Also Read – Top 5 Actors in Bollywood – Box office battle
Singh Is King released world wide today and the Akshay Kumar movie is off to a historic opening at the box-office. The preview shows across the country were houseful. Shows for the entire weekend are sold out. In North India, its tough to get tickets for the movie at single screens or Multiplexes.
A few multiplexes are showing only Singh is King across all screens. The movie which releases on more than 1000 prints in India looks set to beat the opening week records set by Shahrukh Khan’s Om Shanti Om and Hrithik Roshan’s Dhoom 2.
With a budget of 50 crores and more spent on marketing, Singh is King needs atleast 58 crores+ to be a hit. The craze and hype will ensure 40+ crores in Week 1, how the movie performs in the second week will be the key. Most movies released on such huge number of prints crash in the second week, but with Singh is King even a 50% – 55% crash shouldnt affect its box-office outcome.
Also Read – Top 5 Actors in Bollywood – Box office battle
The craze in Pakistan is unbelievable. Most shows are sold out, it will most certainly go on to become one of the biggest blockbusters of all time.
In UK, the preview shows were sold out.. The craze for the film has to be seen to be believed. Akshay Kumar is a big star in UK and the movie is set to beat some serious box-office records. The numbers will be out by Tuesday morning (IST). So stay tuned.
Going by the initial reports our Box office Collections Prediction for Singh is King in India
Week 1 – 46 crores
Week 2 – 21 crores
Week 3 – 11 crores
Rest of the weeks – 10 crores
Total : Around 88 – 90 crores. (Superhit – Blockbuster)
So the question is, can Singh Is King beat the overall Nett Gross of blockbusters like Dhoom 2 and Om Shanti Om? If Singh Is King goes on to exceed the intial prediction, does it mean he has beaten SRK in the numbers game?
What do you think? Post your comments below..
More updates on the box-office soon.
Sharukh wasn’t number 1 from 1993 to 1994 period, Sanjay Dutt was number 1 then Akki was number 1 for 1994, Sharukh was made number 1 after Yash Raj’s DDLJ, 1996 he was knocked off.
Raj.. I don’t need to do any research about Shahrukh Khan because ( I trust him) and don’t trust a word u say. When I said: prove it.. means if there’s any video, interviews which shahrukh talked and people found him ( so mean!) the prove is not what u say about him!! Media give sometimes false news about filmstars and everyone know this fact ( if u don’t know!) so we don’t believe everything we hear or we read.. we have to believe only what the star (himslef) says during interviews on t.vs or magazines, but to believe what others say, no.. that we can’t be sure 100% ’cause for one reason: people like u Raj who hate Shahrukh want to believe whatever u hear or read about him!
And.. there r always certain facts which we don’t know but we think that we know.. now if someone hear that ( Amitab & Shahrukh’s relationship is not so good specially after the t.v. show Kaun Banega Crore Pati) and without knowing the fact, people would say ( and everyone would believe ofcourse!) that Shahrukh wants always to step into Bigb’s shoes) but the truth and the real reason for the cold war between them was that before Shahrukh takeover the show and before Bigb quit, bigb asked the producers of the show for more money to do some more episodes and the producers refused, so they suggested to Shahrukh and he agreed. He started the show and it became more successful because of Shahrukh’s sense of humour, so people enjoyed the show with Shahrukh more than Bigb. Therefore, the problems started between the 2 of them.
U said: Shahrukh during Katrina’s party said that he will beatup Salman: Did u hear this yourself?!!! Were u there, available at the party and at that specific moment and saw with your own eyes and heard with your ears their conversation?!!! And.. if Shahrukh said this, what makes him say this?? Did u ever think why?? Did u try to analyze it.. ofcourse you wouldn’t do that because you’re shahrukh’s enemy, u hate him therefore u say all these rubbish!!
God only knows what Salman told shahrukh at that moment that made him nervous and wanted to beat him up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh dear, you are still ignorant. you just support your own personal beliefs – ”i trust him”. none of what you say makes sense. you really need to get off this site. i dont really care what you have to say anymore. you are like a child. and i dont hate shah rukh khan.
on a last note, check the shah rukh / salman fight on and you will get the picture of what shah rukh said.
you are a little girl who needs to grow up.
All the supporters of shahrukh.. Shahrukh is a not good person. He jealous with akshays success. Akshay is very simple man and he dont do show off like Shahrukh. He also jealous with salman and amitabh. He want to be no.1 at any cost. He always works with the big directors who can save him……. He is good but he is not the best………….so chill guys srk days are gone………now dont argue on this topic….Akshay is no.1 ……………..KING OF BOLLYWOOD…….AKSHAY……
PUNJABI SHER: you are right! I hate also srk, because he is jealous, mean person. AKSHAY KING KUMAR is the KING OF BOLLYWOOD. I LOVE AKKI THE KING OF BOLLYWOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey Fathiya : you can say everyone, whether he is a muslim, hindu, christan or buddhist Ramadam Mubarak HO .
Because the ALLMAGHTY GOD IS ONE: AND ALL RELIGIONS ARE departments of God.
I think your favorite actor SRK is ony because he is a MUSLIM.
OH OH OH OH MY GOD WE HAVE SUCH KIND OF PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD WHO discriminate the other people because he does not belong to the same religion. WE DONīT NEED SUCH KIND OF PEOPLE. Please abandon this World!!!!!!!!
yes u are right Abdur Rashid……….Fathiya loves srk bcs he is muslim. She is not a true muslim. U are the true muslim bcs u doesnt support anybody bcs he is of the same caste……… Im punjabi but I love Aamir khan even though he is muslim but i like him bcs he is a good man and good actor also…. So Fathiya dont support shahrukh………………………..Support Akshay king kumar……………
Yes Punjabi Sher! I am a true muslim, because I go every day in Masjid (mosque). But I visit every year on EID my uncle Haamid Rashid Khan, because he lives in Delhi. And on Eid we always go to the JAMA MASJID and every time we always go there on EID. You know we always meet there hindus, Sikh, christans who take part on Eid and celebrate with us!!!!!!!!
HEY FATHIYA FOR YOU THIS IS A awful shock, because you donīt even know this!! This is INDIA not EUROPE and USA and so on. Me and my uncle family also go to the HINDU TEMPLE and SIKH Gurudewara. INDIA IS THE BEST COUNTRY ON EARTH AND IN THIS WHOLE UNIVERSE. Maybe this EID and DEWALI I am getting married. I am very very very happy, because my wife will be an INDIAN.
MAYBE I will stay there until New Year’s Eve and New Year then I can watch MY FAVOURITE ACTOR AKSHAY KING KUMARīS NEW MOVIE “Chandni Chowk To China”. AND I THINK CHANDNI CHOWK TO CHINA WILL BE THE ALL TIME BLOCKBUSTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!OH my god this will be the best year 2008 in DELHI for me.
hi Abdur Rashid khan,
I like your view about India & Akshay I like both of them. I Soulte to sir, your are a great musilm Hindu. I tell you sir I am Hindu but my all time best hero is Nasur’deen shah. A love akki very much because he is a very simple sweet person. He is good human being. He is a good actor , good husband and good father.He is full of respect to all his coulic. I think akki want to support to all people live in india or any where. Because he is no. 1 actor in bolllywood. I pray for them everywhere to gain his position so strongly. He only deserver to be a NO. 1 or No.2 position . I like Amir khan also. He is another guy to deserve positiong like no. 3 or 4. I dont care about srk.
Bhagwan bless my dear friend Abdur Rashid khan sri,
Yes Abdur…………..Chandni Chowk To China will be a all time block buster……..And no one can stop Akshay now……………..And rab ne bana di jodiya will be flop…………….Only Aamirs Ghazni can give some competition to chandni Chowk To China…………But Chandni chowk to china will win the race………..And Fathiya why dont marry Srk………………Ask him but he is so selfish man that he will not talk to u…..hahhahah………What do u think Abdur????????
Anuj…………..I want to tell that Im punjabi but I also like Aamir khan……….
List of My favrate Actors in bollywood……………
1. Akshay King kumar
2. Aamir khan
3. Hritik Roshan
4. Shahrukh Khan
5. Shahid Kapoor
In Masala weekly, Issue 246, vloume 6 of this week, Shahrukh finally talked to the media about his excuse for not coming on Salman’s show ( which I was 100% sure and didn’t need any explanation for it) but I’ll mention for all those people who just want to say bad things about shahrukh, and that’s because they never read in the past about shahrukh, never followed up any thing about him as I was doing since 13 years and till today. He said: ” I have too many things to do. Doing two films in a year along with promotions takes up a lot of time. I need to vacation at least for 40 days with my children. In a situation like this it is impossible for me to make all my friends happy. I hope they understand that. I also believe in forgive and forget”.
For the past 13 years, I always used to read everything good about shahrukh, no one ever dared to hurt him or say any bad thing about him because he is clean, good humen being, humble in a way that u won’t beleive! Some directors said in a magazine before few years, praising shahrukh that while shooting any movie, during a break, shahrukh drinks his tea from any used cup, which is even not washed! and he sits on the kitchen floor and drink his tea. He is very simple and not arrogant or mean. He never harmed his friends, and God knows what Salman told him that night!! Salman is known as he’s a short temper person and even beats! So he might have said some words which made Shahrukh angry with him, but Shahrukh never talked, never revieled the conversation between both of them and just mentioned the above paragraph.
Rani said in an interview on t.v the following: If I want to talk about shahrukh, praise him, I will need to issue a book talking about him”
So don’t think u people who hate shahrukh that we, who know Shahrukh’s history, would believe what u said and with no evidence!
COME ON FATHIYA: IS Shah rukh Khan only the one actor who has to do all this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The other actors are made of iron. They have not heart, feelings and family.
Please donīt talk such things.
Every Person who thinks I am the KING. He regrets after some time when he meets HIS FATHER( THE KING OF KING).
WHY are you protecting shah rukh khan when he makes a big mistake.
AND NOW: SRK regrets this like a 8 years boy who has fought with his best friends, because he gets the NR.1 in the mathematic EXAM.
PLEASE write an email to your favourite actor that he has to SHAME NOW FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abdur rashid: Just stop it please, stop what u say about SRK, there’s no point of discussing all these stuff on a wrong page! we’re out of sujbect and just talk about the movie (Singh is Kinng) if u have something to add in this page. Shahrukh, Aamir, Akshay, Sanjay, Salman, etc. who’s good and who’s bad, let’s just forget this subject and concentrate on the purpose of this page as we r talking about some other issues. And I think we’ve written enough about SIK. There r some other movies which released e.g. Rock On which I’d love to see and Phoonk.
so, shah rukh khan does not have the time to go to salman khans show ?? this is nonsense. it only takes one morning or one day maximum to film the t.v. show !! so, shah rukh khan does not have that amount of time ?? but he has the time to attend parties and inaugaration events !!
shah rukh is talking nonsense, surely he can’t be that busy.
iam sure shah rukh could have given salman one day or even one morning. iam sure shah rukh has that amount of time, especially for a friend.
akshay kumar went to salmans show, and it was filmed in just one morning. akshay then, on the same day, went to the singh is kinng success party with his wife after filming the show.
so if a very busy man like akshay could do it, iam sure shah rukh could.
whatever excuse shah rukh is coming up with is nonsense, and it stinks. shah rukh did not go because of his big head and the fact that he does not like doing favours for other people if it is of no benefit to him.
so, shah rukhs excuses definately will not be beleived by people.
back to singh is king, the total box office collection for the 3 weeks stands at 69 crores NETT. superhit.
ramadan mubarak to all muslim brothers and sisters.
Fathiya, Kuku Singh and others, Please keep the discussion strictly to Singh is King.
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shame on you fathiya
Srk is the worst human being on this earth……………..Akki is very simple man……….. Why u fathiya wanna save this srk???????? He is a bad human Being and we all know that…………Akki is very very good human being………….So stop now to save srk…………………GOD BLESS AKSHAY KUMAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow what on earth is going on….People they are movie stars .they live in the dimension of world where your voices will be never heard. Even if they remotely see this discussion(whose probability is one in billion or more correctly one in a zillion).They would laugh their heart out (SRK and AK together while sipping some wine which you can only dream about sipping)….So grow up People discuss about some serious stuffs like which is better IE or firefox lol…
A reply to u ( someone who doesn’t like stupid people) Yes.. u r right.. they don’t have a time to read our comments, and what surprises me the most is Bigb’s blog. He recieves 400 to 1000 comments daily, and how a busy man like him got a time to write daily ( and some long articles!!) on his blog and read all those comments and then reply to some of them!!! And he does, but he replies to the first comments, replies to 2 or 3 only.
So Raj: I’m sorry if I bothered u, and hope that u r sorry too ( I got a big heart, forget and forgive soon) Akshay Kumar is a very good actor, and believe me.. I saw the movie Singh is Kinng twice in cinema, and when I watched it for the second time, I found it more funny as I noticed many stuff in the movie which I didn’t when I saw it for the 1st time.
And people who said that the movie is bad or a crap, just go and watch it for 2nd time, concentrate and pay a full attention and I’m sure u will love it, except the end, the last 30 minutes which could be better.
Ramadan mubarak to all muslim brothers and sisters….
TO FATHIYA: Hey u know… I’ve started to feel sorry for you dear, specially after reading all those comments made at u above. They are attacking and bombarding you against SRK. Don’t worry, you don’t have to stress yourself with all this. It’s ok 4 me if u say SRK is the best actor…ok. But for me Akshay Kumar is the best and my favorite. But I also love 2 watch SRk movies eh.
Nitish: Thank u.. but why some people don’t accept if u admire an actor?!!! For me Shahrukh is the heart of Bollywood, in our country Bahrain, most of Bahraini girls love Shahrukh, they know ofcourse Bigb as he’s the most popoular actor in Bollywood, and they know Aishwariya, Salman and started to know Hrithik after doing Krrish and Dhoom2, but Akshay Kumar, they might know him if they see him on any screen but don’t know his name, that’s with Bahraini people, and I don’t know about other gcc countries people.
I always admired Shahrukh, and when u admire someone, other people can’t be angry with u and ask you: Why do u love Shahrukh?!! It’s just like asking someone: why do u love your friend or a girlfriend?! It’s just because our taste, our feeling, our evaluation for any movie star is different ( and if u go to the top 5 actors page, you will find other girls ranking actors differently ( some girls consider Shahid as no. 1)! if u visit other websites, u will find the same). I consider Akshay Kumar is a very good actor and I’d love to see him (serious). For me, he doesn’t fit in comedy movies as he doesn’t have a comedian face and even his voice, good for serious movies). I’d love to see him in some action romantic and I think he’d really fit in better, that’s my opinion, and that’s the way I see Akshay, I never liked his comedy movies except his role in ( Bhool Bulaiya) and SIK. In his movie “Heyy Baby” although the movie was quite good but I thought he didn’t fit in the role, Shahrukh fits in such roles, in romantic & comedy ( shahrukh’s face expression in comedy is very good) if u all watched (Don) while he’s doing Vijay’s role, the duplicate of Don, the simple man, although I didn’t like the movie, neither the original nor the remake but I loved Shahruk’s acting as Vijay, he had a funny face expression in some scenes and in the song ( paan bana rasvala) also in his movie (Duplicate) and in some others. He doesn’t fit in action, or politics, but Akshay does ( you never saw people Akshay in such roles, but if he’d consider it and go 2 another stage and do these kind of roles, I’m sure u all will find him suitable)
And a question which relates to this page: How much profit did SIK do so far? Some people said 90 or 92 crores, and some said around 65, so which one is true and how much it did overseas? Can anyone answer this question? Thanks
For the commentators: HOW much business does Singh is Kinng?
I have browsed some website: SINGH IS KINNG has done until 31. 08.2008 : 89,75 crore net.
Even in the oversee market has done 36 crore + pakistan alone 4 crore = 39 crore net.
I think: SINGH IS KINNG will be collect in september + october = 20 crore. TOTALLY 110 crore net.
IF THIS happens, it is going to be the ALL TIME Blockbuster in the period of 2000-2008. I think after this AKKI is the KING OF BOLLYWOOD AND BOXOFFICE.
For the commentators: HOW much business does Singh is Kinng?
I have browsed some website: SINGH IS KINNG has done until 31. 08.2008 : 89,75 crore net.
Even in the oversee market has done 36 crore + pakistan alone 4 crore = 40 crore net.
I think: SINGH IS KINNG will be collect in september + october = 20 crore. TOTALLY 110 crore net.
IF THIS happens, it is going to be the ALL TIME Blockbuster in the period of 2000-2008. I think after this AKKI is the KING OF BOLLYWOOD AND BOXOFFICE.
you have got the figures wrong. the figures you have quoted are gross, not nett. many of the websites you searched often have misleading figures which cannot be trusted.
here are the real stats:
india – total business upto the end of last week (3 weeks) = 69 crores NETT . – SUPERHIT.
overseas – total business (3 weeks) = 32.5 crores NETT. – BLOCKBUSTER
pakistan – total business (3 weeks) = 4 crores NETT. – ALL TIME BLOCKBUSTER
in india it needs to do at least another 10 crores worth of business to become a blockbuster. if all goes well, then this weeks takings and the takings for the next two weeks should add up to 10 crores.
however, in pakistan, it is the most successful bollywood film ever. and it is a record even against thier own pakistani films ! it has beaten the records of many of the biggest pakistani films there. i think its probably the most successful film ever in pakistan.
overseas, especially in the u.k. and u.s.a, it is in the top 3 biggest hits of all time.
in india, it has NOT beaten the total nett takings of dhoom 2 or om shanti om. it needs at least another 20 crores to beat OSO and about 22 crores to beat dhoom 2.
however, in india it has beaten the total first week nett takings of both OSO and dhoom 2. it has thrashed both of these films, and has taken the biggest box office opening ever, of all times.
so, singh is kinng truly is the king of all films when it comes to the first week box office takings.
so, as it stands, at the end of last week (3 weeks) the total worldwide collections stand at around 110 crores NETT.
until next time………….
Lets not forget that OSO ran for 16 weeks at Box Office, SIK is just only come to its forth week.
yeoo akshay is the real king noww there is only 1 actor in bollywood who makes bout 4-5 movies a year and there a super hit. srk just suxx he make 1 or 2 movies a year and they are bout average. so ppl i like akshay n he is the king now. srks oso was a hit cuz every actor was in it ppl watched it cuz of tht they didnt watch it coz of srk.SRK BLOWSSS wat a fkin loser
Singh and akshay r truly the king
yeoo akshay is the real king noww there is only 1 actor in bollywood who makes bout 4-5 movies a year and there a super hit. srk just suxx he make 1 or 2 movies a year and they are bout average. so ppl i like akshay n he is the king now. srks oso was a hit cuz every actor was in it ppl watched it cuz of tht they didnt watch it coz of srk.SRK BLOWSSS wat a fkin loser
Singh and akshay r truly the kings
hahahha salia suli u sulas r funny ppl bollywood is in india so we chose whos the best n whos the worst ok luk at indias popluation n most of us indians like akshay so stfu