Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar – these two are by far the two most discussed stars in the last 2 – 3 weeks here. There have been some HUGE discussions and arguments in the comments section, right from Diwali when Blue clashed with Main Aur Mrs Khanna. Although Blue was a clear winner, Salman’s Wanted that released on Eid was a much bigger hit.
The quality of films – of both stars – hasn’t really been upto the mark, but their fan-following seems to be increasing by the day. Hard to believe but true.
As things stand today, Akshay Kumar commands a bigger opening at the box office, but Salman Khan with Wanted proved he still has it in him to pull crowds to theaters.
Who is your favorite star and why? Reply in the comments section below.
Do not forget to vote. Note: Just a fun poll, we’re quite curious to know whose more popular here – Akshay or Salman.

The Official Veer 2010 Thread – Trailer & Wallpapers Added – Veer will Create History
Pratik Veer Galani:
really enjoying this biggies clash….confident about VEER….have seen the edited first half….BRING ON MNIK OR KITES… only concerned about VEER….and whats this negativity about….our trailer is going to shut alot of mouth including MNIK and KITES……Inform all these fans on bollywood hungama slating VEER…… havent seen anything yet…tell them mark the date 27TH NOV…chill….if we get 22nd jan …nothin like it…long weekend ….but even 29th jan is apt…
i think salman is much better than akshy in all aspects salman has counting in top three khans he has no comparison with someone like akshy
very large margin of acting akshy is only a commadian just like a joker
Undoubtfully Akshay is the best…..
Salman dont even have Hairs….if u wanna compare their acting…..
go and C Mujhse Shadi Karogi…
ul find urself vr Salmaan stands…ha ha ha
Akshay completely rocked the movie even though he was a supporting actor….:-)
Sunny Sunny kiss me baby
What a silly question?
It is just like to compare a lion with a dog in their strength.
It is ofcourse SALMAN the GREY
salman & Aksay r Good frnship thn eachother..but if i compare dis 2009 so Salman khan is best thn Aksay kumar……
Aksay kumar 4 flims 3 lead roll 2 Co star.. ..1.chadni chok to chaina..flop..2..10by 10 tasver ..flop.3.kambakthe isque..flop.4.Blue dana dan..avareg//
Salmam khan 3 flims..1 flim lead role..1 flim co star..1..supproting actor ,,1..Wanted Supar Hit…2,mai aur mrs khanna flop..3 London dreams..avarez..
salman is better hits thn aksay……….
Akki takes salman in his pocket.
ALLAAHTAALAAH grace is with sallu bhai and INSHAAALLAAH veer is going to be good in every aspects INSHAAALLAAH AAMEEN but plz , request to all sallu bhai fans and true entertaiment lovers across the globe that all of u try to make houseful board from 1st day onwards and set an ew record for sallu bhai worldwide kyunki i know ALMIGHTY grace with sallu k fans and true entertainment people across the globe ek baar joh commitnent kar detai hai , toh fir khudki bhi nahi suntey soe , 22 january se veer kaa box office collection istarah se badaaye INSHAAALLAAH yaani ki worldwide jitnaa aakaal aur bhookum bhi naa machaasake ….apne sallu bhai kaa diaologue…….. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz go and watch veer of sallu bhai yodhaa from 22januaryse only and only in cinemas acrooss the globe…….INSHAAALLAAH AAMEEN
Salman & Aksay IS my favorite Actor,,,,,,,,,,,,they GUd frnship eachother so why We Compare ???????
Salman is 60+40=100
Aksay is 40+60=100
both r Same……& great Jodi……
And Bro…..Aksay kumar’s Blue is not Hit Film ….Check out ZOOM report…..
Blue was flop because ,,they cant get a avarez money …
dis flim was to make 91 core,,,but collection 51 core…check out etc news…..Zomm news…& ZEE TV karon ADDAS news….
Salman’s the ‘most wanted’ man in bollywood n Akki iz bo king .
akki ur the best
if u wanna compare their acting…..
go and C Mujhse Shadi Karogi…
ul find urself vr Salmaan stands…ha ha ha
Akshay completely rocked the movie even though he was a supporting actor….:-)
Sunny Sunny kiss me baby
THERE is no any doubt that akshay is best… HAHAHAHAHAHa
akshay has far away from desi dhakkans like khan hahahahahahahahahhaahaha
akshay is the king… one punch & six pack abs will break hahahahahahahha
The poll says Akki is not even 0.000000000000000000000000000001% to salman khan….
oh ho wat is hpng here lets see salman is a good actor not in terms of acting he alwaz do over acting he is good but nt as AKSHAY KUMAR becoz he is d real king he alwaz work hard for his movies n salmar never got any award as best actor before dabang but akshay gets that award for 3 times n 2 time for comedian n 1 time for negative role in ajnabee so he is better then salman so AKSHAY IS D REAL KHILADI OF BOLLYWOOD
Salman Khan cant be compared to Akshay kumar bcoz Akshay is far better than Salman. The best actors of Bollywood r aamir and Akshay bcoz they can do any roles. Salman actually dont know acting.
akshay is best actor than salman khan
plz guys vote for our akshay kumar…………..
i like both of then i watch each and ever movie of there’s so to me they are both good both r my fav. as 4 acting i think akshay is better actor then salman cause akshay can do all type of rolls and he is good at it like romantic, action, action-comedy, comedy anti hero type with no over acting as for salman mostly he is good at action, romantic he can only do comedy movies if he has good co-star with him and the co-star is the one who is doing comedy if i could only watch 1 actor movies for life then i would choose akshay but salman has a heart of gold if i could hang out with one actor it would be salman i like comedy movies salman just can’t do it most of the time he is yell, getting mad making face-es doing stupid stuff that what he thinks comedy is. my fav stars are akshay, salman, sunny ,dhermendea
sanjay, ajay bobby, abhay, vivek and irrfan i might be forgetting one or two they r all number one for me once i am a fan then i stay a fan death unless they do something stupid like rape or they keep doing stupid movies to just make money as for srk fuck him i don’t like him can’t stand him he can only do romantic type of rolls for me he over acts in ever roll he fuck up ever roll i think he is one of the worst act in the world look at old devdas his and new Dev-D plus he to me is a bad person in and out full of shit and karan johar’s dick ass or mouth let all stop watching his movies and each of us say ten bad things about gaysrk nothing wrong with gay but prostitution is wrong when u r prostituting u self 4 a roll. srk get the move and someone to blow his horn on tv
i like both akshay and salman like i said akshay better at acting different roles he is a better actor but salman is a better man so let stop talking about them adn start talking about gaysrk
how many of u think that srk over act in ever role only movies he can do is romantic type of movie he can’t do anything else to me even in Don the remake he sucked over alp and don’t forget rab ne bana di jodi”s raj if it wasn’t him over acting then it was just bad acting who can forget veer-zaara he was punjab who couldn’t even say 2 words in punjabi satnam waheguru properly one can keep going no when talking about srkgay’s over acting movies like kal ho naa ho, billu one can keep going and going My name is khan was one a few movies he didn’t (or couldn’t) fuck it up he was good in it i like that move and he earned his money maybe 4 the first time about his looks his looks would give run to low budgets bad acting villain a run for his money as 4 his body (i know some of u might be thinking what body) his body or lack of body is like a 10 grd school girl flat 10 grade school girl and top of the he has tight jeans and shirts on 2 show off muscles or lack of muscles so if u agree with me then we should open up a facebook profile srkgay or stop over acting srk anything like that so we can talk about all the things we don’t like about srk and i always wanted to know how many people don’t like him if someone opens a profile like that i would join please lets talk about this and please someone open it up and leave ur message here until someone does open it up hopefully it won’t take to long salman akshay sanjay sunny ajay amir are 99.999 time better then srk and aren’t the only one who i think are better then srk chunky pandey is 9.999 times better acting cause he also over acts he is better because he doesn’t do that many movies let open up a page on facebook
Hi , you are looking good good man your vehaviour nature is most likely. you can make also people feeling so rich to every hearts .
i’m fan of aksahy
i thing salman khan is sooooooooooooooooooooooo better than aksha kumar salman khan is hansum and inosent while aksha is very saxy and looking sweeper aksha is very saxy with kathrina kaif and i also voted manyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy manyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for salman khan
i voted salman khan
i;m voting salman khan and i;m fan of salman khan ok
i;m voting salman khan
It is unfair to compare these two actor: both are better in their respective style, acting and etc. Salman had got good physique, face and acting(Action, Comedy and Romance) . While Akshay has got athletic physique, good sense of humor, Tall, handsome and acting(Action, Comedy). Akshay is popular among every age group while Salman is mostly among girl and Adults. Salman is fearless & Akshay is Daredevil. Salman has bad body image in media while has family man image. Akshay does everything to keep him fit while Salman does everything to make him notorious.
To me Akshay is better actor and good human being while Salman is better actor and kind hearted human being.
SO these two are best in my views.
hey akshay U R the best…………………
U R the best………………
akki is a bollywood king. reallly singh is king , very good acting in patiala house from akki. I am sure tihs film nominees for oscar. no campare from salman. akshay outstanding acting every coming action movies raudy rathod akki rocks. savdhan salman hi nahi all you khiladi.
akshay is the real king of bollywood.he is the most versaitile actor in bollywood.he can do everything whereas salman khan can do very few things.all fans of sallu pls listen that in voting sallu has won bcoz most of the fans of akshay are frm very interior area where they can reach to its clear that akshay is real winner.akshay rocks.gudluck akki.