There is a saying “There is no such thing as bad publicity. Good or bad, publicity is still publicity”. When #BoycottPK trended on Twitter last evening, a lot more people who weren’t interested in watching the film, were now curios enough to check it out at a nearby theatre.
But to counter the negativity on Twitter, Aamir Khan fans got together to trend #WeSupportPK. The response was better than expected as #WeSupportPK quickly toppled #BoycottPK on Twitter trends.
Below are some tweets that support the film and the #WeSupportPK.
- pk ?@samidsiddiqi91 - Believe the God who created human..not the God created by human. #WeSupportPK
- Biswajit ?@BisuPattanayak – PK tells d story aptly from an aliens pnt of view.Wat is religion,who & why created it 9/11, 26/11, 16/12 – religion creates these! #wesupportpk
- Krazzy ?@sepultraonyx – #WeSupportPK Absolutely! It’s time to boycott movies like kick and HNY… Pk is brilliant.
- Pooja-Akki Addicted ?@JuniorAkki – I watched PK there is not any sign of Boycott.. Secular people will remain always secular… #WeSupportPK
- Anshul Saxena ?@AskAnshul – its a story of Alien so watch it with this concept, Alien is not aware of Spiritual beliefs so be logical n make sense #WeSupportPK
- Padma Singh @Padma925 – Perfect blend of love, pain and laughter. I don’t remember anytime i heard people laughing,clapping & crying in theatre.#WeSupportPK
- alchemy @anthropomorph – How long before religion creates more disharmony?? #WeSupportPK Stupid people please wake up and stop creating communalism
- Arpana Rawat @ArpanaR1 – #WeSupportPK becoz it portrays effectively all that is wrong with religion in the 21st century and the challenges we need to overcome.
- Prince Jain @prince31jain – People are debating if #PK is an anti- Hindu movie. Right there it defeats the purpose of the subtle message it tried to give #WeSupportPK
- Reshanki @edits_alizafar – The reason why ppl want to boycott PK is because they know that the movie is correct but just don’t have the power to accept it #WeSupportPK
- DK @bollywoodajjtak – To honour #BoycottPK I will watch #PK again tomorrow :P
- @varungrover: You don’t judge a Rajkumar Hirani film, the film judges you.” #WeSupportPK
Loved the last tweet.
“You don’t judge a Rajkumar Hirani film. The film judges you!!!”