This week the Episode 6 of Satyamev Jayate talking about the heroic achievements of people living with various disabilities. During the course of the show, Aamir Khan even visit s a disabled gym and works out with them. And guess what? Some of them were way strong and fitter than him!
Some key issues were raised during the show
- Unlike several countries, India lacks the infrastructure that helps people look beyond their disabilities.
- Has our country completely ignored people living with physical disabilities?
- Can education manage to bring change to the lives of people who are equally capable?
- Is our society insensitive or over-sympathise with disable or mentally challenged people?
- Acceptance and love can change a person’s life.
- Blindness is not the end of life, it is a beginning of another golden life.
- Should schools start accepting differently abled children?
Question of the week – Should schools and colleges that do not become fully inclusive (include every kid) within the next five years be de-recognised? Type Y or N and send it to 5782711 (you can send many SMSes as you want)
Also if you wish to donate more, you can check this page
Watch the full Satyamev Jayate Episode 6 below and do tell us what you think.
You can also watch the previous episode of Satyamev Jayate
- Satyamev Jayate Episode 1 (Female Foeticide)
- Satyamev Jayate Episode 2 (Child Sexual Abuse)
- Satyamev Jayate Episode 3 (Big Fat Indian Wedding)
- Satyamev Jayate Episode 4 (Is love a crime?)
- Satyamev Jayate Episode 5 (Honor Killing)
Also check today’s song and lyrics
I want to save toxin food camical episode but This episode don,t save my computer
you help me please
Great job by all team and ……. no words for all parents and childrens who show such courage. Jago india and show yr currupt politicians this time their ways.