Bollywood superstar Salman Khan will be seen in his ‘Sultan’ look during his stint as a television host for ‘Bigg Boss 9’. The show premieres on Colors tonight at 9PM.
To catch Salman’s Sultan look, tune in to Bigg Boss 9 tonight. For now, we have a few pictures of Salman. Check it out and tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Salman Khan in his Sultan look for Bigg Boss 9

Salman Khan performs at Bigg Boss 9 premiere

Salman Khan performance from the Bigg Boss 9 premiere

Salman Khan at Bigg Boss 9 premiere
@mentalzone, sometimes look at the mirror and see for yourself how you look.
@retarded zone . Salman even in his
worst pathetic look looks infinite times
better than sarookia in his best & grand
look , that’s the real truth and u cant do
nothing just nothing about it :)
He looks good even when he is bald but
just for a second imagine our budda item
queen sarookia in a tonsured look with
your closed eyes ! Phahahahaha
roflomao lmao I can’t stop laughing
imagining hahahaha have u ever seen a
human skeleton’s head or a thin naked
turkey’s stomach after all its feathers
have been removed ???? hahahahahaha
Lol :D :D :D :D :D
@xzone : Do I have to remind you that you are a fan of Paanchvi failed star which gives a zor ka Jhatkaa to his fans n his fans fight for Sabse Mental Kaun title !!!!!!!!
SULTAN vs Baniye ki kanjossi aur (chaddi) Banyan ki Daring !!!!!!!
Yes Challa bald is beautiful. Have you ever seen an ugly bald head baby. Most babies are born without hair. I am sure if you were born bald would you have liked your parents to make a nasty comments to you. I am not surprised by you. How sad that you resent the fact that we love ? Salman Khan for who he is and not for any other reason. Hold your jealousy in tact for it can destroy your life.
@bajanpakistani 12:25 pm : No sir, my parents are not at all ashamed . And it would be really great if you stop involving my parents into your comments. I don’t want to reply to the rest of the content of your comment as your first line itself disappointed me a lot. But please note that next time my response won’t be this much polite if you repeat this mistake. Now sit and introspect , what mistake you have done.
@Syed Ahmed khan : Three odd comments addressing ‘xzone’ :o Burning hard, isn’t it ??? ;-)
@12:53 pm : Wrong, the real meaning of double trouble is buy one ticket of “Hero” and second ticket will be free of cost, that too signed by non-actor khan. So basically, it implied that come and bear that torture twice, once with your money and next time with criminal’s money. And should I remind you how many free tickets were distributed during that process? Well, collections say it all :P
@Marshall 1:16 pm : I have seen and I look good only :-)
looking good and in my opinion younger with short hair
@Challa : Forget bald look when Srk fans had already claimed Maya Memsaab look (Epic soft core scene) as Classic !!!!!!!!! Lol
Now what excuse or justification you have ?? I am sure you will show your double standard skills here.
Too much fun !!!!!!
So Salman hair was real not a fix hair piece like amitabh batchan or sunny deol
With hair, trimmed hair or bald look, Salman looks handsome and macho..
Aamir too has proven how great he looks with trimmed hairs in Ghajini…
But Teesra Khan??? Imagine him without hairs… he will look so cartoonish..
Whatever u said to bhaijanindia..
U are most ashameful peep i jave ever seen..
Go back to ur fucking ass planet anc never come back or should i have to blame your family as like bhaijanindia..
So better if u want respect never ever comment on the posts of indicune..
Just get lost…
SRK doesnt have guts to go bald and do any movie or role. He very well know his look be a trademark for all the asylum patients to get a new hair cut just like our @mentalzone had it for 2.2 years during his treatment days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is for people like @xzone. Keep watching n keep sulking:
Indicine please post it !!! Thanks
@NVS I was Imagining Srk in bald look …. Now I have fainted What A horrible loook
@NVS, good to see you back. But I have been noticing this fake ID @james has been irritating me constantly by bashing aamir. I don’t think any Salman fans are taking any stand against him. When a fake guy @king aamir khan was bashing Salman I used to bash him and support Salman . In fact many aamir fans support Salman when his haters bash him, but I am shocked to see no Salman fans are taking any stand against this psycho moton @james. I hope you know what I mean. I never bash Salman and I always support him and his films, but this guy @james is crossing all his lines and forcing me to react. It would be really nice if real Salman fans like you, @hrithik, @Navin and others take stand against him. Thanks.
@eNViouS (NVS) aka hahaha 1:51 pm : Again the same stupid laughs. I told you stop putting so many ‘hahaha’ in your comment as it makes you certified moron, why don’t you understand that ? :P
Jokes apart, SRK never looked bad or ugly, as he was insanely charming throughout his career. I do agree that his smoking habit is a big let down for him, but still I am happy that he opted to look what he is, unlike some insecure khan (who got high dose of steroid and spent a thick amount in hair transplant) ;-)
Also, why are you bothered to see SRK as bald?? He is not going to play the role of a psycho one sided lover, ins’t it? So there is no need for him to go bald.
@backoffpakistan 8:26 pm : Coward fan of a cheap superstar . Come with your original id you chameleon (as I have never seen this id before) instead of creating fake aliases .
ok, so beta aisa hai ..k there was a warning hidden in my reply to bajanpakistani . Whenever someone gets personal , I warn them not to do that and stick only to supporting/hating an actor, but if you think that you can continue talking about me and my family, then just throw this thought from your mind as soon as possible. Because I am very well aware how to deal with you cheaptards. I have a long history in that. So you just initiate and then you see what treatment I give to you. You moron, stop being Gandhi of indicine. Before proofreading my comments , didn’t you see the comments of your fellow criminal fans?? They didn’t even spare SRK’s family/spouses . Where were you at that time? or you took birth just after that incident ?? I would have accepted you as Gandhi when you would have come and bashed those criminal fans at that point of time. But then, you were hiding your face and now you are talking about culture and decency. Shameless double standard creature !!!
@indicine : Please draw that thin line , on what ground we are going to continue a debate. Should it be confined till hating/supporting a particular star or it should be extended to talking bad about someone personally (as most of criminal fans do that when they don’t have anything else to reply) . I don’t have any issue in either way, because if you are ready to allow personal comments from illiterate fans then please make your moderation system a bit stronger because when I will come on my own, then it will become really difficult for these cheap creatures to hide their face. Thanks.
@Syed Ahmed khan 9:13 pm/ shames 6:10 am :Lol, I don’t know why you want to see SRK as bald so badly. He is gifted with natural hairs unlike your takla khan . Also, he is not going to play the role of
mental what your bhaijan played in “Mere Naam”. So I don’ think there is any need for him to go bald :P
WOW…Salman looks very handsome in this intense look. It will be a BLOCKBUSTER.
@’xxx detergent’ zone :D Hahahaha I know the more I laugh the more it will prick ur already ‘Burnoled’ base and I absolutely love that, it’s too much fun :D :D
Lol on the knowledge that u have , just because salman looks much healthier, bigger, stronger & muscular than ur chain smoking cigarette’rukh khan u r saying that he takes steroids , so according to ur dumb logic anyone & everyone who looks healthier, stronger & muscular than ur lungi khan must be using steroids , isn’t it ?????? akshay, hrithik, ajay, aamir & even the big b at this age look more healthier, look physically more stronger & muscular than ur khan so does that mean that even they use steroids and even if ur retarded brain says that they use them then who is stop ur skeleton moonwalker from using them??? Don’t u think ur flop ‘zor ka jhatka’ star doesn’t care about looking as healthier & stronger as his Bollywood counterparts???? Salman has been known to be a fitness freak since years and so are akki & hrithik , just because they eat healthy & regularly sweat it out in gym & outdoors to maintain their physique while ur lazy health-unconscious chain smoking & heavy drinking srk doesn’t it doesn’t mean that they all take steroids , kuch samje ki nahi???
Now don’t contradict yourselves , u srk fans arrogantly proclaim ur idol as a great actor who can do any type of role and any type of genre and that he can get into the skin of the character that he plays, so what if tomorrow his Godfathers aditya chopra or Rohit Shetty come up with interesting scripts where in he has to play a bald character and so ask him to shave his head and ur idli (oops sorry idol :D) agrees to do it with no other options left , can u stop ur crappy new year star from going bald then ??????? And to ur surprise if he shaves his head then u blind dumbsters will come up with some funny comments like “wow , king looks like a ‘kitkat+ dairymilk+ 5star ‘ lollipop with that shaved head ” or like “king khan has the most handsome head in bollywood along with his 0000000000000000543 awards ” and so on…….
Hahahahaha anyway we all want to see srk bald hahahahahaha just imagine a topless bald srk in a lungi holding a lota in his right hand and a cauliflower in his left hand or hahahahaha deepika combing sarookia’s bald head with her toothbrush or hahahaha a bald srk ‘Head Butting’ villains, eggs, glasses, tomatoes , balloons , pillows, cakes, sledge hammers, drums, plastic covers , water , buses , cranes , planes and even mountains and basically anything & everything apart from cars in a Rohit Shetty movie hahahaha the imaginations and the laughs are endless Lol :D hahahahaha
@Rew1 . bro if u remember I had already requested James not to bash aamir unnecessarily and he even replied saying that he will not bash aamir unless his fans say provoked him and as promised he didn’t say anything bad about him for few days, I wasn’t on indicine for few weeks and in the mean while I don’t know what happened but I saw Eric & James arguing with each other which was really in a bad taste.
@James . Bro I am requesting u once again not to say anything bad about aamir or his fans , it really hurts when brothers fight among themselves , of course there would be some minor arguments or misunderstandings but it shouldn’t cross the line & become dirty.
I request all aamir & salman fans to stop fighting unnecessarily among ourselves , it shouldn’t matter to us as with which eyes are we seeing , Right or Left or with which ears are we hearing , right or left as long as we are seeing or hearing , if aamir is like right eye or the left ear of the Bollywood then salman is like left eye or the right ear of the Bollywood, so both of them are equally important and both of them should be equally respected.
@emptyzone : Some illiterates need double gyaan hence the multiple comments specially for u !!!!! Burning n who?? you come on Salman page and spouting garbage it shows who is burning !!!! Bring other lungi walas as well to make a jhund !!!!!!!!! :-P
@NVS Yep Bro… I will stop Bashing Aamir But again If Some chameleons (especially Rew1 and eric)Say Anything against Bhai,I will lose control of myself
I think you are one of the sensible fans Who understand what is wrong or right,So I am Agreeing with you Man
from today, No bashing of aamir
@NVS thanks bro. i appreciate you.
@james don’t try to drag me as chameleon as i never bashed salman but i always support him.
He looks fat.. I guess he is partying with Tingu Khan… bhai u hav to work really hard to get back ur tight muscles other wise u will also start looking like tingu khan for nangal.. and that would backfire as u r up against the phenomenal #Raees and anything short can ruin ur hard work…
by the way lga lo edhi se choti tk ka zor Tum 19 ye 20 hai humara Neta Raees hai…