The music release date of Veer hasn’t yet been confirmed, but according to reliable sources, the music is all set to release on December 18th 2009. Salman on his Veer blog too, confirmed the same – “looking at releasing the music around 17th Dec”
Music has been composed by Sajid Wajid and the lyrics are penned by Oscar-winning lyricist Gulzar.
In other news, Salman has announced that his popular reality show Dus Ka Dum is definitely happening.
For fans, keen on interacting with the actor, head over to the Veer Blog.. Salman is pretty active, reads almost every comment and does respond to a few.
Can’t wait for the songs!!!!!! Salaam aaya is a very good song. Hope Veer will be a super hit Inshallah
@Hina- i feel honoured 4 makin ur weekend…….. lolz!!!!!! den i cn assure u dat i’ll mk some f ur forthcoming weekends 2……….. d song is really fabulous……. n salman is lukin so handsome n young!!!!!! bt wt 4 d odr songs……. which r evn bettr dan salaam aaya……… specially surili akhiyon wale………. which will b out on 16th online i guess…….. i’ll inform u guys………… until den……
“Dabi Dabi saanson main suna tha mainey bole bina mera naam aya�
�Palken Jhuke aur uthne lage tu hawle se uska salaam aya�
This song is good,especially the lyrics of the song is fantastic.but i m waiting for taali.hope taali has potential 2 be chartbuster like azime o shaan of ja.
i have listned the song salaam aaya……..
the song is excellent waiting for another songs………..
veer will create history…………..
salman is looking awesome in song salaam aaya
noboday can say that he is 44
srk ,aamir, akshay all look old
but salman is getting younger day by day………
go on sallu
@hina …hope ur groom gna be luks really kwl n sherwane just like our Salman vai…lolz…Saalam aaya simply captured our imagination….sajid-wajid must hv workd hard to bring out d best for dis dream project.
@Adhideb…Lolz oh I am glad that I can get every Salman Bahe latest news 4m u.I am enjoying this.Thnx dude.If u r saying then music must be good after watchn Salaam aya I can trust u n Salman bahe…
@mystic river …Lolz I hope so I am that lucky…
@Hina- thnx 4 havin trust in me……….. i hope i won’t fail u……….. veer’s music will b released at d evng thru a function!!!!!!!!!! so, frm 2nite onwards u cn njoy d music of veer!!!!!!!!!!
Amit singhania :r u sure music is releasing today???????????? Damn….i m eager to listen it….PLZ IF U FIND SONG OF VEER any website then comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VEER look like best album of sajid-wajid till date
100Percent today..there is a press conference goin on now..
@Adhideb … I am eagerly waiting 4 Veer’s music release.I just showed the video of Salaam aya to my friend.N she is not a sallu fan…But she has bcum mad 4 this song n Sallu looks.
as soon as da VEER songs r out can sme1 plz post da link. am so excited to hear da songs
@Hina- i knw dat………… evn my frnds who dnt lyk salman at all luv d song………. i hope dis’ll continue wid d rest f d songs as well……….
@Naveed- music has already been out……….. but hvnt got any link…….. whenevr 1’ll come across anythng……. i’ll post it…………. till den hv patience 4 VEER!!!!!!!
I am confused…is that really Sajid Vajid behind the extremely melodious Salaam Aayaa ???
Extremely beautiful tune. if this one thing is something to go by…then the only concern regarding Veer (i.e. the quality of its music) is out of the way now.
Really lookin forward to the complete album
hey guys, check out d music launch video of VEER!!!!!!! d link is givn below………..
music will b available frm 2morrow………
http://www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=DgyYGSRsT5Q
hey guys, check out d music launch video of VEER!!!!!!! d link is givn below���..
music will b available frm 2morrow���
www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=DgyYGSRsT5Q
thanks ADHIDEB .
ive just watched da VEER music launch. Sallu is lookin so dashing, but not hiz vibrant self. if it iz true dat Kat iz ill den dat haz to be da reason coz in all Sallu press conferences he iz so energetic dis being a slight exception.
Gulzaar saab said dat both Sajid/Wajid have done a incredible job. cant wait for da album now. think its comin out 2morow.
www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=M-7vnFIX50s
check out dis link guys, not d prev 1 i posted 4 d music launch of VEER……… it’s better n longer!!!!!
P.S. all salman khan fans, dvd of london dreams is out on moserbaer!!!!!!!
will veer music be available for download today?if yes,on which site?
@Adhideb, Dude do not post any links regarding VEER’s song here….. @ All Salman Fans, Plzz plzz buy an original CD.. Do not Download it from anywhere…. U call urself a Salman Fan and cant even buy a CD worth 150 bucks??? Surprising….
Similarily u wont watch VEER in theater & multiplexes…. This is the reason why LD flopped….
Guys Stop this Piracy….
Buy Original CD’s
Watch VEER in theater & Multiplexes…. No Downloading Plzzzz…
nothing new in salaam aaya!
poor composition
but lyrics is quite gud
looser khan= salman khan
veer will be just avrage film!
waise in pure hindi “veer” means “spern”!
well said Veer Vicky.
ur rite so many Sallu fans dont even go to watch hiz films. i went to watch APKGK just coz Salman waz init for 2 mins.
da haters need to f..k off. dey know wat VEER iz gonna do
get a life u retard. ok vicky shouldnt have said mother f etc. but wat da hell r u doin in a Salman page and posting nothing but negative stuff about VEER.
dont bother replyin back coz ill just laugh at u and wont bother replyin coz i have better things to do.
I am not interested in abusing anyone… But when someone talks bad about Salman or his movies i cant control myself…. I am also saying to everyone not to talk bad about Salman and his movies… If u will do so i will continue doing what i did
@ Veer Vicky and other Salman fans.
just ignore da haters. even i get frustrated wen dese haters talk rubbish and dere comments don’t really have any evidence. ok criticiz his films to an extent. even i admit dat hez made some bad films but would any oder star appear in films dat Salman haz made. most ov da films dat have failed r films dat Sallu has chosen to help out people. i can justify each film but aint got da time to do so.
wen anti-Salman people say hez a woman beater- prove it.
wen he killed dat endangered specie- prove it. (other actors from HSSH were dere azwell)
wen he killed dat man on da pavement- prove it (some stories say he waz driving some say he wasnt)
all dose above stories and many others need to first be proven before people start judging. if any other actor/star was to be publicly attacked da way Salman has been dey wouldnt survive a day.
over here in England people love da guy alongside SRK. have to admit even non asian people watch SRK films. both r popular.
anywayz forget da past. i waz slightly worried bout Sallu’s career before WANTED. look wat dat film did. 1 man show. no matter how many flops Sallu delivers or if he doesnt win any awards his popularity and da love his fans have for him will never decrease.
p.s. plz all Salman fans go watch VEER
plz all Salman fans go watch VEER at da theatres. if we all went i can gurantee dat VEER will be minimum super-hit. MINIMUM.
naveed and other salman fans u rock .ur ryt if ny other star would hv gonne through wat salman has gonne through he wouldnt even b in d hats off 2 far as his movie veer is concerned i hv 2 say one thing
this song rockz