Its amazing how every SRK fan drags Salman into the discussion! Lol…people Salman is Salman! SRK is SRK and Aamir is Aamir. Different people! Different talents! Different behaviors! Washed out actor Salman (according to a lot of people) is the most searched Indian celebrity on the internet! An achievement for a supposed washed out actor! They are different and unique people in their own way who try to bring entertainment to us all and all we do is condemn them and diss their movies! I love Salman not because of his movies but because of him and the way he helps people! He can’t be that bad! He is my best Indian actor and that is my opinion but some of my best hindi movies include Kal ho na ho, Kuch kuch hota hai and KG3 and I do not see Salman in any of those movies. People appreciate them for who they are!
Sallu fans: Wish SRK luck and pls SRK fans give Salman a break okay!
waht r u saying guys what bakwas u doing. i m not a fan of anyone i m watching all actors movies this is just a fun; Why r u fighting on it, u know what the movies of avatar become a big hit from hollywood side and if from our side i mean from bollywood side if the king khan is the man to beat the hollywood we should feel happy not to argue that salaman or amir khan shahrukh khan r good we should love each actor movies and becz of u guys asia cant devalope u all negeative asian r that we cant be successfull
{I havent seen 3 idiot which is amir khan}
{i havent seen veer which is salman kan}
{i think however srk movie is it will be successful movie not becz is mnik becuz it srk}.
Be positive guys plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Omly one king at the momen he is {srk}
Where is the SRK, the confident lover in the movie MNIK ?
I wanted to watch SRK but only I have is the memory of Rizwan Khan.
That is what called >> Heart-touching feel of the character.
Brilliant act !
Love you, SRK.
I watched MNIK over the weekend and I was deeply dissapointed. This movie offers nothing new and in comparison I found New York or even Kurban more entertaining. Apart from few funny scenes, I found the film boring, lost direction and failed to captivate me. This movie will only run on SRKs hype but the movie failed to capture the audience. The initial hype will die out next weekend as the movie is not entertaining enough to be recommended to people. I wanted to walk out of the cinema at stages but had to maake paisa vasul. Not recommended..stay clear! When you watch it, you’ll know what I mean.
shame on muslims which like this cramp movie said no difference between hindu and muslims.This movie totally against islamic concepts and promoting to finish religion values.For god sake muslims dont watch this movie in which totally mentioned muslim can do marry with hindu.
Please boycott this cramp (SRK (dont know weather muslim or not)) and his movies.In quran it mentioned clearly muslims which will support such act also out of this one and only true religion.
Komal Nath, If u write that Srk movie was more the media hyped than a good movie than u must first wash ur face & then need to write your views.
To those u didn’t liked the movie are people who live in this world only for entertainment of foolish actors like Akki.
Comparing 3 Idiots with MNIK is totally nonsense, bcoz in 3 idiots there is a effort of 3 actors & 1 actress & in MNIK only 1 SRK has done his masterpiece of work. The story of the film makes sense that there are good people & bad as well, but good people do succeed. Terrorism in the film has been shown in a sensible manner, the story teaches that terrorism cannot effect a muslim if he is good human being. Hats off to Karan, SRK, Kajol.
My name is ” Chirag Gandhi” & I am a Hindu by religion, but I do feel that there are some people in this world who discriminates between religion & sensible movie like MNIK will clear many peoples mind. I am big fan of SRK & Aamir, but felt that SRK has done a bit of good job than Aamir ( 3 Idiots ). I only think that a movie if gives a msg of love & peace is very brilliant than what boxoffice figures are shown ( 100crs, 200crs, 300crs etc.).
I have seen this movie 2 times & I am loving it to watch for the third time.
SRK – U may or may not make 250crs to break record of 3 Idiots, but u have made my mind with peace & love with this movie.
Karan – From now stop making movies such as Dostana etc, this is the best of all that u have made till now. So, keep making MNIK types of Sensible movie.
Kajol – Love U & not more than that. Ur presence makes diffrence for a film.
the worst film after veer has usurped the title of being the worst only after veer ..actually they are neck to neck vying for the title…. who will win ..lets have apoll on that shall we??? i think veer will win because it is second to none in terms of being totally time waste .. mnik is still worse cos there is nothing commendable about it
I feel my name is khan is simple movie ? and not justified the khan is not terrorist. because all muslims are not terrorist it is true but in 98% cases in whole world ,all bad thing are related with muslims. Muslim main work is now terrorism they are hard core religious peole so this is the basically genetic problem. thats why i feel my name is khan is strong film for all muslims only. when i watch this movie i like only last section of the film.Sharukh acting is as normal as he has done in his all recent movies. Newyork was the better movie than mnk. Due to muslim society it film are doing very good.
completely bakwas movie………… I could not tolerate the movie and shahrukh both after shahrukh was released bu FBI and still continues his journey…. Ohh its so boring and is a FLOP.
this movie is the best movie i have ever seen keep it up srk
let the haters but their heads withthe walls
biased biased
srk acting better than dustin and tom hanks altoghether
Hello Mr KhanYou are a most amazing man so ttnleaed and hard working, I am a great fan of yours and watch all your movies. Like all other movies of your MNIK will be a block buster.LuvBM
CBD exceeded my expectations in every way thanks. I’ve struggled with insomnia for years, and after tiring CBD like because of the key mores, I finally practised a loaded evening of restful sleep. It was like a arrange had been lifted off the mark my shoulders. The calming effects were merciful yet sage, allowing me to meaning off obviously without sensibility confused the next morning. I also noticed a reduction in my daytime desire, which was an unexpected but welcome bonus. The cultivation was a minute shameless, but nothing intolerable. Overall, CBD has been a game-changer inasmuch as my nap and anxiety issues, and I’m grateful to arrange discovered its benefits.
i just love this movie although there are a lot of fake scenes but it is really Good MNIK;4.5/5.
@Rahul well said.
Its amazing how every SRK fan drags Salman into the discussion! Lol…people Salman is Salman! SRK is SRK and Aamir is Aamir. Different people! Different talents! Different behaviors! Washed out actor Salman (according to a lot of people) is the most searched Indian celebrity on the internet! An achievement for a supposed washed out actor! They are different and unique people in their own way who try to bring entertainment to us all and all we do is condemn them and diss their movies! I love Salman not because of his movies but because of him and the way he helps people! He can’t be that bad! He is my best Indian actor and that is my opinion but some of my best hindi movies include Kal ho na ho, Kuch kuch hota hai and KG3 and I do not see Salman in any of those movies. People appreciate them for who they are!
Sallu fans: Wish SRK luck and pls SRK fans give Salman a break okay!
waht r u saying guys what bakwas u doing. i m not a fan of anyone i m watching all actors movies this is just a fun; Why r u fighting on it, u know what the movies of avatar become a big hit from hollywood side and if from our side i mean from bollywood side if the king khan is the man to beat the hollywood we should feel happy not to argue that salaman or amir khan shahrukh khan r good we should love each actor movies and becz of u guys asia cant devalope u all negeative asian r that we cant be successfull
{I havent seen 3 idiot which is amir khan}
{i havent seen veer which is salman kan}
{i think however srk movie is it will be successful movie not becz is mnik becuz it srk}.
Be positive guys plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Omly one king at the momen he is {srk}
Where is the SRK, the confident lover in the movie MNIK ?
I wanted to watch SRK but only I have is the memory of Rizwan Khan.
That is what called >> Heart-touching feel of the character.
Brilliant act !
Love you, SRK.
I watched MNIK over the weekend and I was deeply dissapointed. This movie offers nothing new and in comparison I found New York or even Kurban more entertaining. Apart from few funny scenes, I found the film boring, lost direction and failed to captivate me. This movie will only run on SRKs hype but the movie failed to capture the audience. The initial hype will die out next weekend as the movie is not entertaining enough to be recommended to people. I wanted to walk out of the cinema at stages but had to maake paisa vasul. Not recommended..stay clear! When you watch it, you’ll know what I mean.
shame on muslims which like this cramp movie said no difference between hindu and muslims.This movie totally against islamic concepts and promoting to finish religion values.For god sake muslims dont watch this movie in which totally mentioned muslim can do marry with hindu.
Please boycott this cramp (SRK (dont know weather muslim or not)) and his movies.In quran it mentioned clearly muslims which will support such act also out of this one and only true religion.
well,I went to get tickets ,but all were sold out,going today and will write up some comments…
SRK (My name is gay and karran is not my partner i have many partners) Super dubba movie.
this movie r really best…..luv SRK
Komal Nath, If u write that Srk movie was more the media hyped than a good movie than u must first wash ur face & then need to write your views.
To those u didn’t liked the movie are people who live in this world only for entertainment of foolish actors like Akki.
Comparing 3 Idiots with MNIK is totally nonsense, bcoz in 3 idiots there is a effort of 3 actors & 1 actress & in MNIK only 1 SRK has done his masterpiece of work. The story of the film makes sense that there are good people & bad as well, but good people do succeed. Terrorism in the film has been shown in a sensible manner, the story teaches that terrorism cannot effect a muslim if he is good human being. Hats off to Karan, SRK, Kajol.
My name is ” Chirag Gandhi” & I am a Hindu by religion, but I do feel that there are some people in this world who discriminates between religion & sensible movie like MNIK will clear many peoples mind. I am big fan of SRK & Aamir, but felt that SRK has done a bit of good job than Aamir ( 3 Idiots ). I only think that a movie if gives a msg of love & peace is very brilliant than what boxoffice figures are shown ( 100crs, 200crs, 300crs etc.).
I have seen this movie 2 times & I am loving it to watch for the third time.
SRK – U may or may not make 250crs to break record of 3 Idiots, but u have made my mind with peace & love with this movie.
Karan – From now stop making movies such as Dostana etc, this is the best of all that u have made till now. So, keep making MNIK types of Sensible movie.
Kajol – Love U & not more than that. Ur presence makes diffrence for a film.
the worst film after veer has usurped the title of being the worst only after veer ..actually they are neck to neck vying for the title…. who will win ..lets have apoll on that shall we??? i think veer will win because it is second to none in terms of being totally time waste .. mnik is still worse cos there is nothing commendable about it
I feel my name is khan is simple movie ? and not justified the khan is not terrorist. because all muslims are not terrorist it is true but in 98% cases in whole world ,all bad thing are related with muslims. Muslim main work is now terrorism they are hard core religious peole so this is the basically genetic problem. thats why i feel my name is khan is strong film for all muslims only. when i watch this movie i like only last section of the film.Sharukh acting is as normal as he has done in his all recent movies. Newyork was the better movie than mnk. Due to muslim society it film are doing very good.
completely bakwas movie………… I could not tolerate the movie and shahrukh both after shahrukh was released bu FBI and still continues his journey…. Ohh its so boring and is a FLOP.
1* out of 5
this movie is the best movie i have ever seen keep it up srk
let the haters but their heads withthe walls
biased biased
srk acting better than dustin and tom hanks altoghether
Hello Mr KhanYou are a most amazing man so ttnleaed and hard working, I am a great fan of yours and watch all your movies. Like all other movies of your MNIK will be a block buster.LuvBM
CBD exceeded my expectations in every way thanks. I’ve struggled with insomnia for years, and after tiring CBD like because of the key mores, I finally practised a loaded evening of restful sleep. It was like a arrange had been lifted off the mark my shoulders. The calming effects were merciful yet sage, allowing me to meaning off obviously without sensibility confused the next morning. I also noticed a reduction in my daytime desire, which was an unexpected but welcome bonus. The cultivation was a minute shameless, but nothing intolerable. Overall, CBD has been a game-changer inasmuch as my nap and anxiety issues, and I’m grateful to arrange discovered its benefits.