After directing his Hrithik in 4 of the industry’s biggest blockbusters, Rakesh Roshan is all set to return to direction after ‘Krrish 4’.
“I am working on a script. I was looking out for a script for all these days. I think I have got one good idea and we are working on it. I hope it turns out well and we start the movie”
When asked when he would begin shooting for the film, Roshan said “Very soon, as soon as the script is ready”
However, he denied media reports of directing the 4th film in the Krrish series.
“No, not the next one.. after that” he said.
The Roshans were felicitated at the CII Big Picture Summit, Rakesh said that he would never choose a subject for a film where Rajesh Roshan (his music composer brother) and Hrithik aren’t required.

Hrithik Roshan with father Rakesh Roshan
Great news.So we are getting 2 hritik movies in 2016.and bros dont be so critical about rajesh roshan.he is one of finest music director of of krish3 is no doubt poor.but dont forget,except this he has done very well in other movies.and his music in kites is best to me.just listen ‘dil kyu mera..’,you will find how great is his music.
@ mithaiwala yes i just searched on wikipedia it was declared average becuz earn nothing and recover its amount but i have doubt about this cuz before some year ago it was remembered as a flop movie but after great hit like karan arjun koyla failed to earn with rakesh roshan and big actress like madhuri why? recovering amount is not big deal cuz everybody lost alot time on that movie. so it was failure of srk. koyla and karobaar of anil starrer both directed by rakesh roshan failed to do business thats y after knph success rakesh roshan decided he will not take any other hero in his movies exept hrithik.
@ nipun seriously k3 is a boring but u cant understand at this stage of age even i dnt like srk butce, d3 and kick are better than k3. if u told about knph, d2, kmg, krrish or kites all are good movies but k3 ofcourse not. u r fan of hrand kid thats y u iiked. tell me rohit is old in this movie but his voice is unchanged so as hisbody language? is it quality acting. aggry fault of ur stars.
@yuvraj: lol. .hro has done gud job in rohit character. Hrithik’s body language,expression, dialogue delivery all were different and were nicely done in rohit character and krishna character.
I am going with technicality,
performances: k3>kick>d3
screenplay: k3>d3>kick
direction: k3>d3>kick
sense: k3>d3>kick
editing: k3>d3>kick
music: kick/d3>k3
@Yuvraj – What are you talking about LOL? Didn’t you notice the difference between walking style, facial expressions, etc about Rohit and Krishna?
And saying those films you mentioned above are better than Krrish 3 is purely subjective thing. Those films you mentioned above are made every now and then. Krrish 3 wasn’t perfect but it requires guts to make something like that. Except some old fashioned dialogues and negligible loopholes, there wasn’t much to hate about the movie which was supposed to be a superhero movie. Compare that to probably infinite loopholes in Dhoom 3 and many in Kick.
The truth is Krrish 3 is still Bollywood’s most advanced film till date according to critics and general audience. Maybe you expected something like 1000 crore movie like Avengers, but it wasn’t bad at all for a Bollywood superhero film, Hrithik was also fantastic in it, you can ask to IndicineTeam, if any other actor could have done a better job or not.
Kkrish 4 is not Rakesh Sirs next movie bcoz he knows after the debacle of Kkrish 3 audiences n in particular lil kids will not forgive him if he does not bring back Jaadoo… There will be a riot so best wait for Jaadoo to come back then Kkrish 4 will be made…!
Wow great news super excited, want some action thriller from him. Hope it releases in 2016.
@ rohit i have my mind to use dnt need to concern about indicine about this and i am not only fan of Salman but i am huge fan of raj kapoor (shree 420), guru dutt (pyasa- best bollywood movie), balraj sahani (do bigha zameen), manoj kumar (roti, kapda aur makaan) so dnt talk to me about acting. salman is an untrained actor but he act with heart thats y i love him and he is good actor too but becuz of his controversies dnt known as good actor tell what he did wrong in kick and acting of salman with dilauge are expression. i was talked about rohit’s oldness not about difference between him and krishna cuz every actor have to do different roles in films. i am not hater of hr thats y i am not commenting any rubbish to him take it easy. nobody is perfect in this world.
@ rohit i have my mind to use dnt need to concern about indicine about this and i am not only fan of Salman but i am huge fan of raj kapoor (shree 420), guru dutt (pyasa- best bollywood movie), balraj sahani (do bigha zameen), v.shantaram (navrang, do aankhe barah hath- best artistic skills i ever watched)manoj kumar (roti, kapda aur makaan) so dnt talk to me about acting. salman is an untrained actor but he act with heart thats y i love him and he is good actor too but becuz of his controversies dnt known as good actor tell what he did wrong in kick and acting of salman with dilauge are expression. i was talked about rohit’s oldness not about difference between him and krishna cuz every actor have to do different roles in films. i am not hater of hr thats y i am not commenting any rubbish to him take it easy. nobody is perfect in this world.
I was hoping to see Hrithik in Meluha after Mohenjo-Daro. I would pick Meluha over any other film.
@Yuvraj Koyla failed because it was too brutal! Im sure not many family audience would watch that movie even if it stared lallu or HR. I saw it once and really enjoyed it but movie was too brutal, abusive and horrifying for repeat family audience which was essential to get big hits at that time………………………
One and only Rakesh, back to back 4 blockbuster movie giving Rakesh ji.
I think a kaho naa pyar hai sequel would be gr8 than k4 as people r now fed up with jadu n jaduland…??
@Yuvraj,I never talked about Salman’s acting skills in my comment.
You said Krrish 3 was boring and Dhoom 3,Kick were better than it, that’s where I corrected you.
Also, I m not talking about your brain, I m talking about your eyes. Even Hrithik’s biggest critics didn’t criticize him for his performance in Krrish 3.
You said his body language and voice were same, maybe you need to watch it again to notice the voice difference between old yet childish Rohit (he had to behave like a caring father with innocence of a child ) and adult Krishna (which was limited due to Krrish’s character).
Yes, nobody is perfect in this world.
Wait for krrish 4
guru dutt is my most favourite actor with salman and pyasa is best love story with mpk for me and i love both actors from heart and soul. both are different personality but u all knows about ns magnate pole same here.
u can make any movie u like but please don’t fudge the box office collection figures.
@ rohit brain has connection with eyes. eyes cant see our brain see and understand what our eyes passing to it. u told lots of time i am most funny etc to me you commented lol when you replied to me. i agree i lives in area where nobody talk in english so i dnt have practice in english so may be my comments r funny for you and first nipun commented that he feel k3 is better than kick, d3, ce thats y i commented about skills. k3 is not entertaining and i m rewatching again as a krishna hr did well but i dnt like the story and i did many practicles with lense and mirror in my life. the thought of rebirth with help of mirror and sunlight is childish think. rohit act isnot impressive u can listen ur old neibours voice it is different and walking style is also different. i commented about young rohit vs old rohit not about krishna vs rohit mind it watch hindustani of kamal hasan and his acting as a old and young guy in the film mind blowing performence and i like kamal hasan more than rajnikant in south actors.. i m big hater of srk but still i said ce is better than k3 it means k3 is a bad movie cuz i like hr 100 times than srk. and if u agree then accept hrithik isnt perfect in his each and every act. yes you r different than other hr fans thats y i respect u. i am not expacting avenger cuz i didnt watch aveger and i m nt fan of hollywood action. actually i like humanity feelings more than work of technichions. thats y kick isnot comparable with k3, d3 or ce. u liked kick becuz of just popular songs, trailer or dilauges but i liked it more becuz of humanity feelings.
@ nipun take it easy K3 is bad movie not becuz of hr but becuz of childish thought and bad music i like only 1 song of k3.
Plzzz make krissh 4
I have a nice story.
ek old edge scientist create karta he ek assi machin jiska ek parte ( two almira type box) Ek in & Ek out look like as a machin
rakha he bombe me gatway of india ke pass or dusra rakha he
delhi station par. Logo ki bhide ese dekh kar akarsit he tabhi ek admi bombey se in wale box me ghusta he or kuch hi der me nikalta dilli wale out box me. Is abiskar se us scientist ko bahut sorat dolat hasile hot.isise jal kar uske co vigiyanik use machine me gadbar kar deta se machin me kharavi aa jati or kuch pasinger gavad ke karan kisi jangale me pahuch jate. Isesey naraz hokar kai log sceintist khilaf ho jate…
Telugu actor prabhas his krrish son and the hero of krrish 4…