Singh Is King Box Office Collections

Also Read – Top 5 Actors in Bollywood – Box office battle

Singh Is King released world wide today and the Akshay Kumar movie is off to a historic opening at the box-office. The preview shows across the country were houseful. Shows for the entire weekend are sold out. In North India, its tough to get tickets for the movie at single screens or Multiplexes.

A few multiplexes are showing only Singh is King across all screens. The movie which releases on more than 1000 prints in India looks set to beat the opening week records set by Shahrukh Khan’s Om Shanti Om and Hrithik Roshan’s Dhoom 2.

With a budget of 50 crores and more spent on marketing, Singh is King needs atleast 58 crores+ to be a hit. The craze and hype will ensure 40+ crores in Week 1, how the movie performs in the second week will be the key. Most movies released on such huge number of prints crash in the second week, but with Singh is King even a 50% – 55% crash shouldnt affect its box-office outcome.

Also Read – Top 5 Actors in Bollywood – Box office battle

The craze in Pakistan is unbelievable. Most shows are sold out, it will most certainly go on to become one of the biggest blockbusters of all time.

In UK, the preview shows were sold out.. The craze for the film has to be seen to be believed. Akshay Kumar is a big star in UK and the movie is set to beat some serious box-office records. The numbers will be out by Tuesday morning (IST). So stay tuned.

Going by the initial reports our Box office Collections Prediction for Singh is King in India

Week 1 – 46 crores
Week 2 – 21 crores
Week 3 – 11 crores
Rest of the weeks – 10 crores

Total : Around 88 – 90 crores. (Superhit – Blockbuster)

So the question is, can Singh Is King beat the overall Nett Gross of blockbusters like Dhoom 2 and Om Shanti Om? If Singh Is King goes on to exceed the intial prediction, does it mean he has beaten SRK in the numbers game?

What do you think? Post your comments below..

More updates on the box-office soon.



  • i know akshaykumar give some hit in 2007 and one 2008.but is not forever. because muunabhai chale america is coming.

  • Hi
    everyone…hey its yet again proved that Akshay is the all time highest paid actor in Bolliwood now please stop comparing Akshay with small local actors like Sharuhkh……Shahrukh may be a King of Villages but Akki is now king of Box office and 15-20 % of total earning of Bolliwood comes from Akshay’s movies….Lets accept it…AKSHAY is King a real superstar….Please dont compare him with SRK as SRK is not even worth to be Akshay’s watchman….ha ha ha….If u wanna compare compare Akki with likes of Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt

  • You’re right Neeraj.. Akshay is the king of box office but Shahrukh is the King of hearts.. and that’s the difference between the 2.. and that’s what Akshay is incapable of doing so far.. to win everyone’s heart.. he won men’s hearts but not women’s.. if 90% of women on this earth love shahrukh so 10% only love Akshay, unlike men.. 90% love Akshay and 10% only love Shahrukh.

    They might be equal this way!!

  • U may be right Fathiya…..but as ur not from India i think u dont know the stuff…..all bolliwood actress including Sushmita sen, Aishwarya, Raveena, Priyanka Chopra, Pooja Batra, Shilpa Shetty etc all been crazy for Akki….and as on now SRK only has one ha ha ha his ugly 40 year old wife Gauri….so that means all the damn killing beauties they may be jus 10 % in number Loves Akshay) and all below average gals (they really counts to be 90 % of the total girls) loves SRK….and Fathiya its a Man’s world after all….ha ha ha….So SRK is an Indian flop actor with another flop nearing Rab Ne…..he is called SRGay in Indian…..He is gay with his bed partener Karan Johar (amonsgt 10 % Man who loves SRK….ha ha ha

  • Neeraj: Well I don’t have to reply and repeat myself all the time.. repeat saying the same thing again and again.. Shahrukh is the best.. he’s like Dilip Kumar in the past.. and if someone like say to everyone that Dilip is no good and no one like him.. do u think that everyone would believe you?!

    Just say it to yourself.. and Rab Ne Banade will be released next week.. I think u will come online and would say: Oh.. no one went to see Shahrukh’s movie coz u didn’t like to watch it and millions r there, standing in a que, and finding difficulity to get a ticket to watch his movie on 1st day.. 1st show!!

    Man.. dream of Akshay to be the king of bollywood.. he’s just a temporary.. and CC2C is a crap for sure.. would satisfy ppl in India and not overseas!!

  • SRK is nothing….mere kutte ka naam Shharukh hai saala chirkut…….Akshay is God…..Fathiya seems some Ass Licking SRK fan……Piss off from here or gimme ur address il send u some doctors…….
    Chandni Chowk to China…………100000000000000 cheers and wait for results and if ur true dauther of your Father……Please wait for the buisness of CC2C……dont get lost wen it earns 3ce than that Fuckin…..Rab ne……..haan friends wait for this girl if she is genuine she come other wise she is a daughter of neigbours he he he….ya shayad SRK ki aulad hi :-)

  • Neeraj: Why not considering Akshay as a God?! Rajnikant also is considered for some indian ppl as a God! the one who was a bus conductor and a professional in doing some cartoon action movies!!

    Tomorrow you’ll worship also those potatos’ which Akshay is fighting with at a scene in his CC2C and would consider (the potato) as your God too!!

  • Ya Fathiya Potato may be considered as a God but SRK will always remain a DOG……:-) even worth less than the potatoes :-)….Old retired ex star of TV serials SRK Budhdha he is 45 years old doing stupid dance steps with 18 years old Girl whose father may SRK’s junior ha ha ha…..He even more fcuking funny tha Rajni baba

  • Ok Neeraj.. for you just go and worship your Akshay and his potatos.. and laugh hahaha…hahaha.. at those stupid cheap comedy movies.. Akshay could (never) be the king of bollywood.. Akshay could never perform like Shahrukh or could do even 20% of shahrukh’s performance in RBNDJ.. the director would’ve kicked him out!

    U enjoy those crap.. and we enjoy Shahrukh’s.. u love Akshay and we love shahrukh ( do u mind if we love Shahrukh? Yes.. I do love and respect him.. and even if he’s a gay.. I will never change my mind about him coz I loved his character and never care about what he does in his personal life) you consider Shahrukh as a dog coz I’m sure that u r a jealous man.. jealous that he’s the king of bollywood and want to ruin him.. but u couldn’t.

    I saw the movie yesterday and it’s one of Shahrukh’s best performance.. and ppl would laugh at yr last comment after watching the movie coz you don’t know the story.. and what makes him marry a young girl.

    And Neeraj: Don’t waste yr time and money watching Rabne.. it’s not for ppl like u.. ppl like u would never enjoy this type of comedy but some cheap kachra one..

  • Fathiya u seems frustrated as the movie is a super flop so ur saving urself…It opened to empty houses in India…..and please don’t compare that gay man with Akki….I I myself is a gladgrags model and saw SRK 100 times atleast he is 5 feet 8 inch black ugly man from a terrorist community that wot we Indians call SRK….He is getting a fucking 10 Crore per movie….:-)…and Akshay is getting 71 Crores…so please write the eauation 1 Akshay = 7.1 times SRK + Yash Raj Films …:-)…gimme ur mail id i will mail u a recent song from CC@C…where Akki is Badshah of bolliwooddddddddddddddddddddddd

    Akki Rules…………
    Akki Rules

  • Stop lying Neeraj.. do u think that I don’t watch starnews or NDTV channels.. today morning the announcer confirmed that the audience loved the movie, enjoyed it, and appreciated this piece of work.. and said it’s doing so well.

    Tell whatever u said to yourslef .. convince yourself that Shahrukh is no good and your friends who dislike shahrukh but not me as a fan or his fans.. as I said earlier.. Akshay is the king of box office coz he pulls millions of audience who love his movies.. but shahrukh is the king of hearts.

    Come to Gulf Arabia, talk to other nationalities and u will know that there’s no place for your (Akki) in their heart.. some even don’t know him.. he’s not famous and could never be! if u were in our cinemas yesterday.. you’d have seen that 90% of the audience were (girls, women) from different ages. He rules girl’s heart but your Akshay rules men’s hearts. haha

  • haan one girls heart that Ugly Gauri.he he he…and Look on Akshay’s GF…Aishwarys,Sushmita,Raveena,Shilpa,Priyanka,Sania, Pooja Batra,….and many more….he he he…..Fcuk off Gulf Countries…..Fuh get it….Its Bolliwood baby….and Akshay is a synonym of Bolliwood….Bye and take care plz don dare to reply… happy and Gay with Ash Are Gayyyyyyyyy (SR Gay))))))))))))))0….girls love gay guys in Gulf….Cheers for Fulf…but in India we have normal Girlsssssssss

  • SO so true akshay can do verious roles,while srk does sad stories,he just cries in movies like a baby…akshay is king srk is ding dong.

  • Hi Kalyan

    rite said……Akshay is Akshay people here in Delhi watching Rab Ne bana di Jodi coz it has a Promo of CC2C in it….so for promo they go to theatre…ha ha ha….SRK is sick man….Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi shows a Man if he wear a Mushtache his wife does not recognise him…wot Kidos yaar….SRK shud grow up indeed and do some mature roles one time Indian Cinema is touching global heights with movies like CC2C,Rock On and tare Zameen Par and on other hand SRK is giving sick 40 years old movies like Rab ne bana di Jodi….a declared superflop by The Times Of India….Rating 2.5 star….ha ha ha….I call it Rab Ne Bajaa Di Jodi…:-)

  • U r all sick ppl here.. talking about a movie and it’s story which is only a creation of yr mind! and which (proves) that u never read Indicine Team’s review, the story, as well as all the positive comments. You r just like a virus which affect the p.c.s and harm ppl coz of yr jealousy and nothing else.. yr hearts r full of hates.. and the reason is coz u ppl lack many good things in yr life.. therefore u r burning with your jealousy.. never read the positive comments about Shahrukh.. never (admit) that the movie is doing well and the cinemas r housefull. Just trying to search for some websites which spread some viruses.. lies about some movies.


    People say: a monkey is beautiful in the eyes of its mother.. Akshay is the best in yr eyes and so is Shahrukh.. beautiful in our eyes too.

    Just stop your bullshipt please.

  • Fathiya: Omg it’s shahrukh who is a grandfather,he is an year older than akshay,i saw the jumbo song on youtube and one of the commenters said “Are you 25 or 40?I have a doubt” that shows Akshay’s youngness he has a fit body that sharukh and has real six pack abs while shahrukh he is a drug taker who got abs by taking drugs cause he couldn’t do it he was too old to do it as he is a grand father now!.L00SER AND A TOTAL FAILURE.~

  • Fathiya Said it right Kalyan that Sharukh is a Monkey but a beautiful monker in her mothers eyes….ha ha ha…..In rab ne bana di Jodi her wife does not recognise him without Mushtache and thinks he is a different Guy….Wot the F dude….Sharukh is a Black Grug taker Grandfather and a husband of an extremely ugly lady Gauri……che shahrukh chheeeee

  • akshay kumar can never be as good as srk.srk is more of a versatile actor.can akshay do a devdas like role.even amitabh bachan said that he can’t do justice to a devdas where does akshay stand?akshay is always repeating that same bull shit time and again?by the way,do you know that chak de’s kabir khan role was first offered to akshay but he refused. why? simply because he lacks versatilety.he could never have done it.

  • What can i say about Akki he is very good at all roles
    but there is no doubt about SRK is the big dadyy of him.
    and about Singh Is King. it’s worthless movie become blockbuster due to excess promotion. OSO is Much nd Much better..

  • Guys Akshay kumar is the king of entertainment and all generes, sharukh is king of romance. \guys akki has major projects lined up, that are promising, Akki bhai has been signed in a lead role in the hollywood project directed by deepa mehta komagata Maru, watch akki will receive an oscar for this movie.

    Another great lines are something promising

    CC2C – India’s first comic kungfu film, it already has made hollywood audiences go ga ga over the movie.

    Supernatural thriller
    Tasveer – this is something to look forward to

    Blue – This movie will be the most expensive bollywood film to date, this is something new to bollywood, first underwater shark movie.

    The rest i’m not too bother, but Komagata Maru, CC2C, Tasveer and blue is something i cant wait to watch.

  • Well his movie Hera Pheri and Khakee are hailed as one of the best films of bollywood. Yes Akki can give Chakde and Swadesh which IMO SRK fans overpraise his acting just because its an offbeat cinema. Akki can give those films, but can SRK give something like Khiladiyon Ka Khiladi, a mindblowing and one of the finest action movies of bollywood ever??? does SRK have the variety of skills to act in many different genre???

    The thing is SRK’s roles are limited to lover boy genres, he cannot perform convicingly in other genres. Name a classic comic film he has given that compare with Andaaz Apna Apna or Hera Pheri??? His macho acts in Don was embarrassing. And before you say akki isn’t doing good roles, then wait till these great line ups, which are CC2C, pysycological thriller with Nagesh kukunoor Tasveer, and Deepa Mehta’s Komagata Maru where akshay will play the role of a Sikh lawyer, and Blue.

  • Hi Friends Rite said
    SRK can never do Khiladiyon Ka Khiladi as Undertaker will beat him to hell….ha ha ha…Akki can always do DDLJ Akki has done Humko Dewani kar gaye which was too gud…..Akki has rejected Chak De role than it went to SR Gay ha ha ha….Akki never do worthless movies ….Its only SRK does them at 10 times lesser price…so finaly SRK is Cheap in terms of Money he gets for his movie as well as his cheap looks and old skin….:-)

  • I am agree, SRK is has more movies in hit category.
    I am agree that akshay has taken more time to learn from movies and then started better acting…

    If we compare SRK with akshay its obvious that SRK is No1,


    do you think SRK will work for next 10 year as a hero in hindi movies ?
    answer is — Its not possible, he started looking OLD…

    Akshay will definetly work as a hero up to next 10 years…

    SO, eventhough if today SRK is at No 1,
    after some time ….. there will be only one superstar… that is Akshay Kumar

  • 2000-dhadkan hit herapheri hit
    2001 -ajnabi hit ek rishta avg.
    2002-ankehen, awara pagal dewana, hit & jani dushman avg.
    2003-andaaz super hit
    2004 -khaki hit mujse shadi krogi super hit aitraaz hit
    2005 -waqt & gharm masala super hit bewafa avg.
    2006 -phir hera pheri & bhgam bhag super hit
    2007 -namestey london , hey baby , bhol bolaya , welcome super hit
    2008 -singh is king super hit
    2009 -kambhakt ishq super hit

    2000 year akshay is superstar time start & big hit movie back to back

  • lov shing is kinng movie~Its really kewl movie ha..ur a kewl super star akshay..
    akshay kumar is a real king of bollywood..
    keep do blockbuster on every upcomong movies…
    He is the no.1 bollywood actor ever…

  • Hey frnds SRK may be a gud actor but he is nt bettr thn AKKI coz AKKI is nt an actor…he is an ENTERTAINER nd an ENTRTNR is alwaz greatr thn an ACTOR…bcoz in this world u can easily find peopls acting but peopls entrtning very rare..mind it.

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