY) as i find u very cooperative, but no problem i respect your decition. I will keep reading your comment hear. Thank you.
crw..i suggest you to shut up..
Salman is the most talented actor…he can carry any role very very well..
action..comec..romantic..anything..he is complete..
and for God sake..Salman have hits more than any actor in this list..why is that???
because he cant act???
oh just shut up..
the proov..go to youtube and type in (((Stars Speaks about Salman Khan on his Birthday)))..listen to the host ediot..
and dont type rubbish again..while you dont know anything..
Some ppl here mentioned John Abraham as over-rated actor.. well.. in the past I found him a handsome good looking and an ambitious actor.. and I always had a feeling that he’ll grow big by the time.. will take him at least 7 or 8 years.. but John is improving.. he’s trying his best to be a good actor ( and he said during Koffee with Karan that he’s not a bad actor) yeah.. true.. he’s not bad but now he’s so good.. after watching Dostana & New York.. John really improved, and I watched the movie New York today again for the 2nd time, watched it because in cinema I missed the important part where they torture him except a very little of it.. and I found him so good.. he made me cry first time and the 2nd time. ( whoever said here that he’s an over-rated actor must’ve not seen this movie New York.. so go and see it guys and then judge him!)
In the awards functions for 2009, he must win an award, if not as the best actor for 2009 at least the best supporting actor for his role in New York because he played an important role with the most important scene and the most difficult one too.. this scene while FBI ppl torture him while he’s detained.. he deserves the award because also he worked for quite a long time in movies and it’s time for him to receive awards for his good roles.
So he can’t be in this list indicine team, as an over-rated actor.. because John so far didn’t get any awards to be over-rated.. people so far didn’t applause for him!! so how can he be over rated?!!
Yeah that’s right, John has improved a lot….In New York he was too good…. I really think He was better than Neil and Katrina in the movie…. But Irfan Khan was the best in the movie…..He does these kinda roles to perfection….
I will say it again, The most over-rated is no doubt abhishek bachchan…. I really think He can act but most of the times he doesn’t impress with his performance… I don’t know what’s wrong with him…. See his acting in Guru and then go and just watch Drona…. big difference… Not consistent with his performances
Imran Khan is also over rated according to me… He couldn’t impress with his performances in Luck and Kidnap.
Ranbhir, We can’t conclude too early that he is over rated as i think he was not bad in Saawariya and Bachna Ae Haseeno…. We will have to wait and watch his next few movies for conclusion…
Fahad: agree with your comment.. but Abhishek was good in Guru.. but Guru was a little boring movie, I consider his best performance in Yuva and Dostana, and he deserved the award he got this year at IIFa.
Irfan Khan was good too.. he’s a good actor, but he didn’t do anything special in his role in New York.. didn’t do a hard or a difficult scene to get any award for it, but John & Katrina did.. played some difficult scenes.. and Neil Mukhesh.. if he’s performing this way in the 2nd movie of his.. so he’ll be on top of the world one day.. will take him just 2-3 years and he’ll be a super star because he got all the qualifications as a hero.. I wish him all the best.