Only worried about Sanjay Dutt: Policegiri Producer

Sanjay DuttT.P. Aggarwal, who is producing Sanjay Dutt’s much-talked about film “Policegiri”, is not bothered about the movie’s budget or about the movie itself after the Supreme Court Thursday convicted the actor in the 1993 Mumbai blasts case. He says he is only thinking about Sanjay’s well-being.

“Budget of ‘Policegiri’ doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me the most is his safety. I share a good relationship with him and he is a wonderful human being. I don’t care about the film, I only care for Sanjay Dutt,” Aggarwal told IANS.

The Supreme Court Thursday upheld the conviction of Sanjay Dutt under the Arms Act in the terror attack and sent him to five years in prison.

“This news is tragic. I will meet him (Sanjay) tomorrow (Friday) and will see what to do. We are only thinking positive, let us see what happens,” he added.

Sanjay has already served 18 month in jail, and he will have to serve three years and six months. He has been given four weeks to surrender.

Aggarwal is upset with the news, and wants to give Sanjay time to get over it.

“Just imagine, I am shocked and so saddened by this news, so what would be his condition. I want him to be at peace. Let him take his own time and I will meet him tomorrow (Friday),” he said.

As for “Policegiri”, in which Sanjay plays a cop, it is almost 95 percent ready.

“Just 12 to 15 days shoot is left. I am not keen to talk about the budget for the film, but it should be around Rs.25 crore. But as I said before, I am not bothered about the film, I am only worried about Sanjay Dutt.”



  • Celebrities crying for Sanjay Dutt is equal to laughing at 1993 Mumbai blast victims. Totally double-standards.

  • Sanjay dutt jailed for 5 years .
    he has already spent 18 months so he will be in jail for next 3 years n 6 months .

    next to go will be sallu bhai

  • not only sanjay dutt, sanju baba has been sent jail quite couple of times for what he had done then why not salman who is accused of so many cases ??? we common men make them stars and in return they crush us under cars and plant bombs to kill us.

  • as you sow , so shall u reap , thats all i would say, had he kept himself away from all those terrorists links, today he had have been living a peaceful life and we all could have enjoyed the next munnabhai film bt sad..

  • I agree people can change. But I can never forgive someone who has killed another person because of being drunk or so. That’s why I am not in a forgiving mood for salman khan whether how much good his movies ever will be. People are so stupid. They make gods out of the people who kill innosent people for their on screen appearance. The people who have slightly agitated response to media are anhialatd in media for every single little mistake. Go on cheer the likes of sanjib and Sallu even more. Tommorow a relative I yours might die for a stupid mistake done by a drunk man. Then forgive that man in the same sense u forgave Sallu and sanjay. Idiotic Indians.

  • @SRK also you can add SRKs assault on the Wankhede Stadium Security Officer who was so viciously manhandled and saddistically tormented by SRK and entourage. Truly the common men of India get trampled on and victimised by those who are fortutously favoured and handsomely rewarded by the common men who watch lame after lame films by them.

  • @JAKE no doubt you right my feeble minded srkian friend. I can imagine Salman bhai being one of the first to visit Sanju Babu in prison. A friend in need is a friend indeed, something which clearly eludes SRK who only uses and abuses his friends trust and virtue. :-P

  • Oh man o man people on this page are commenting showing that they are so much law respecting persons comon man get some life looser sunjay is just a human if he had did some mistake wrong he must be punshid but noday has the write to take uncessary ill about him.

  • @navin killers will link together. Srk is not a killer. You can’t even compare Sallu to srk on humanity. Sallu is promoting being human to cover his own mistakes. Srk doesn’t need to do that.
    And srk was up against that security officer only cause he was treating the children unfairly.

  • crime and punishment…its for every human being!!the prison term is nothing when compared to the hundreds who lost their lives in the blast..think about that. he doesnt deserve any any cost.

  • @sach The justice system is in place and it will make the final decision when the time is right, yes the wheels of justice move slowly but thats just sods law and as Indians we reluctantly accept it.

    As for Srk and Salman bhai, both were in the wrong so lets not argue about legality or morality as we know whats what and whats not.
    Manhandling an officer who is incharge of security is a punishable offence, all of us deal with security people everyday at work and if an officer asks us to STOP or show him our ID then we all obide by that command but not our King Srk or family who think they are above the law and beyond reproach. Salman was silly and shouldnt have been drink driving. He knows that and theres no hiding the fact that one day his case will be heard in court and justice will slowly prevail. Until that day I suggest you keep your ‘axe’ inside a box and forget about grinding it coz justice will do a better job that a hater like you can.

    PS dont try to mask up srks crimes like the ‘wankhede’ incident or slapping another person like Kunder without justification coz both are assault in my book and if it was a common man going around doing such things then for sure that poor common man would be behind bars faster that the time it takes srk or his fans to wake up from their JTHJ coma nightmare…! :-P

  • dont worry about the movies in pending…there are better actors who can easily replace sanjay dutt in the industry. its not the 1980’s..its 2013. the producers have nothing to worry.

  • Oh My God! So many desh bhakth are here, Guy i have never seen such a crap guys like u, first of all this is all abt sanjay dutt nd TADA and 2 years ago Sc release few of Them by saying this people are not involved in terror attack n all nd nowhas to be in jail remaining years, this is so redclus who so is it don’t have rite to harras ny human being, indian law system is bad, secondly unnesserily u r dragging salman’s by abusing talking negetive abt him
    I’m a big fan of SRK but talking this kinda things is like nd its so how Srk scared of salman at the box Office so they r just praying something happen just like that to salman aswell
    Bloody looser guys

  • Ok I understand that I might have been too partial for srk. But what I meant to say that though there are many mistakes of him he has never killed another one. And that’s why things are redeemable for him. But I agree he is scared of salman at the current time about Bxoffice. But all can bash do hard about him cause he has done greater things in life which many of us commenting here haven’t.

  • Sach
    1 killed nd couple of guys got injured by salman’s car but that was not intentionally it was an accident, looks at him and his charity works nd u also know that how many Loves have been saved by being human and team, maybe he was a criminal according to u guys but now he is a different man and also going to donate his bone marrow,
    Even ashoka the great was a murdered after 1 incident he was completely changer man so do valmiki, I’m a big fan of SRK and i do comment but not as u guys do everytime hope u get My point

  • Here’s the thing. I have no hatred for salman. It’s just that I don’t call getting drunk and make an accident fair. I believe he I trying his best. But at the end I the day the simple truth is that that accident should never have happened in the first place. I am not making srk a god. I am strictly against his smoking. He is making it look like cool and the younger generations take it as a style. In the end no one is good. But it’s just the viewpoint of mine. So no, I won’t forgive salman. Cause I hate people who consume alcohol and fall to accidents. But I appreciate his efforts to become a better man. I am just pointing out he is not the god that the people think if him right now.

  • @sach You make me want to cry out loud…! I misjudged you as you clearly say you have no hatred for Salman bhai. Thank you my srkian friend, I take back everything I said about you in my earlier comment and everything I wrote ill about you on another fan zone because quite clearly you have no hatred for Salman bhai… You just dont like people drinking excessively and enjoying themselves at others expense! I get that now and Im Sorry dude but I like you now and yeah you right, I shouldn’t be worshipping Bhai as my demiGod but being a ‘wanderer’ and lost soul I now need to find myself a new demigod. Any suggestions my friend Sach??? Perhaps SRK??? Please help me as Im lost without my DemiGod…
    :-( :-( :-(

  • Sach@
    Brother the way you wrote that u Will not forgive salman nd hates people who consume alcohol, i have shown your comments to almost every friend of mine nd they are laughing like anything, and 1 friend commented ur view like this
    Yeh kon hai Sala chammak challo just look at his comment not even great amitji or sir rajni commented the he is doing.

  • @superstar n navin
    Foh u ppl it might b a mistake.
    But wat abt d guy who died n whose family suffers…
    pplzz dont mind but If salman hav killed any of ur near n dear ones den wat u wud have done…
    Ask ppl whose family members r crushed by drunken bastards….

  • @superstar LoL it just makes you wanna LOL when you hear people like ‘sach’ talking about morality and legality. If it was left to these guys then nobody in life would be allowed second chances and you would have to build 10,000 new jails to house 100 million ‘prisoners’ found guilty for all kinds of crimes. All hail the honourable and righteous ‘sach’ who is not a hater just that he was never thought at school or home what ‘forgiveness’ is all about. Lets all kneel and pray in unison that noone in his poor family ever makes a mistake as for the ‘AXE’ will come out of its box quicker than you can say “stop saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccchhhhhh….”

  • I am in this mood because a close relation of mine died due to a drunk man driving over him. And that man was just 17 years at that time. So he was pardoned for a little jail time by the judicial system. From that say onwards I don’t like drunkens. You may understand this only if the same thing happened to you. So laugh all you want. But when the same thing happen to u u will understand the real pain.

  • @Damnnnn….! Stop giving hypothetical scenarios to justify your agenda which is Anti Salman at all costs. You fooling noone with your fake mask.

  • @sach Again I dont know you but serious or not I would still say there are people in a far better position to preside over Salmams case which is a subjective case and should not be judged or predetermined because of prior prejudices. Each case of driving whilst drunk are unique like speed of vehicle at impact, reckless driving, units of alcohol consumed, prior cautions for driving whilst intoxicated etc etc. Let the judicial process conduct its own enquiries and make their findings publuc. Justice will be served one way or another.

  • Whateva u say, this is a useless debate. The final decision is by each individual to love or hate a certain person. Respecting people on their due credit is manners. So I respect salman on his movie carrier. Not his personal life. I like srk movies better. That’s just me. I liked don 2. Hated dabang 2. I liked ek tha tiger but disliked ra one. In the end no one gives perfect movies all the time. I know to respect the due movies of all stars. But u navin is just a hater of srk on his movies. That’s where all your decisions are pointless. A true lover of aesthetics can never hate movie just becaus of a particular actor.

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