Sarkar Raj Movie Review

Sarkar Raj is widely believed to be the make or break film for Ram Gopal Varma, director of the epic disaster Aag (remake of Sholay). But one must not forget the unforgettable classics like Satya, Company, Rangeela and Sarkar that RGV has delivered over the years. Back to Sarkar Raj, the expectations are high for several reasons.

  • The Bachchans – Amitabh, Abhishek and Aishwarya – share screen space for the first time since the much celebrated Ash – Abhishek wedding last year.
  • Sequel to the 2005 blockbuster Sarkar, which was critically acclaimed too.
  • Ram Gopal Varma is a master in this genre.

So does Sarkar Raj manage to live upto expections?

Sarkar Raj Story

Anita Ranjan (Aishwarya Rai) Chief Executive Officer of the International company, Sheppard Power Plant presents a power plant project before Sarkar, which is to be setup in rural Maharastra. Sarkar disapproves the projects as the land chosen is home to over 40,000 villagers. Shankar Nagre (Abhishek Bachchan) is quick to realize all the benefits the power plant can bring to the people of Maharastra and to the growth of the state.

Shankar convinces Sarkar and embarks on a journey with Anita to the villages of Maharastra to muster public support. But things take a new turn. The controversial project leads to a political minefield. The evil forces gang up to bring down the Sarkar legacy and displace Shankar.

Sarkar Raj Review

With a powerful but not-without-its-share-of-flaws script, Ram Gopal Varma proves yet again, that he is a master at this genre of film making. His execution of the script is praise-worthy. Basically what works for Sarkar Raj is the performances, direction and the twists and turns. Some sequences just hit you hard, the unexpected happens. The second half takes the movie to a different level, its powerful its got a lot of shock value attached to it and the climax is thrilling. Background score is fantastic, the chants of “Govinda Govinda” in the background adds to the overall thrill. The cinematography (Amit Roy) is top notch. The close-up shots, in abundance throughout the movie, have been captured and performed well. The editing is crisp and brilliant.

A few scenes that make an impact.

– Abhishek about to touch Dilip Prabhawalkar’s feet, but is stopped.
– The sequences that follow just when Abhishek accepts Aishwarya’s love for him.
– When Ash asks Abhishek about his life’s most difficult decision.
– The climax. Outstanding!

But Sarkar Raj is not without its share of flaws, more in the script than the execution. (Spoiler Warning). The love-angle between Aishwarya and Abhishek isn’t convincing. More so when its barely days since the tragic death of Abhishek’s wife Tanisha, who is expecting a kid. Aishwarya’s character too is under developed and unconvincing.

Coming to the performances of Sarkar Raj, Abhishek Bachchan’s character demands intensity, but he looks more angry than intense. Overall a good performance nonetheless. Aishwarya Rai looks great, performs well throughout. Tanisha Mukherjee is decent in a small role. Dilip Prabhawalkar is excellent. Every other supporting character actor in Sarkar Raj is brilliant.

But then, one man outshines every other actor who shares screen space. His dialogue delivery and the intensity that he displays, just through his eyes, without uttering a word is mind blowing. No prizes for guessing. Sarkar Raj is Amitabh Bachchan’s show all the way. Truly truly a Legend!

Overall, Sarkar Raj is a great movie for the weekend. A worthy sequel to the brilliant Sarkar of 2005. At the box-office, the movie is sure to grow with strong word of mouth and should prove to be a winner in coming weeks.

Highly Recommended.

Rating: ★★★★☆



  • Superb film.
    Brilliant acting from everyone.
    Abhishek is top notch.I didn’t expect this performance from him… 2 good.

    Its very easy to tell a story in a regular way of filming.
    Its very very difficult to tell a story like this which is very complex.

    Technically brilliant film. camera work, Background score,Dialouges.. wat not.. its a treat to watch this kind of intense drama with good acting.

    Kudos to varma..!!! you are Maverick.

    Keep going.


  • Dipak,
    What else do u want?!! Some hahaha.. hehehe movies?!! Everything was perfect in this movie, I think u r one of people who like nothing but love criticising and will try to fetch som flaws out of a beautiful rose which is really beautiful and got a very good smell, but u (have to) find flaws in it!!

    What I don’t understand yet is the following: Why some audience – who love only comedy stupid movies – go to watch a movie like “Sarkar” which is very serious?! There’s no place in this kind of cinema for all audiences who never want to think and analyze.

  • definately…….ramu has shown that he is one of the best directors…….
    as mentioned…some of the scenes are really powerful…….
    surely worth a watch!!!!

  • Brilliant Movie. But not as stunning as Maniratnam’s “Nayagan” a Tamil Movie . Kamalhassan was awesome and scintillating as aging DON in that movie. Considering RGV’s & AB’s previous films, this is on top.

  • god these reviews are ripped by sarkar raj marketing team
    please dont believe about the good reviews written
    the movie is not even worth watching on a wrotten dvd or cd
    miss it even on a pirated cd as if you see it you will not understand head or tail as movie has a lot of breaks

  • Sarkar n Sarker Raj, both movies r gr8…..n Best of luck Ramu 4 ur upkimng movie Govt of sarkar…………

  • Govinda Govinda Govinda Govinda……. Govindaaa
    Govinda Govinda Govinda Govinda……. Govindaaa
    Govinda Govinda Govinda Govinda……. Govindaaa

  • RGV abuses his audience. He truly needs to go back to watching a few more Hollywood movies for his SO-CALLED INSPIRATION.

    1. The background score was over used and it simply was played over and over again… killing the basic motive of background music.
    2. Aishwarya Rai was a terrible addition to the film simply because her presence was not felt.
    3. It took Abishekh 2 minutes to get over his dead wife & 2 month old unborn child. It is tragic to see RGV abuse a true gangster film by injecting a love plot at the wrong point.
    4. Ash was not required to sit through the climax. She should have been shipped out when Abhishekh gets shot.
    Yes you can see I am very dissapointed. There was a good story there but a terrible execution.

  • HATERS ARE SURE PLENTY! give credit where its due! ramu did a splendid job! this prpobably the best film this year! sure there were minor flaws but the total oucome was amazing!the performances were jaw dropping! especially aishwarya rai, she stunned the cinema hall with her emotions that she expressed, amitabh was truly sensational! award worthy for sure! abishek was simply touchy! tghe anger he shown was well executed! go watch the film and see for your self! 5/5 stars!

  • When a man is sharing work with a woman who’s beautiful and single, and he’s either a widower or single, divorced, whatever, it’s natural that he’d fall in love with her.
    Why people think that a politician must be a heartless man?!! Afterall, he’s a man with desire, a human being, and would fall in love with someone who accompanies him everywhere! Why not?!

  • You stupid idiot, why do u say that we’re from a marketing team?! OK.. I’m not, I’m a Bahraini national and watched both Sarkar 1 & 2 and found them excellent.

    If u didn’t understand the whole concept of the movie, then don’t say that it’s worthless, u r worthless and – I’m sure – that you’d admire movies such as: Welcome, Dalmal, Heri Phery, Hangama, etc. and find them “excellent”!!!

  • i checked with all the other critics and they gave it a 4 or 3 star out of 5! plus i went and saw it yesterday! what an experience! such movies are rare!i simply felt i was there! the climax scene toward the end, every body in the audience was left with mouths open! it was the most shocking climax scene on screen ever! great comeback ramu!

  • MINDBLOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is the only word that comes to mind!!!

    No matter what media says – in print or on tv, no matter what kind of reviews are written – in dailies, on the net or even in mags, no matter what kind of ‘people’s responses’ are shown on tv….. the movie is a hard-hitting slap on the face of people making ‘tamasha’ in the name of movies, on people seeing ‘nautanki’ in the name of films, on ‘reviewers’ writing craps in the disguise of writing reviews!

    Fow quite some time now, I am seeing a totally partisan & biased approach against the Bachchans by those attached to media/news/papers/mags…. They think that they can impose their menial views on the broad mind of the public in general…. NO, FOOLS! YOU CANNOT!!! You cannot take one bit from the Bachchans! They are a breed totally different!

    These reviewers/analysts/reporters can have the power of their medium with them, they can mis-use this platform to impose their two-bit minds on the general public, but they will NOT succeed!

    Each of the three Bachchans, along with a host of other actors, have given a real stellar performance in SARKAR RAJ!

    Hats off to all of you, guys!

    This movie is what I call a movie with “substance”! It is not something with some oft-repeated naach-gana & some cheap nautanki…..

    I think its high time Indian audience started appreciating CLASS and started rejecting CRASS…..

  • Would want to throw my 2 cents too… :)

    1. Acting —> Superb, as expected. Everyone is casted very well.

    2. Camera —> Trademark RGV…Very good angles…pretty much like the first part…nothing new…

    2. Dialogues —> A little loud…Typical filmy…if you like them that way, great…You would enjoy them…Villains making strange faces and throwing a funda a minute about Raaj Neeti and Mohre and so on…

    3. Story —> Again, typical filmy…’expected and inevitable’ twists…as you exepct, someone who wasn’t expected to be a villain turns to be one…

    4. Background Music —> Clearly overboard…’Govinda Govinda’ was something new at the time of first part…now it’s irritating…it is used in almost every alternate scene… :)

    Overall, don’t expect anything exceptional…it’s a typical Masala film…

  • sriram beta i think SRK is the best,amitab act well in this movie but SRK is the best,the movie was just ok,the story was not strong only the plus point in the movie was the acting SARKAR first part was much better then this one.i give 2 stars only .

  • I felt it was Abhishek’s movie for as long as he was on the screen… I couldn’t notice Big B in the same frame as well (which I felt was intentional from ramu)… which speaks volumes of how Chota B has grown… Abhi’s performance was excellent.. but agree with someone else here, who said his performance needs more intensity… like Big B or Al Pacino… but if there is someone who can do a Scarface in India, I believe it would be Abhi… but a little later in his career… after he can play a Vijay Chauhan like his dad… Dilip Prabhawalkar was fantastic too… however, being an out of the box thinker, I guessed part of ramu’s main secret in second scene itself… that didnt take away any of my interest from the movie, as dialogue by dialogue, ramu kept my mind engaged, and pulse racing.. and the sub plots and twists made me forget what i figured out in the beginning… that is until ramu put the missing peices of my puzzle together in the climax, which i watched in awe… it wouldn’t be too long for me to put them together, but he didnt allow me the time to think… with dialogues like…. kisi insaan ko marna gunah hain, kisi insaan ko sahi waqt par marna…? rajneeti… thats politics in a nutshell for u.. folks… hats off to ramu…..

  • Great movie ,great peformances,another powerhouse performance by the legend Amitabh Bachchan
    A must watch movie for all go and watch it ,belive me it’s great movie

  • really but all the other new channels are saying the movie sarkar raj was alright they gave it 2 stars
    Well zee news have it 2 stars and AAJ TAK gave it like i think 3 stars so thats y i didnt watch it yet
    but anyway i guess i wil cuz of all the good complements???? !!!!!!!! LMAO

    k thank you
    Kathrina Khan

  • Dear Kathrina Khan,

    Forget about Zee news, Aaj TAk and our above comments, sometimes some people give 5 or 6 stars to the stupidest movies. If u love serious movies, politics then this movie would be a perfect one for u to watch, but u hv to watch part 1 first as Sarkar Raj is a sequal.

  • Power house film! The power is seen in every frame! Aishwarya though supporting role was outstanding! Best performance by an actress, amitabh was steller! Abishek took my heart away with his protrayal! Really amazing actor! The climax was simply sensational! 4/5 stars

  • a fantastic, outstanding, mindblowing movie. a masterpiece in fact. one of my all time bollywood favorites. i will give it 4.5/5.0. very highly recommended. RGV, Big B and AB really rock.

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