The Adventures of Sinbad is a 2D animated Bollywood movie, that tells the story of 12 year old boy Sinbad and his friends.
The little sailor of legend is framed by the King of darkness Sahzaman for the treasure of the seven seas, and must travel to his realm at the end of the world to retrieve it and save the life of King Nazab (King of Baghdad) who is also father of Princess Xina.
The adventurous voyage for the hunt of the greatest treasure, witnesses the most terrifying dark evil power of Sahzaman and the battle of Sinbad the sailor.
Check out the first look poster of ‘The Adventure of Sinbad’ and tell us what you think.
The Adventures of Sinbad Poster
Movie: The Adventures of Sinbad (2013)
Director: Shinjan Neogi, Abhishek Panchal
Producer: Afzal Ahmad Khan
Banner: Lodi Films Pvt Ltd
Release Date: March 22nd 2013
For more details: The Adventures of Sinbad Movie Page
Looks like alladin 1993 Disney movie
graphics looks too much outdated disney 1993 alladin graphics were better than this