The owner of Kolkata Knight Rider, Shahrukh Khan was angry and extremely upset after his IPL team lost in the super over to Shilpa Shetty’s Rajasthan Royals.
A tie led to an exciting super over finish, but Steve Smith’s smart cricketing brain ensured that Rajasthan Royals won the match even though the super over finish resulted in yet another tie. RR won as the team had scored more boundaries and sixers.
A frustrated SRK tweeted “WTF !!! Actually with all due respect to all on twitter..What the f@&k!!!!”
KKR have now lost 3 of their 5 matches in the UAE leg of the Indian Premiere League.

SRK waves his bandaged hand during Kolkata Knight Riders and Rajasthan Royals match
@queen shuk. What case closed? BMC was 100% rite about banning Srk. He behaves 3rd class always.
First he slapped Shirish.
Then he fought with IPL watchman.
Now he used such 3rd class language on Twitter.
It is clear that SRK was guilty in Wankhede case.
@kingshuk Bhattacharjee:Srk Fans Should Die Of Shame..Who Is Mehdi Nasar Ur New Father..?hahahaha Polio Patient Fan.
that’s why one SRK fan commented for SRK haters-HAATHI CHALE BAAZAR TO KUTTE BHOKE HAAZAR.yeah,that really suits on haters.
I’m just giving a good example.most of amir fans are commented in this site,so my question to them is it right when amir tweeted against SRK and said him his dog?especially my question to some fans like @sky,@sid original,i is right for a superstar to right against a MEGASTAR and compared him dog.even amir is so shameless after that incident he had gone to SRK’S home and beg SRK and his children to forgive him.and he forgiven by KING KHAN.might shameless amir fans and some salman fans forgot about this incident.
it’s not fare for IPL to give 2points direct to RR rather to give each points to KKR and RR.otherwise if KKR would have defeated by 1run also,then also KING KHAN wouldn’t have say nothing.the sole reason that forced him to use such words is after the game drawn 2 times and after hard fight of his cricketers also IPL used direct way to decide rather giving another super over.
now big question is what tends amir khan to post such comments against SRK once in his tweeter?if amir fans if you really like amir even a little bit also then you have to give the answer.
GO KING KHAN GO,your 3.7billion fans always with you,these puny haters and their meaningless article couldn’t stop you.
Myth and hilarity of 3.6 billion fans of SRK
In today’s time it takes 12 years to increase World Population by 1 billion, but SRK fans multiplied into 3.6 billion in just 20 years.
This means SRK fans r multiplying faster than the World Population itself by 50 lakhs margin.Every 2nd baby born becomes an SRK fan instanly.
dint expect dis 4rm Srk… Ok accepted dat U were angry… But using such Slang lang on twitr wer U hav millions of followers, disgusting,and ashamed..ok u may not consider urself as a superstar as u address urself as a common man but even dan u shud not hav done dis., u r seen as a ICON by ur fans and also as an ambassador of yhe country…we kmw u hav invested millions of rupess in the team but taking out da frustration in twitter,, it will only degrade ur repuation after all itz a game.. Shud hav taken dis in sporting spirit…
i dnt undrstand y people keep on bringing da same old wankhande issue again & again, Evn though M not a SRK fan, as i lyk and appreciate each and evry actr bt in dat case SRK was nt at all Guilty, neither was the Watchman, wat was the reality was nvr potrayed in media nor investigated, BCCI in order to supress the whole night club and drug issue involving players like Wayne Parnell, Rahul Sharma, needed a strong diverting issue and they got in Wankhande Brawl issue…which involved Superstar SRK.. And they took the rightful advantage of dis issue and allowed media channels exploring it and stayed Mum wr SRK was Potrayed in negative manner wich actualy helped dem to put the drugs issue into the backburner, wat SRK did was, he went to bring his daughters and her friends wer he was stopped.. Do u knw who gav the Watchman the orders to stop SRK…? Do ne1?, y was SRK stopped Y not others? it was all pre-planned buddies, yes BCCI dint plan it against SRK, but it was all coincidental dat SRK felt prey in midst of all dirty politics, Bad Luck 4r SRK den, and Gr8 Luck 4r BCCI
Really wasnt interested in ipl this year as it lost that something special it had in recent years so having not seen a single delivery I will just say the rule in place for this match is in place for all T20 matches and have been for a long time.
Everybody should know this including Team Owners but sadly it seems that the uneducated queenSrk of Paglapur along with his uneducated lungi wearing subjects need to go out there on the WorldWideWeb n search for ‘ipl rules’ as opposed to spending their entire time glued to Youtube liking every single crappy trailer of Sarkars movies…!
@sss…Good dialogue about haathi and kutthe. agreed. but ye bazaar jaanewaala haathi hi hona chaahiye., gadha nahin!! SRK and haathi..shame on u. get educated.
I can understand srk frustration. But there is a famous saying that ‘What goes from you will come back to you’ !!. @kingshuk & @sss no need to get more frustrated (with indicine) it is a taste of your own mind. You guys are getting what you have been giving to world. Though I still believe it is not a big thing srk expressing his feelings & media making mountain out of a mole !!!!!!
@sss : keep living in 3.7 billion sheep land n unnecessary bringing Salman name !!!!!!
@OueenSRK — Yes the Wankhede case is closed… .the police didn’t took any action……its the MCA walas who didn’t have the guts to face the loss of MI bannes him……while slapping Sisrish is the greatest thing achieved by any human being …and talking about 3rd class……your name claearly suggest that you are 10 th class…..didn’t except 3rd class chutiyappa from you :-D
@Legend Khan — Yes a AIDS, CANCER, POLIO affected father of a polio affected son :-D
@Hrithik — You are right……media is making a mountain of a mole as it is a simple tweet unnecessarily made popopular by INDICINE. ….And you guys including @NAVIN and all others got a chance to bash against KING…..So cheers……Because KYA PATA KAL HO NA HO ?????……:-D
Many say SRK fans a
Haters say SRKIANS abuse others…..but just see this thread….numerous ids were made just ti bash SRK…..
It explains all.
But just one thingh coming in mind —
@sss you are still in dreaming that me and @sid_original is the same person. Hahaha.yes Aamir called Srk his dog once but i am not supporting him for that, i was against his comment that time as well as today. But still i am calling you Complan boy as if i support Aamir’s word than i would called you complan dog. Difference is whether Aamir did something wrong we not following but you people follows what bad Srk did by supporting him and following him. So complan kid please use complan regularly. From a die hard Aamirian.
@kingshuk : You will remain a blind & fanatic fan. I didnt even abuse srk but showed you a mirror. This is the problem with srk fans !!!!!!
lol..@sss keep dreaming that me and @Sky are one and the same..
Also..RIP Physics and all the logic and practicalities in this world..3.7 billion fans!!!??? seriously!!?? mebbe that includes cattle and goat population from Europe and Australia.. ;) :D
Also wrt Aamir’s statement..well even i don’t acknowledge it as it was a direct attack..
Also..if you remember one incident of your Global King..he directly said that even though he hasn’t worked with Aamir, he doesn’t like Aamir at all when compared to Salman Bhai..still Aamir didn’t mind it and moved on..and must be remembering that once Aamir and SRK were on the same flight and when they reached their destination, Aamir being generous even dropped SRK to his place despite SRK openly saying that he doesn’t like that’s generosity which idiots like you, @Queenshuk and all the Paglapurians lack!!! :D
At least SRK does not insult his colleagues or calls them dog. Fans of such stars have no right to diss SRK. Their own favorites have no sense to write properly on public platform!
@Hrithik — I am still unable to figure out the problem, the mirror and all the things you mentioned.
@queenshuk if numerous IDs were created to bash QueenSRK then how many ‘duplicate’ IDs were created n multiplied by lungiwalas to support Sarkar…?
This fraudulent concept of ‘duplicating’ was infact suggested by Sarkar when he copied Salmans Judwaa when he did his crappy Duplicate film. Sarkar told his Paglapurian subjects to go out there n grow his youtube armies from the thousands to hundreds of millions and now into billions of online/ youtube fans…! Sarkar is now known the world over as Youtube King…!
@Navin —Duplicate was released in 1998 and youtube was launched in 2005 and came in force much after that..also other online networks came into force into bollywood just few years back…..then how can you releate the two things ???? :-D
Get your facts right….Or you have the disease called Short Term Memory Loss ???? :-D
@sid_original — Yucks….we don’t think that you and Sky are same…..even in our dreams…..may be friendship of one unmarried, girl rejected actor and another wife rejected actor affected your thought :-p
And was you the flight attendent or you was present at that show when SRK uttered all this ???
Or you are making KHEYALI POLAU again in your dreams ?????…..:-D
And talking about sheeps and cattels…..yup they are also SRK FAN as because they also know that who is the KING with QUEEN and who are just SUBJECTS with PARTNER……:-D
@sky and @sid_original,if you marked carefully I asked individually to only 2 of you.but unfortunately you 2 gave same answers-that is we are different.that means you proved yourself of creating multiple ids.why because I only asked only 2 of you because some mindless amir fans like @legend khan,@true fan and numerous such fake ids repeated same untruthful comments repeatedly and I thought it’s a waste of time to ask them instead of you who writes comment at least with a sense.
because it’s not me who blindly says amir/salman fans created multiple ids,if you carefully notice then you will find the similarities between those a days @navin bhojpuri created some ids like @nipun senior,@pagalpur and many such ids,they have lot of similarities.
@sky,honestly tell me and you’re not the same @aks in the swear of amir,who are not seeing now a days.
@navin bhojpuri,that’s why I always like your and @sachin11’s comment and really I don’t want to miss you 2 guyz who always posted funny comments and makes me entertain.
actually you know what,SRK at least didn’t showed faggot behaviour like amir who likes to abuse other in social media,thanks to @sky at least he accepted amir did guilty in social all amir fans should have to follow him.actually what amir fans tried prove SRK is characterless then who is more real life characterless like amir who divorced his wife.don’t want to comment on rikshawala bhai’s fan because their star touched the top notch of inhuman behaviour by killing humans,animals,beating woman that non of a superstar could do in this whole congrats to them.each and every COMMON MAN will response like that and KING KHAN did the same like them who has not superstar attitude and most down to earth that’s what the difference between a star and A GLOBAL MEGASTAR.
@kingshuk : Better never figure it out. It is beyond your reach !!!! Lol
@sss : No need for Salman or his fans to do any publicity when we have haters like you write Salman name in every comment. Keep hating, the more you hate the more he will rise !!!!!!
@Navin —Duplicate was released in 1998 and youtube was launched in 2005 and came in force much after that..also other online networks came into force into bollywood just few years back…..then how can you releate the two things ???? :-D
Get your facts right….Or you have the disease called Short Term Memory Loss ???? :-D