Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar – these two are by far the two most discussed stars in the last 2 – 3 weeks here. There have been some HUGE discussions and arguments in the comments section, right from Diwali when Blue clashed with Main Aur Mrs Khanna. Although Blue was a clear winner, Salman’s Wanted that released on Eid was a much bigger hit.
The quality of films – of both stars – hasn’t really been upto the mark, but their fan-following seems to be increasing by the day. Hard to believe but true.
As things stand today, Akshay Kumar commands a bigger opening at the box office, but Salman Khan with Wanted proved he still has it in him to pull crowds to theaters.
Who is your favorite star and why? Reply in the comments section below.
Do not forget to vote. Note: Just a fun poll, we’re quite curious to know whose more popular here – Akshay or Salman.

sulman khan is best actor of bolly wood i love sulman khan is my heart
sulman khan king of the bollywood i love sumlan khan
akshy kumar is king
akshay kumar is best. sallu cartoon hai uske saamne
akki is king sing sing sing sing sing raja o nach karle punjabi main
Akshay is better than salman bcos akshay is greater than salman in action, comedy, and serious roles.. Ya salman doing wel this past two yrs but aki is back with housful 2 ,rowedy rathor ,khiladi 786 ,joker, o mi god ,outim 2 ,a telgu remake
akshy kumar king
AKKI BHAI is the real action star in bollywood becze action is started onliy akki
welcome -blockbuster
oh my god –blockbuster
Rowdy rathore –blockbuster
and akshay is real hero of bollywood
akki is better than sallu
Akshay is much better than salman in every side acting,action etc. . . . . .
Akshay is much better than salman in every side like acting,action etc,,
Acting-wise akshay is far better than sallu-miyan but sallu has far more fan following than akki.
Akshay Kumar is khiladi and i am very big fan of akki:-)only akshay akshay akshay:-)the best…….
Akshay kumar is my favourite…
I never see actor like Akshay Kumar. I love you Akki
both are good as well as good in his work
no need of comparision slaman is a brand him self….he is so charming……he is just perfect …..akshay is also good but he delivers same type of movies and salmans movies are family movies……………….salman is the best actor in bollywood tbh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i luv salman like hell !!!!!!!!!
Akshay kumar is KING Bollywood
We all know that Salman has given lots of earning movies like wanted, bodygaurd, ready, dabang, ek tha tiger, kuck, jai ho etc. But when we comes to compare about acting then Salman is far away from Akshay.
akshay is real king of Bollywood.he is Jackie chan of India.because he make real stunt movies
salman is phattu akshay is best actor ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
According to me
Both are best actors
Akshay is real stuntman in Bollywood
Akshay is best not only as compared to salman but also in the comparison of 3khans of bollywood
Akshay is outstanding
Akshay is my favorite but Salman are good there is no idea who r the best actor bcoz Salman and akshay are same ….
Akshay is better in dance and stunts than salman
akhsay sir is play all roll sad and villain and movie on country takes a akshay sir he is my god but salman is play one roll.
salman bhai is BEST