No release for My Name Is Khan in Mumbai, Mangalore

Here is the latest on the SRK – Shiv Sena war and the unfortunate scapegoat My Name Is Khan.

My Name Is Khan will not release in most multiplexes in Maharastra tomorrow, some multiplexes in Karnataka too have backed out fearing a Shiv Sena – Bajrang Dal backlash.

When we spoke to one of our sources in Big Cinemas, sounding worried he said “The threat is strong, the film will not release here tomorrow, all shows have been canceled for Friday.”

When asked if the film could release on Saturday “We’ll need to discuss the situation. Nothing confirmed at the moment.”

Fun Cinemas and Gaiety Galaxy too have canceled all shows for Friday.

The situation is very unfortunate and the biggest losers are the audience, especially SRK fans who have been waiting patiently for over 15 months for a Shahrukh Khan film.

From the film’s business point of view, the first weekend is very important for every biggie these days. Last year, Shahid Kapoor’s Kaminey easily lost 8 – 10 crores as plexes in Mumbai and Pune remained shut due to Swine Flu. For a film like My Name Is Khan, the losses could be much bigger.



  • This is very sad..more than the box office loss,m upset for SRK fans..

    But the way srk has not bowed down is commendable.i certainly respect srk more

    More power to king khan…i am sure majority f the people are with him..god bless badshah

  • indicine team

    its very sad news to good cinema lovers specially to mumbaikars and mumbai audience being a major part in box office collection of any movies

    but one of the reviever from a news channel had describe that it doesnt make big loss to mnik totall collections since it releasing in 70 countries …on comparing to 70 countries mumbai box office share is very minimum less and that doesnt make any difference on mnik total collection …

    regarding broking 3 idiots records he was aske reviever replied it is that mnik is that much good movie
    that it can gross 500 crores ….

    so , is it possible indicine that mnik will gross 500crores ?

  • here comes a good news.srk needed publicity,(lo mil gayi publicity)now he got…

    on a serious note that’s not a good news for srk and his fans.but i think for this situation srk himself is responsible.he thought after shouting for some days mns ll calm down and with this process mnik ll get hugeeeeeeeee freeeee publicity.

    poor guy srk.other than doing these cheap publicity stunts e.g(airport drama,mns) he should hv done some innovative promotions like mr aamir may be he didnt want to spend money and labour for promoting mnik in india.

  • Gayi Bhains Paani Main…….I don’t think that this movie can even get “Hit status” in India now….. I really feel sad for SRK and KJo…..Poor chaps…The losses will be huge as Maharashtra being the main market for these kinda movies…It is not a movie for Single Screens…..

    MNIK WILL RELEASE IN MUMBAI TOMORROW> There is V.V.I.P securtiy in the multiplexes…….

    Real test for srk fans and srk tomorrow…….Will come to know whether we are stronger than our fears or not .. for a good cause

  • Box office par sirf police hi police hai koi audience mil nahi rahi hai .

    shivsena won the battle . I am happy for that .

  • is there any democracy in india? Being a indian muslim i feel very sad..i jus love 2 hate sharukh bt dis tym ol my sympathy has gone 2 sharukh..we shd stand up and rise a strong voice against dis typ of fundamental political party.

  • @dipen dis is nt ryt tym 2 say anythng against sharukh.Dis is nt da battle between shivsena vs sharukh. Dis is da battle between right vs wrong.Dis is da tym 2 battle against fundamental political party.They r dameging indian democracy..they r very dengerous 4 our country.indian govt shd ban shivsena.

  • @hina..u knw we r planing 2 do a road show in kolkata 2morrow against dis.they r destroing our image as a democratic country .they r doing same thing as lyk taliban doing in ur country.we shd b united 4 dis typ of fundamental party.

  • agar sharukh deshdrohi hai to salman v deshdrohi hai..coz salman has given his ful support 2 sharukh.@ dipen dnt comment on indo pak relationship.ppl lyk u frm both country r da resposible 4 bad relationship between da two country.khuda ke liye kuch accha socho..

  • its really sad news….if shiv sena succeed dis time around then it will be a slap nt only to the film industry bt also to congress govt….making movies bcoming tougher nd tougher dis days…seems movies r meant to create controversies… happend wid wake up sid,billu,lac last example was veer…if things go like this audience as well as directors will loose interest in making movies with innovative ideas …sorry for srk fans..

    Dnt knw why srk made dis blunder bt truly wanted shiv sena to loose dis battle…these ultra religious parties gonna get pretty much inspiration from dis success(better say sad) story….

  • SALAAM 2 @ all

    plz dont support any of politicians who divide any communities without going legal talks ,

    yeh 65% impure politicians kisi k nahi hote …plzzz ”’pyaar amann ki aashaa do aur amann ki aasha lo””

    plz @all friends join hands against this 65% impurities of world , who always want to divide love goodness feels with there hatred feel…

    but INSHAAALLAAH ALLAAHTAALAAH will bring back his grace of peace and unity across the globe world from his 35% pure and truth beleiver follower around the globe so, all izz well all izz well INSHAAALLAAH goodness around globe is arriving any moments INSHAAALLAAH with ALLAAH grace AAMEEN

  • @ all friends its not matter of srk or sallu , its a matter to whole humanity ….

    so, being human be happy and plzzz dont gave hatred comments here , we all are humans and loves truth ,so support the truth feels against these hatred feels .

    i always made duaa to ALLAAH for whole humanity ALLAAH give all ones idaayat and make all ones din and duniyaa better with every aspects INSHAAALLAAH AAMEEN

  • @imtiaz ..Thnx alot 4 ur comments.

    @Dipen ..I dun like SRK as a person coz of his diplomacy but he is a gud actor n has put lots of hardwork in MNIK.N I am a Pakistani am I a terrorist ??? There are millions back home who bought MNIK tickets even though the topic is dicey but they are gud cinema loverz.I tell u once there was a suiscidal bomb explosion near my university n we were sitting in the class room studying feedback systems n we all fell down coz of the explosion.We could have died that day???Who are these ppl who are killing us everyday who killed innocents on 26\11 who are they???Last year what happened in lahore to Srilinkan cricket team do u know how much pain we feel.I woke up dat morning n i had a quiz n m a crazy cricket fan i had plan to go to stadium dat day after my classes but my friend msged me n told dat Pakistan cricket is finshed n i switched on my tv n I cried 4 hours dat day just thinking Sirilankan were our guests what have we done what have we done???? Our classes got cancelled.Whole city was searched by police n ppl were crying like hell..Can such a lovely country be a terrorist????We prayed dat every single foreigner gets well n leave our country safely…I salute Sirilankans coz they didn’t even once said anything bad abt Pakistan but few Indians just keep on pouring Poison.

    Yeah @Imtiaz Salman is backing Shahrukh but difference in him is dat he is doing wid heart.If Srk Is really sincere ALLAH will help him but if he is playing sum game then he will get his due.

  • Indicine ..Hahaha just read ur comment on Nauman’s site.I am so sorry I didn’t notice sumbody was using ur name maybe its Nauman himself :) haha Yeah Indicine even I have asked nauman to remove downloading of songs as its illegal n I dun wana go to jail :)

  • sad news for SRK fans

    Agar this weekend mein mnik release nahi hoti hai places like





    mnik will be declared as a Disater at the box office . Dont mind good luck

  • I hope everything will be fine. Because God is with srk. Now its a bettle between right and wrong. So now its upto us to choose between right and wrong. Good luck to mnik.

  • Hina
    terrorist has no country, no relgion, no language, no niger,no white and no human. they are just evil without face. so they need face for their terrorist or evilactivitiese. thts why they choose the religion, language etc…..
    but what i do for that. im very sorry for that situation in you plz never fear for that terrorist. if someday you attack by by these attacks ” bas khuda ke liye jaan dedi in saitano se ladte hue” soch lena.
    fear is more evil than terrorists.

    okz great to know indicine also aprecciate srk acting. thx indicine.

    okz i hope all izz well.

  • No shows for mnik only fun cinema andheri and inox are screening that but that they may also close down and dnt worry about hit or flop media wil declare hit from today itself

  • feeling bad 2 hear ur story.May Allah olways wid u.’@afrid bhai yeh 35%, 65% wala bat plz mat karo..sun sun k pak gaya hu

  • Its a great news as i am from Mangalore( but currently in riyadh ) the film MNIK is banned hahahahahaha
    The movie will not be flop instead disaster disaster disaster

  • Sad news that film is not releasing in many parts of the country, this may affect the final box office verdict of the film.
    Although I do not like mnik type of movies, yet, only cinema going people should decide final fate of film, not the politicians. MNIK should get every chance of release in every part of country.

  • February 11th, 2010

    The Shiv Sena activists went on a rampage in Delhi, by vandalising the Satyam Theatre in Janakpuri, Delhi, where SRK’s movie, ‘My Name Is Khan’ was slated for a release today. The Bajrang Dal activists in Ahmedabad tore up the posters of the movie.

    Vandalism was also reported from the Akshardham area of east Delhi, Prashant Vihar and Sarita Vihar where protestors reportedly shouted anti-Shahrukh slogans and burnt movie posters.

    This came as a rude shock to Delhiites as the cash registers were ringing in the capital for the Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol starrer throughout Wednesday. Most cinema halls and multiplex chains had opened their ticket windows for the film on Monday and have been receiving a positive response ever since despite the brouhaha in Mumbai over the film’s release.

    The Delhi Police have decided to tighten the security across all theatres in Delhi in the wake of protest by Shiv Sena.

    In a jolt to Karan Johar and Shah Rukh Khan, all theaters and multiplexes in Gujarat have decided not to screen Shahrukh Khan’s film ‘My name is Khan at the behest of the Bajrang Dal and VHP.

    All theaters and multiplexes in Gujarat have decided not to book any ticket of Shahrukh Khan’s film ‘My name is Khan’ in advance.

    According to reports coming out, Shri Ashiwn Patel, Ahmedabad based leader of Vishwa Hindu Parishad in Gujarat, when contacted by the media, pointed out that Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad have stopped screening of films even in past successfully. “Even this time, the film: My name is Khan would not be allowed to be screened in Gujarat.”

    Umesh Engineer, leader of Shiv Sena in Gujarat, on Thursday thanked Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal to join the agitation against Shahrukh Khan’s pro-Pakistan stand and his film. Umesh said the Shiv Sainiks would obey Shri Bala Saheb Thakrey’s order and would stop screening of My name is Khan with whatever strength they have in Gujarat.

  • @adiii ..Wow u look good when u talk sensibly :) .Thnx 4 nice comments. BTW Veer screening was also stopped in Rajhastan but at dat time u didnt understand now MNIK is feeling the heat.SRK should come out like Salman came out 4 Veer.What do u say?

    @imtiaz ..Dun feel sad just pray 4 everyone N Aal izz well :)

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