Ra One – Box Office Disaster in the making?

Ra One is Shahrukh Khan’s most ambitious project to date. His dream superhero film and the actor has already dedicated it to his son Aryan. Correct us if we are wrong, but there is something that doesn’t seem to be right with Ra One. It seems like a repeat of Hrithik Roshan’s Kites.

We are not predicting the box office outcome of the film, but just going by all the news and rumours that have been flying around the internet, mostly from credible sources – all is not well. 

  • Firstly, the film has been in the making for more than 4-5 years now (from the pre-production stages) and according to director Anubhav Sinha, he has put in more than 4 years of his life into Ra One. No big deal, but how many changes have been made to the script in all those years?  Is it still what Anubhav and others credited for the screenplay, had written all those years ago?
  • Which brings us to the next point – 3 directors. Officially, the director of Ra One is Anubhav Sinha. But due to some issues which we assume are creative differences between Anubhav and SRK, good-friend Karan Johar was asked to direct the romantic portions between the lead actors. Later, when Karan was busy with his upcoming film ‘Student of the year’ he recommended Tarun Mansukhani to Shahrukh. Tarun of Dostana fame then took over the directorial reigns for the last 20 days of shoot. And we all thought its an Anubhav Sinha film? How can you replace / side-line a director who has conceptualized the entire film with someone who probably knows nothing about it? Quite scary!
  • Out of nowhere, Sanjay Dutt and Priyanka Chopra were signed on to play cameos. Now we hear, Priyanka plays the role of a Transvestite (Hijra or half-man-half-woman). Were these characters a part of the original script written by Anubhav or have they been added just for star-value?
  • The film is titled after the villain Ra One played by Arjun Rampal. SRK plays the role of G One. Now the title doesn’t really matter but imagine if Spiderman was titled the Green Goblin. Or Krrish was titled Dr Arya after Naseeruddin Shah’s character. Sounds funny doesn’t it? Its weird, but we agree with SRK’s clarification on the title. Ra One just sounds better than G One.
  • Ra One is not a superhero film alone. Its a mixture of all genre’s that would have enough in it for everyone says SRK. Hopefully they have not included  item numbers and actor-tributes like those seen in Yashraj Films.

We hope the film has turned out well and these last minute actor-director additions work in favour of Ra One.

A lot of time, effort and money has gone into the making of this film and the stakes are too high! A slip here would prove to be too costly for all involved.

We will keep you updated on Ra One with the latest right until its release on October 26th. Do follow us on Facebook or Twitter (see below) to get all the latest news, box office reports and more.

What do you think of Ra One? Will it be a HIT or FLOP? Tell us in the comments section below.



  • OMG ugly haklu is now turning Gay.One in the biggest disaster ever, i have a feeling that this one will be like Hrithik’s Kites which failed miserably to live up to the hype….good luck to SRgay and his gay fans :)

  • Those all saying that what matters is INDIAN BO..
    dudes..are u serious..overseas is much more important..for SRK’s Ra.one..MNIK grosse 72 cr in India and 100+cr overseas..
    what do u do with those 100+ cr ignore them..or what..

    for eg..HarryPotter on its 18th day grossed massive 24 mill$..5mill$ from its domestic USA..and 19mill$ abroad..
    what shall we do with 16mill$ not consider it..or what..

    Ra.One will bombard overseas..
    and its required..u cant declare any film flop on basis of Indian BO only..
    what is the problem if Ra.One does 150cr in India and another 150+cr from overseas..

    I mean..what matters are total collections..

    For Bollywood to be like hollywood..it has to expand into overseas..and not be bounded to India..

    SO..Ra.One was made..to collect not only in India but overseas..
    as SRK told..he wants thru this film..to push overseas barrier..and make Indian Cinema reach more places..than ever..

    I am confident about Ra.One..coz overseas market is always their..for SRK..unlike Salman and Aamir..

  • @morani ..well said..
    but cant u welcome this giant leap of Indian cinema with open hands..
    I mean..who has the guts to revolutionize Indian cinema..investing 175cr Rs..

    it cant be a downer..coz SRK is intelligent enough..

    3500vfx shots..compared to 2000of Endhiran..and 2500of Avatar..
    doesnt it sound promising..

    Promos have been well recieved..its only haters..going over the top with srk..
    otherwise..they hype..is biggest ever seen for a film releasing 12weeks hence..

  • @Indicine can u plz publish a list of highest paid actors with their amount of money received for one film…..very keen to know that.. :)

    • Interesting comments, will reply to a few of them shortly. Zahirul, we do not have a list of highest paid actors. SRK produces of most his films himself, Aamir doesn’t charge a fee instead he takes a cut from the profits (33% of Dhoom 3 and 3 Idiots). Salman Khan is rumoured to be charging 50 crores per film now, but its not confirmed. Hrithik few say, will be charging 25-30 crores per film.

  • @Aashkaran, dude u r correct but still Indian BO have to produce 60% of ur revenue. And MNIK did some phenomenal business in overseas because it was Muslim centric film, all muslim in every part of the world welcome the movie but Ra-one is a super hero film …and these sci-fi is a common in USA & UK market , also they have seen many film in much bigger way. So it is risky project to depend heavily in overseas market.

  • wohhoo, SRK fans relax, of course Overases will matter but only for u, for us it’s India that matters the most, MNIK is the biggest hit overases but it was a flop in India which means the movie was rejected and was not liked at all by indian audience, and even the opening was not that huge compared to Dabangg; 3 Idiots and Ghajini… which means SRK has somehow lost his stardom, and who is ridiculing Aamir n Sallu for not being as successful as SRK abroad needs to know that Aamir’s last movies were all big hits abroad in fact 3 Idiots though being shooted in India was the biggest grosser till MNIK came, also SRK movies do well overases because they are well promotes there more than any other movies and because YRF are very famous there thus even Fanaa and Dhoom 2 were big hits abroad coz they are from YRF also SRK shoots his films abroad most of the times and is the only actor from current generation who reached overases markets, he prmotes his movies and even himslef very well there unlike Sallu/Aamir, Aamir’s movies are not from big banners most of the times, they are shooted in india and they are promoted well only in India not overases, 3 Idiots was not as prmoted as SRK movies still we all know how it suceeded even abroad, just wait for Dhoom 3 u will see all records broken. And the same applies to Sallu for obvious reason…:)

  • @Indicine Team: yeah plz publish the list of the highest paid actors plzz also if u can add like button to the comments it’ll be cool if u do it :)

  • Actually, the point we were trying to make is.. for Ra One to recover its investment it HAS to be a good film. If its not liked, it won’t work – overseas or India.

    The opening weekend itself might be 55 – 60 crores in India. After the initial, it all depends on content.

  • The intention was not to pull the film down, we have nothing against SRK. But currently there is so much negativity around the film. Getting different directors to direct different portions is never a great idea. But then, SRK knows better. Afterall its his money and reputation at stake with Ra One :)


  • @Indicine Team: Thank you Indicine Team you guys rock really all the best for this wonderful site :)

  • I don’t think Indicine Team is biased against or towards anyone at all in the contrary they are trying their best to give us the best about bollywood in this site with being totally fair and unbiased kudos!
    Anyways back to topic i liked the article, it was clear and made on some valid n strong points.
    Yeah, i too have a feeling that this film might not suceed as expected especially if it’s bad, anyways let’s hope it works for SRK n his fans :)

  • @subhu,good comment,that one of the point i want to make.this film is risky.and there is only 2 things in this movie,it is either a success or flop

  • @indicine and@srk haters u said that it takes 4 yrs to make ra.one so u decleared it as a sure shot flop. then what about avatar james camroon had once said that it took him more than 10 years to made it .and we all knew the final verdict .so don’t declear future of any film without final verdict.

  • hey pankaj: r u mad man.. ???
    u compared Srk with James cameroon…..hahaha
    U know what is Avatar & what is Titanic…..& who is james cameroon…???
    Srk’s fans r really little boys……<<>>

  • Avatar cannot be compared to ra.one..reason 1.cameron directed the film and didn’t act in it..2.cameron has being known 4 great directing skills while srk has being known 4 poor producing skills..3.ra.one is a subject that has being treated times without number while avatar was a different film compared to the same superhero…i have more to differentiate btw avatar and ra.one but let me stop here…so pls dnt compare avatar with ra.one,two different issue..tank u

  • O.K i get it..that everybody here wants ..than Indian FIlms..shouldnt go out their in overseas markets..bollywood should remain limited to INDIA itself..
    Why is hollywood successful..answer is simple..coz it had vast reach..
    Bollywood can go neck to neck with hollywood..only if it widens up overseas..
    and Thorugh Ra.One its gonna be same..its an international film..
    From MNIK onwards..everyfilm of SRK..is being made in such a way that ..it rakes overseas money too..
    What was the prob if MNIK was brought for 100cr..and it earner 72cr in India and 100+cr overseas..
    ROI was double..then why label it as avg..or flop..
    U see..if we start accounting only domestic BO for high budget films like HP ,Pirates of Carribean..then they would be massive disasters..
    Worldwide market matters..coz these movies earn triple overseas..than domestic market..
    Understand..Bollywood needs to go out..and SRK is the leader..he is doing it very well..

    Ra.One for sure in its 5day weekend will earn atleast 60-65CR..but if content matches to hype then 70+cr weekend is’nt tough..and 110cr week will be on the cards of content is good..
    It has all the potential to knock 3I BO figures in India..if its very good..

    but what I see atleast for Ra.One is
    If bel avg
    Overseas-100 cr
    Total 215-225 cr Minimum

    if avg response like Ready type of films
    India 130-135cr
    Overseas 130-135cr
    Total 260-265cr

    if good (3-3.5 star type)
    India 150-155cr
    Overseas 150-160Cr
    total 300-315cr

    and if its very good (like 3I or 4type..)
    India (it can be any where b/w (170-190cr)
    Overseas 170-190Cr


    If its pathbreaking cinema (like endhiran or Robot)
    then 400cr is sure..

    Everything is possible..depending on content..
    If Endhiran could gross 376 cr..that too being a south film..then why can’t a bollywood film released on much bigger scale and stake..beat it..
    If content is pathbreaking..I can even bet that it wont be impossible breaking 400 cr collections..

    because..bollywood has been always bigger than south..
    and endhiran being a south film is highest grosser for India..
    Additional info
    endhiran had 2000vfx shots..avatar had 2500..and Ra.One by margin has 3500Vfx shots..

    Ra.One would be out in record number of prints..overseas and india..
    and its hype before 12 weeks of release is more than any other coming film..just wait and watch for next promotion moves..

    I am not being biased..I am thinking keeping all permutations and combinations in my mind..

  • Oh i feel very pity for srk haters. Bcz they r going to be mad whn ra 1 will be declared as all time blockbuster. I m sure of it to be an all time blockbuster.
    We r skr fans nd srk has never disappointed us we r proud to be srk fan. Bcz he is an absolute class a living legend. So wait nd see. 3 idiots record is very much in danger.

  • @srk haters
    Srk has never failed his fans. So don’t expect miracle stop seeing dreams. Bcz its not going to happen.
    Srk is the king nd world knows it so feel mercy on urself nd stop hating srk otherwise u all r going to be mad after ra 1 nd don 2 release.
    Love u srk.

  • @akhkak hello frn i am not comparing mighty avatar with ra.one .But i am only saying that a film which was imagined before 1 decade can still be one of the best movie ever. than why not abollywood movie with best sfx ever in indian cinema can collect healthy amount of money to be
    decleared at least superhit.

  • No amount of special effects can save a bad movie. Even the best SFX in the world can’t save a film with a flawed script. And the budget of Ra one won’t let the film have special effects comparable to C grade Hollywood flicks. Do you know the budget of films like Avatar and 2012? Go check. More than 100 times of Ra one.

    So don’t just talk of the number of special effects. And please don’t compare a legend like James Cameron to idiots like Anubhav Sinha. Have you seen movies like Dus and Cash? Go watch those terrible movies first. James Cameron is the most successful director in the world. A genius.

  • Elvis Dear..Cant bollywood kick start by something called Ra.One..then we can compare with biggies like avatar..
    Ra.One is kickstarting a trend..which rest fear coz of high budget and risk..
    Till when are we gonna make 30-40cr popcorn films..one needs to achieve big by setting a bench mark..u should feel proud that srk is representating it..lets hope it becomes a success..so that rest can also try to make such films..

    Its bollywood’s entry to VFX..world..
    A start most importantly..

    Please all Sallu..Aamir supporters get my point..its just an entry..in hollywood’s area..
    If it clicks..we can expect more such high budgeted films..from bollywood..

    I am proud tht my fav. SRK is taking this BOLD step..

  • @little boy, apologize for what? We have given our reasons why it ‘might’ fail to live upto expectations.

    Also, positive or negative.. any publicity is good publicity :)

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