Nobody has got more from this country than me: Shah Rukh Khan

On Rajat Sharma’s Aap Ki Adalat, which will be aired on India TV at 10PM tonight, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan has said he’s the most loved Indian in the country and nobody else has got more from this country than him.

“Whether my film (Fan) is a hit or not, I want to say for the last time, I will not repeat it again, that there is no patriot greater than me in this country”

“Our country, our motherland, Bharat Mata, we all love it, why should we have a talk like this.. I am the most proud Indian in the world because nobody has got more from this country than me.. I hope I can work for the greatness of my nation and so does my family,” Shah Rukh said.

The actor also said he felt sad when people criticised him following the ‘intolerance’ statement. He also said he would sometimes feel like crying when he was asked to prove his patriotism.

“Sometimes I feel very sad, I even feel like crying, that I should be made to say that I belong to this country, I am a patriot. I am a patriot, rather we all are. We do not have to compete with others to say we are patriots”

“I get very sad sometimes when I am supposed to explain each and every time how good a patriot am I… I will tell all young people to be tolerant, be happy, work hard and take this nation forward. Small, petty matters should not harm our nation’s interest” he said.



  • When we heard the word ” King” the first name comes in our Mind is SRK…..
    Love uu SRK…proud to be ur FAN..
    Duniya ka Sabse bada superstar ka sabse bada Fan
    #Fasal kerala

  • Hii guyz…iam following indicine from last 3years…but today thot2 comment..iam Bollywood fan…..

  • Patriotic,Is he talking about india ? Then why he donates money to pakistan ??
    doublestandard man

  • Please srk and patriotism is like osama calling himself a well civilised person .lol
    showed his patriotism by giving donation to pak ,need i make you remember.

  • ‘Nobody has got more from this country than me’ yeah Right but in terms of money. When it comes to love nd respect, u lack way behind SRK . TRUTH !

  • Indians need to be proud of SRK. He made bollywood…to the rest of the world bollywood pre-SRK did not exist. And even if it did, it had a bad name. SRK made bollywood into a global powerhouse. SRK is an intelligent man also and his comments around intolerance are due to his progressive and liberal way of thinking. Whether you like to admit or not, there is alot of intolerance towards minorities of all kinds in India…whether they be muslim or christian minorities, caste minorities, homosexuals, etc. to turn a blind eye to this is like keeping our hand buried deep in the sand. grow up people

  • @roy, exactly salman is so golden from heart that he never slapped any woman, neither he shot any black buck, instead blackbuck commited suicide by seeing salman, maybe because black buck feared that salman might shoot him, so instead of getting hunted by golden hearted salman, blackbuck himself commited suicide. Also last but not the least, the people who were sleeping on foot path suddenly rolled over to the road and 4 of them got injured and one committed suicide but our golden hearted salman never was responsible for any of such incidents. The golden hearted man who also never threatened Aish and never threatened her parents, instead her parents alleagued against our golden hearted man salman. Such a golden hearted person salman is, that every crimes only invlved him even though actually salman didnt do anything to blackbucks, people sleeping on footpath, Aish, etc.

  • so pls go to warfield and fight against pakistan soldiers, because you are the boggest patriot.
    the truith os srk time is over and khan trio become common stars after this year, becuase every one start book festivel seasons

  • I see Salman fans shamelessly commenting … Do they forget the golden deeds of Him ?
    U making big thing out of what ever SRK speaks … But what’s your take on Mr Salmans who does things in actions … Wether killing people or animals or hitting heroines … So cald tiger ? Real men don’t abuse women’s !

  • My King spoke the truth coz he pays next to no tax hence gets more than the common man in terms of percentage of every single rupee…

  • Why People hate SRk..???
    He loves to add superlatives in his statements..why/who said that ..he is the “most” loved person..

  • Thats why as a celebrity he should know how2 behave in public…he should learn from Bharat ratna-God- Sachin tendulkar

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