Actress Priyanka Chopra has said that the clash between Shah Rukh Khan’s Dilwale and Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Bajirao Mastani, where she plays the lead, is ‘unfortunate’ and ‘not in her hands’.
During one of her ‘Question and Answers’ session with her followers on Twitter, a Shah Rukh Khan fan had a request for Priyanka “plz try to postpone or prepone #bajiraomastani #AskPC” he tweeted.
Priyanka responded to the tweet saying “Not in my hands unfortunately”
Both Dilwale and Bajirao Mastani are currently scheduled to release on 18 December 2015.
y shd bm b postponed or preponed.they hd announced the release date first. budget us high.they need to release it in that period.dilwaale makers can postpone it to 25th December if they r not happy with a clash but bm won’t b changed
Maybe it is not in your hands …..!!!
thanks anyway Priyanka miss !
wait minute where is this overrated ugly
actress Deepika….!!
srk made her career look what she has given in return …. nothing except do release bm with dilwale…..!!!
bhaitards should rejoice this year as dilwale is facing clash …. otherwise they should mourn of their failures….!!
Lallu fans should be happy that dilwale will face clash….. otherwise dilwale can smash
bb’s record in 10 days itself……………..!!!!
lucky bhaitards….!!
The writing is already on the wall
BAJIRAO preponed by 1 week n DILWALE postponed by 1 week is the best possible situation for both.
@javed shut up! It’s Akshay that made her career.
It will be better if dilwale releases on 25th.
This way it will have 2 holidays in its first weekend and that means 120 crs in first weekend.. in weekdays thursday collections will be boosted up by newyear evening. So in first week it can easily do 180 to 190 crs. Then in 2nd weekend also 2 holidays are there which means a 40-50 crs 2nd weekend.. so in 10 days dikwale will be at 220 to 240 crs.. so still a lifetime collection of 250 to 270 crs is on which i dont see happening if it clashes with bm. With clash it cant do more than 225 crs.
@Vera. Yeah I think it is a very nice list. You missed someone out though who is a very important personality too here in the industry. Am not gonna call his name but yes I will call him Matt Damon of Hindi cinema. Clue number 1. You hate him so much but think of him day and night) clue number 2 you think your fan Akshay kumar is bigger than him) clue number 3 he is the original Dilwale. When will you stop this multiple id @Sunny cheche.
Haha now Srk fans are so scared and depressed they are weeping and begging PC to change BM release date LOL.
i am a salman fan but srk dilwale is going to crush bajirao mastani so badly that slb will have a heart aatack he should avert the clash and we want to see how srk performs in solo release in compariaon with of luck srk fans.
Highest grossers of 2015.
4. Sid Bhaiya
5. Varunwaale Kriti Ko Le Jaayenge.
Even without clash Dilwale will not cross 170 crore, and with clash now it may fail to cross Ready.
Srk is a small star, anyone can clash with him. SLB is a good director, BM will be an epic historical masterpiece.
Waiting for PRDP and Bajirao Mastani.
Let’s see if multi casts Dilwale can break any record of Deepika? She introduced Queen to 200 crore club. Left him behind again giving him another manipulated crappy New year 200 crores. Now let’s see his power without her. @javed are u drunk or high? Stop being a Pessimist. Stop fooling around and bringing open some already closed files. Never you compare Deepika with queen khan with the small letter k again. Do that I will bring back memory lane. ?S O S 2012 DIWALI???
Bajirao mastani should release on independence 2016 ……!!!
I really want bm to release on independence day of 2016 which is quite good for it lolllllllll and kick papa made star lollllllll
Every sallu and aamir fans are damn scared that if dilwale gets solo release date
then their so called blockbusters pk and bb would be badly crashed…..!!!
I’d dilwale gets solo release then Rip pk and bb it will create another new club !
Dilwale without clash 400 crore in domistic and 800 crore worldwide.
With clash 500 crore worldwide !!!
@Rewi, can’t stop laughing at ur silly comments lolllllllll varun will save dilwale !
the whole world knows that Raju Hirani is the best director of bollywood even indicine wrote an article about that …!!!
3 idiots and pk were blockbusters only becoz of Raju not becoz of talash actor !
none of aamir’s movies except raju’s and dhoom brand has crossed 200 crore worldwide and forget about domistic lol
continue plzzzzzzzz……!!!!
Bhajirao mastaani is going to rock. Currently Ranveer is ahead of akshay ajay ranbir. Only hritik is ahead of ranveer. Non holiday 100 crores can srk doe that? Wait and see his combo wit Deepika. All haters of Ranveer he will rock xmas!
@hrithik , why on earth should u sallu fans beg others in order not to clash with bhai !
while bb and prdp both will have solo release ……!!!
and srk has only one movie and that’s with clash do u think it is fair aaa ?????
I really feel pity on sallu frustrated souls !
I want Raees vs sultan clash 10000 times
but I never want dilwale to face any clash becoz it is our only hope which might makes us happy by entering in 400 crore club in domistic…….!!!
I want fan either to release on dilwale 2016 or Christmas 2016 not on 15 april !
I know it is yrf ‘ s hypocrisy…. damn angry !
jhundwaale fans dont forget srk never breaking any record..except ce,only for 2 months…though u called it”star power of srk”…so plz stop and wait….
Our king’s movie lasts only for 2 or 3days after that or kings fans runs out.. so don’t worry Pc
@Dilip: No,he’s not sunny chechi..he is an old user here and infact he’s an akki hater.
1. Aamir Michael jay fox
2. Salman Brad Pitt
3. Shah Rukh Tom Cruise
4. ajay. Harrison Ford
5. hritik. Christaine Bale
6. Akshay Jim Carrey
All their heights,personality and acting now compliments each of these stars.
@ Dilip I think he is an Akki fan too. Adam saddler ?? Really? And yes learn to respect your seniors by placing their names before your favo star samja!!! No sentiments here only IQ @ Vera
u missed russel crowe..
bdw give me ur email..
ll dicuzz sme stuff bou holly moviz..
@babaji Ka thullu. Lol.
I feel pity on srk fns, they always bark that srk win clashes each time though in asoka and jthj time he is clearly not winner. Still anybody can clash with SRK, SLB saawariya was flop against OSO but still he has not given up the release date as he was the first to book that, why srkians are bashing him. Srk announce dilwale date but where it is return that srk is Bollywood, no he is only a part of Bollywood and no one is slave of him. I have said already even if dilwale would be a solo release, it not gonna collect 300cr. Even 250 is not easy without manipulation.
I am sure that fann is created king’s PR team to avoid the clash.
Last deewali’s multistarer hny collected only 176cr even without clash. So, this year’s multistarer Dilwale can hardly earn 140cr with clash.
I have often wondered why SRK is always so afraid to release his movies with another movie. Is it because he would not be able to purchase all the extra tickets to boost sales and collections of his films, we know that he has brought many awards in the past, and then declared himself king, not so, besides he might be wanting to get back at PC for ditching him, facts are facts, if the truth be told. They say too much a coincidence to be a coincidence. Anyway competition is good for the soul, next time it will make film makers try harder to produce a better film.
srk fan requested to prepone or postpone d movie.abhi se fatt rahi hai srkians ki
Remove Dharma yash johar banners the result is srk being a saif Ali khan. Remove kajol from his movies he becomes Ritesh deshmukh Remove deepika from his career then he becomes Vivek oberoi. Remove Rohit shetty now he becomes Arman kohli. Artificial love fantasizing films which can’t work in today’s generation hence opted for masala,following footsteps of Salman Ajay Akki. Through Ajays exspot boy be bounces back! Tried to experiment hritik aamir genres but looked so artificial beside mnik n chak de india.
Observe Aamir Salman Ajay Akki All have worked with different kinds of directors and scored big even without d dharmas and co. Shah ruk pls release a solo movie and on non holiday or independence day not diwali eid or xmas!! U can’t even reach akshay kumar lifetime. Better give tanx to Priyanka K areena and Deepika for your fluke run of recent year at box ofc. ?? U can’t I challenge U!
Akshay 100 crores with sonakshi sonakshi asin
Hritik 100 crores , kat the statue, priyanka guest appearance and priyanka small role kangana role in Krishna3 more appreciated.
Aamir. 100 crores Who is asin? Kareena 3idiot 5th lead actress. Katrina statue again, anuksha pk cldv been played by kajal agarwal.
Ajay.. 100 crotes Who was asin? Who was kajal agarwl, kareena special appearance golmaal, kareena tiny role SR, sonakshi only stunt on bike n blowing whistle even rakhee sawant wld do dat role.
Salman..sonakshi back then twice?? Who is the actress in kick forgot her name. Kareena guest appearance in bb, jai ho don’t know even her name.
Srk..100 crore Priyanka powerful role Don2. Anuksha and shah rukh who had more screen space in jthj. Ra1 wow kareena solid role! C.e Deepika movie. crapppy New year after 1 hour it was Deepika 70% screen appearance. Bomann sonu sood srk muna abisheck shared remain 30% of screen space. So it’s clear aakki hritik ajay aamir salman all can carry movies on their shoulders but srk NEVER multi multi casts or powerful female roles in his movies just like late 90s n early 2000s where rani kajol preity single handedly almost carried the movies on their shoulders. Srk real real opportunist!! Slap on his face!
I think Dilwale will still do around 225 cr biz with clash which shd be superhit or blockbuster. But the greater loss will be of BM. With clash I expect BM to do max 125 crores and with a huge budget this shall mean average. May be SLB knows something which we all do not know as it needs to take great confidence to clash with a huge movie like Dilwale. Time will tell whether or not it was a correct decision.