Also Read – Top 5 Actors in Bollywood – Box office battle
Singh Is King released world wide today and the Akshay Kumar movie is off to a historic opening at the box-office. The preview shows across the country were houseful. Shows for the entire weekend are sold out. In North India, its tough to get tickets for the movie at single screens or Multiplexes.
A few multiplexes are showing only Singh is King across all screens. The movie which releases on more than 1000 prints in India looks set to beat the opening week records set by Shahrukh Khan’s Om Shanti Om and Hrithik Roshan’s Dhoom 2.
With a budget of 50 crores and more spent on marketing, Singh is King needs atleast 58 crores+ to be a hit. The craze and hype will ensure 40+ crores in Week 1, how the movie performs in the second week will be the key. Most movies released on such huge number of prints crash in the second week, but with Singh is King even a 50% – 55% crash shouldnt affect its box-office outcome.
Also Read – Top 5 Actors in Bollywood – Box office battle
The craze in Pakistan is unbelievable. Most shows are sold out, it will most certainly go on to become one of the biggest blockbusters of all time.
In UK, the preview shows were sold out.. The craze for the film has to be seen to be believed. Akshay Kumar is a big star in UK and the movie is set to beat some serious box-office records. The numbers will be out by Tuesday morning (IST). So stay tuned.
Going by the initial reports our Box office Collections Prediction for Singh is King in India
Week 1 – 46 crores
Week 2 – 21 crores
Week 3 – 11 crores
Rest of the weeks – 10 crores
Total : Around 88 – 90 crores. (Superhit – Blockbuster)
So the question is, can Singh Is King beat the overall Nett Gross of blockbusters like Dhoom 2 and Om Shanti Om? If Singh Is King goes on to exceed the intial prediction, does it mean he has beaten SRK in the numbers game?
What do you think? Post your comments below..
More updates on the box-office soon.
this is to the ppl who say SRK is better en AKki…..u all can go to hell….bcuz Akki is way much better en SRk….if u say u didnt get to see his acting in this movie…go watch waqt and many many many more of his hitz….i luv this guyz…hez a all rounder ….he can do anythin …u name it….he not fake like SRK….SRK is a pussy……datz rite pussy….
Ok i read fathiyas comments and it’s clear that She is afraid of akshay dominating SRK,she just supports her own views and she is supporting Bachna ae haseeno cuz she is afraid that singh is kinng would break OSO record but you clearly failed fathiya SINGH IS KINNG BROKE THE RECORD GO DIE WITH SHARUKH HIS DAYS ARE OVER!.
A very big THANK YOU !!!! to AKKI for representing SIKHS in a movie, eventhough SUNNY DEOL did it in Gadar…but he is a SIKH…but you being a HINDU PUNJABI really did SIKHS proud by playing a SARDAR in a Indian film S.I.K
Kalyan: u r wrong in your judgement. I really admire SRK but I didn’t like OSO and I didn’t like his role too.
I’m honest, as everyone knows, I’m back from cinema just now, watched Singh is Kingh with some members of my family, and this time u all r right. The movie isn’t a crap as some said ( including U Name It). I enjoyed watching it, a good comedy & cinematography, direction & production . This time I don’t blame u all to love the movie and yes.. it’s better than OSO, much better in terms of direction and production.
Akshay’s acting, as I expected, was very good, he wasn’t overacting as some people said. Only the last 30minutes of the movie could’ve been better.
If Akshay Kumar did one or two more movies at this quality and in the same time SRK failed to please the audience and did some flop movies, then I won’t blame u all for crowning Akshay Kumar as a king.
I’ve seen now 3 good bollywood movies within 45 days only! And this never happened before! Singh is King, Bacna Aeh Hassino & LS2050 and each one is different than the other ( but JTYJN is a worthless movie, can’t be compared with these 3 good ones)
I wish Akshay Kumar the best, he really deserves ’cause recently he’s been working very hard, therefore he deserves.
wooow great movie akki is king… one tight slap to srk he will be so jealous,,, time to pack those jealous actors bags and move out from bollywood yoooooooooooo
awesome movieee
Hey all, Shahrukh khan has done a lot. although akshay is also senior hero but he has to prove himself more. just 4-5 hits does not make him king.
It is something when we say Shahrukh is bigger than Amitabh.
Please review their whole career only than call somebody KING.
But I do say that currently Akshay is the SuperStar.
I love akshay kumar. I read in view that srk given us to 5 or 6 bluck buster in 15 or 16 year. But dear this guy 5-6 in last 2 year.So please srk now the No. 1 hero is Akshay you are no. 6. No. 1 to 5 goes to akshay kumar. Public poll on any web side you have in india or anywhere Akshay kumar rating is more higher than you and any other. Akashay is heart of India . Because. Staurday I see Dus ka Dam Where Akashy & katrina with salman Khan. I see only first time dus ka dam bacause Akshay. Akshay supreb in this episode. TRP of this programme is Staturday much higher than any other. Because Singh is king is truly great Great and great movie to watch it. Akki karlo dunia mutti main.
I beg to differ!!!!
SIK just has mindless comedy!!! The only scene where I genuinely laughed was when Akshay was talking unaware that he was approaching a table fan and he accidently hit it and said Aeeeee…Now that was funny!!!
Besides, the whole movie sucks….the whole part of him meeting and fallin in love with Kat in egypt and she ending to be Kiron Kher’s daughter……omigosh…..I cant take it!!!! height of indian coincidence!!!!
U Name it: For me, the best scene was the song : Jekarada, a very interesting song and I liked Akshay’s acting during this song, he was so funny and made me laugh.
Yes.. the script is a repeated love story as normally bollywood making but the director did it in a new shape, presenting Sikhs in a new fashion and elegant. I also laughed when he’s trying to catch the hen. His acting as a simple penjabi was very good, I liked it and enjoyed the movie.
U Name it: I think u have to see it again as there’re many scenes in any movie which while watching in cinema can’t be (rewind) so, sometimes we miss some parts which r good. We can easily rewind while watching on a dvd, but can’t do it in theatre. So go and watch it again and I’m sure that you’ll find it a good movie. Some flaws – as I said many times – won’t affect any good direction.
This is a very bad movie, the director has mistimed the comedy at many places in the film. Not worth watching at all
well said jawed ….
JontyKapoor – do you run by an alias Shotgun?
AKKI just dont stand anywhere near SRK. SRK remains the best of bollywood. How can anyone even try to compare them at all. SRK has given marvelous performances over the years. can any one imagine someone bettering the performance of SRK in DDLJ, Swadesh, Chak de India. He was just superb in so many movies. Box office numbers are nothing. Akki was very lucky last yr and this yr. I will give credit to katrina for helping akki come out of bad phase. but as long as acting is concerned, SRK is way above everyone else. You can forget everybody else after 10yrs from now but not SRK. His performances will go down the history as the masterpieces of bollywood. best of luck to SRK all the way for being No. 1 for so many years. i am quite sure that he will still rule the bollywood 4 few more years and entertain us with his superb performances in future. comparing him with akki/amir/amitabh is just not right. he remains at the top. none of his competitors come even close to him. he truly deserves the title of emperor of bollywood.
Vijay: I do agree with u ’cause no one can win millions or trillions of hearts except Shahrukh Khan and Amitab Pachan, and in the 3rd place comes Hritihik Roshan and then Akshay Kumar.
Although A. Bachan has grown old, but he is still big and everyone love him and he is still doing good movies e.g. Black & Sarkar..
U said SRK can’t be compared with Akshay, Aamir, yes, u r right but not that we can’t compare him with Bigb ’cause Bigb is bigger than SRK and he’s in Bollywood since 35 or 36 years, but SRK since 16 years at maximum.
If SRK won a title of “King of Bollywood” Bigb should be titled then as”The God of Bollywood” ’cause as long as he is acting and doing good movies, he deserves to be No. 1 as he must be respected, and Sharukh No. 2, Hrithik No. 3 Akshay and Aamir both No. 4.
Sorry Vijay & Fathiya
New genration dont like your view becasue Akki is no.1 and any other actor are no.5 to start . Because akki film relase nobody can relase his films with him. After one week release films like Bachna hain haseeno. God tusi great dont catch the business singh is king in second week. That the true . And vijay say business is nothing matter so my today is only business is matter otherwise every director want to nasurdenn shah with his films so om puri. They both are I thingk best actor in bollywood. My when Amitabh is super star that time I think Sanjeev Kumar is best actor have bolllywood has. My Akki is today Sanjeev kumar. His acting is very simple . His look is very simple. His performance is every films goes much higher. I best of luck to akki to improve his acting every films. He is the No.1 simple hero. Not a joker like srk, salman khan. I like Amir khan because he is another simple guy. Speech is silver, but silent is gold.
Rofl you can’t say that no one can beat srk fathiya, srk can only do sentiment roles while can dol all,AKKI does his own stunts while sharukh don;t.akki is better in dancing that shaurkh now who appeals more?
this movie made 88 crore business.
so that explains it all….
Love Akshay’s versatile acting in this movie
Anuj: today u consider Akshay as No. 1 ’cause he did last year 4 hit movies including this year Sing is King which I loved too, the 4 movies out of 5 were good ( I didn’t like Welcome) But what if he did a movie after that which didn’t please u all? A serious one in issue? R u going to crown someone else then?! And Shahruk is not a joker as u said, most of u commentators r saying negative about SRK just because u like Akshay now!! Shahrukh is the best, and more question: What if Shahruk’s (Rabne Bana de Jodi) or (My Name is Khan) won at the box office? R u going to snatch the crown from Akki’s head and give it back to Shahrukh? What if Hrithik who’s working now on Krrish2 and Kite won at the box office and did 100 of crores for his movies. R u going to take the crown again from SRK’s head and give it to Hrithik?! That is rediculous and I don’t believe in titles or crowns. I believe in a good work, good movies.
Now u mentioned “Naseeruddin Shah” as a good actor for a silly role in JTYJN, did anyone of u mention anything about his role in (Parzania) or any other good roles he did? Ofcourse not ’cause Parzania was a serious movie but farway better than JTYJN which u all (killed) yourself for it!
I think there mustn’t be any title for any super star, must be only a number 1 or a number 2, 3, or 4. And when any star does some best movies at the box office and he was e.g. no. 3 he goes to no. 1, cause this is just like (race) today I win, tomorrow I might lose and someone else win ( and just dumb the crown into the trash)
Hasan: Sing is King did 80-90 crores in India, but worldwide it did 500crores! I read last night on one of websites, I think it was rediff.mail or chak pak.
i’m from Pakistan. In this movie akshay done a brillient job. He give his 100% performance.
I think like that acting akshay will become the no.1 actor of bollywood industry. And in the end i want to said that katrina is so beautiful in this movie and both akshay and katrina are rock.
The great Khiladi in Form .
Akki Rocksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
No one can be King with a bad movie. No one can replace kings who have ruled for more than 15 yrs. This is why AB, DK, SRK are still the kings of kings. Singh is Kingg is a marketing exercise. Just to prove the man has an opening after Tashan flopped big time. Next time, don’t make movies with lorry banners please. Great work in the meantime from the Princes: Shahid Kapur, Imran Khan, Ranbir Kapoor. SIK should take a lesson about movie-making from these new kings.
hi aks If singh is king bad moview you told. My dear you never watch any movie. Because you have no scene to watch a good desent movie. Because this movie prove to akshay kumar a big star. Because this movie is very simple. No body can acts in overactingh in this movie all star are very simple and sweet. Like om puri what a performar he is in this movie. Kirron Kher another star I like him very much. Akki rocks in this movie very well.
hi fathiya : I love nasur’deen shah very much when I childhood. He is another my favourite hero. I love to see when my two favourite star in one movie. When my dream come ture.I am sorry to say about srk he is not of accption in any movie. But I think his only films I like him chak de india.
I dont have any word for him,
i want to say only ….I am Akshay & Akshay is me.
All movies are hit super hit & blockbuster
Akshay is King
Akshay is King
Akshay is King
Akshay is King
Akshay is King
Akshay is King
i mean to say Bollywood King
i loved om shanti om.. it was light and a feel good film. and i love singh is king as well. reason? well it made me laugh! its a good movie with funny dialogues and acts. simply loved om puri’s acting as well. well, i dont know about others but sing is king is a pretty good movie. akshay was totally in character- he looked exactly like a sardar! so what about the crop beard? there are like millions of sardars without turbans walking in india and nobody is like screaming at them? then why made an issue about this particular Happy Singh who wore his turban throughout the movie and was proud to be recognised as singh? to all the radical sikhs out there, compare this movie to the other punjabi movies made in india and this is like 1000% better in terms of plot, theme,message, dialogues and acting and even direction! so whats the big issue? be proud to be recognised on an international scale abroad!
and to the fellow movie lovers out there, stop comparing the movie to om shanto om! both the movies belong to different genres with different messages. just chill out and go and watch the movie . good if u enjoy it, and well, too bad if you dont.
Anuj: Naseeruddin Shah is a very fine actor. I consder his role in (Masoom) is the best and in Parzania. If u didn’t watch Parzania, goahead, watch it, based on a true story what happened between Hindu and muslims in Ahmadaabad. And Sarikha’s acting was excellent. She won a national award for her role in Parzania.
U said u didn’t like Shahrukh’s movies except Chakde India?!! Did u see Dil Se, Asoka? I consider Dil Se as his best movie and loved Asoka.
i agree with parmita kaur.
dont try and make sense of the film. you will be dissapointed. just go out and enjoy the film for what it is. – i.e. a good laugh and time pass. you will love it. watch it as a fun film and to have a good time. leave your brains at home and just watch the film to have some fun. you will love it. it will put a smile on your face.
those people who are too intelligent or tried to analyse the film or use thier brains too much, are the ones that did not like it. you are supposed to enjoy the film for what it is, i.e. good fun and not get your brains involved. it is enjoyable mindless comedy, its not supposed to make sense !!
anyway, someone mentioned earlier that shah rukh khan looks like a ‘hizre’. what is a hizre ?
akshay kumar is a simple man, with a good heart, who means well. bola bala seeda saada aadmi. unlike shah rukh khan who is manupalitive and media savvy.
Why some people accuse some filmstars, specially when they make super hit movies and people love them, that they are gays?!!
Akshay Kumar is a gay, Akshay Khanna is a gay, Shahrukh is a also a gay!! And now poor Ranbir Kapoor ( it’s your term Ranbir, be ready for it, everyone will accuse u that u r a gay!!) and maybe in futue some e.g. Imran Khaan or Harman Baweja if they did a couple of hit movies also will be accused with the same!!
The intention is very clear, to ruin these actor’s career and their reputation!!
dont waste yr time for this movie … bakwas movie hai