‘Paani’ is a dream, I hope it happens: Hrithik Roshan

Hrithik RoshanHrithik Roshan, who is likely to play the lead in Shekhar Kapur’s dream-project ‘Paani’, says is has been his lifelong dream to work with the ‘Mr India’ director.

At the Whistling Woods acting academy, Hrithik said “I would just say that working with Shekhar Kapur is a lifelong dream of mine. Paani is a dream and I hope it happens.”

“I am looking forward to working with Shekhar Kapur and apart from work, just being with that man, in his presence, I feel comforted. On a personal equation, Shekhar Kapur is kind of an enlightened soul. So when I am with him, I feel a little enlightened, I feel a little good about myself” he said.



  • Hrithik is the best actor in Bollywood and he ll even make it to Hollywood very soon…We r proud of u Hrithik…U r a real Superstar….Our only Superhero

  • Again the discussion starts with Hrithik & comes to end with Salman & SRK .This shows these two actors are beyond anybody’s reach & all these ugly spat only reaffirms their ultra superstartom!

  • Srk is a sinking boat don’t talk about him.He is almost over atleast india.IMO Its Salman,Aamir & Hrithik are top stars in bollywood both fan following & box office wise.

  • if romnce genre is nt popular in india …hw cum ddlj and kkhh,raja hindustani bcame all time bb????
    nd even srk did action genres with ra.one and don2 ,then y didnt his film collect cloze to wat ett did???
    ett was 187 cr,ra.one was 114 cr and don 2 was 106cr…is dt even cloze to ett???
    its lyk miles away from ett…..
    srk has star power bit lacks screen presence…
    in his 1st decade no hero was consistent and famous box office and competetion ws also less so he scord…in between kkhh and oso,he had no blockbusterss @ all….inspite of all being romantic genress…which are his genres..but with oso and rnbj being comedy muviz he bounced bak…he can nli survive by doin comedy muviz,nthng else..onli chakde india is worth watching..

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