Mental is NOT releasing on November 22nd: Sohail

Sohail KhanLast week, several news channels and websites published unconfirmed reports that Salman Khan’s upcoming film ‘Mental’ is all set to release on November 22nd.

Director Sohail Khan, though, has rubbished all rumours ”We are not releasing Mental on November 22nd, we haven’t locked any release date. The shooting is currently in progress and it might be ready by the end of the year.” said Sohail.

“I dont know where the date came from. People are now deciding when I’ll release my film without my knowledge” he added.

So, as things stand today, there is an outside chance that Mental might release by the end of the year. Any further delay and the film might not see the light of day this year.

Apart from Salman Khan, Mental also stars Daisy Shah, Sana Khan, Tabu, Ashmit Patel and Mukul Dev.



  • i think salman doesn’t finding any holiday to relese his mental. bcoz this year in every holiday there is relesing big blockbuster film. Example- in eid there is chennai express & OUTM 2, diwali there is krrish 3, in christmas there is dhoom 3. So salman is scared that if he clashes with these films, his film Mental may not achieve enough box office success & he may lose his number 1 place.

    So as a result Mental is not relesing this year. Because he want to release his film only those holiday when his film doesn’t crash with any other film. In this way since last 3 years he is making his film blockbuster hit. I wanted to see chennai express & mental clash in this eid. But unfortunately this is not heppening.

  • @chowkosh: What about Ready? It was released on non holiday day !!! n ur srk announced CE release date a month ago unlike OUATIM 2 which was confirmed 6 months ago. Mental was delayed due to various reasons. It is actually other way Salman is not scared but people are scared to release their movies with Salman. Lol at ur thoughts !!

  • @soroop : How can salman release the movie when it is not started or completed ? What non sense, srk uses Salman n Ajay to book screens n u r saying Salman is scared. Lol. I am sure Salman will never back stab like ur srk and wud have not clash with Akki. One of the movie wud have got postponed, now even Akki is eager to thrash srk this Eid. So Ready, Steady n Loo !!! :p

  • @remotecontrol : No matter how much u bark, the bottom line is as far as audience getting Entertained he will do what he wants not what haters like u wants or hoping !!

  • 1)Wanted – Remake of telegu film starting mahesh babu , ileana !!!
    2)Ready – Remake of tamil film
    3) Dabangg – original script
    4) Bodyguard- remake of malayalam film
    5) Ek tha tiger – original script
    6)Mental – Upcoming Remake
    7) Kick – remake of telegu film kick

    Still on top the king of remake

    Salman khan -the remake khan

  • @hrithik You rock man…!
    Nice to see you defending bhai against these scavangers who now want to destroy Eid just like they ruined Diwali these past 2 years. Real shame to see Balaji releasing OUATIMA alongside Chennai Depress because it would have been interesting to see how much it would have collected and what records old Smeagol would have broken with his crapfest film. :-P
    Haters- I love y’all equally, you guys Talk BIG, I respect that, I really do. Good luck with getting a ticket to sit on board Chennai Depress sorry I meant to watch Chennai Depress. Guys I hope your journey is a safe one as you slowly slowly snail like pace ride upto Ready and with a gentle push and a Chris Gayle like Gale ride on past 123 cr mark. All the best you Smeagolites /Srkians and may you all have a Depressing Diwali sorry this years its gonna be an Evil Eid with your Gollum creature at the steering wheel orchestrating your festivities. :-P
    PS bhai fanatics- no bhai film this Eid so lets take a trip down memory lane where “Once Upon A Time In Mumbai 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012” Salman Bhai brought joy on Eid…! ;-) Akki roxXxXxXx

  • Excuses are made by cowards or losers.

    When you can’t beat him, point out silly things like it is a remake, nothing original, court cases..blah blah…

    The only thing that matters is box office.

    AND THE FACT IS THAT SRK IS UNABLE TO BEAT Salman’s READY movie record….how bad is that, now ask yourselves.

    The global star, the start with millions of followers and yet cannot beat the record of Ready. PITY.

    Now, when we are talking of box office, let us only speak of that.

    The whole world knows how was RA.1 made, and how many movies it got inspiration (copy).

    There is nothing ORIGINAL in a romantic movie. Same old thing in a new bottle.

    So, let us not discuss that and discuss what SRK has achieved in the recent years with his movies compared to Salman?

    The answer is srk’s movies have struggled and Salman is setting record pe record.

    So, all srkians, instead of pointing fingers on successful people, go out and watch your star’s movie and try to make it a hit.

    As Navin said, it is a pity that OUATIMA is clashing with CE, otherwise the world would have known how much CE would have accomplished on its own.

    Now, if it fails, they will put the blame on OUATIMA that people were divided for choices, but the reality is that if i am a srk fan, i will only see his movie, no matter what other movie released. If your star is a global star, why is the movie not fetching or making global records?

    Sit for a while a think, srkians, and try to get some logic in your mind.

    It is good to be loyal to your favourite star, but not blind.

  • @JC. Bodyguard and Ra One released in 2011. Ra One with huge negativity on 2nd day, i repeat ON 2nd Day has collected 25 crores in india. Bodyguard on other hand made 21 crs in 1st day, i repeat ON 1st Day. NOTE: both movie release in the span of 2 months.

    Now tell me which is big
    25 crs – 2nd day
    21 crs – 1st day ????????????

    Never ever underestimate SRK star power dude. Now I hope u wont be nomore concerned of ce collection if it release alone and not clash with OATM 2 and i think u got an idea how much ce would accomplish on its own

  • @soroop : what days have come for srk n srkians? You are counting even a day’s record or collection. Lol. :p dont worry dude, srk still a star but not as big as AK n SK. If you dont know that what matter is overall BO verdict n total collections. So now you tell me which is bigger?

    * Blockbuster -Bodyguard

    * – Hit ?

    FYI : Bodyguard even thrash Ra.One at worldwide. Now reply this.

  • @hrithik. Tell me how did bodyguard thrashed raone. World wide collection difrence is just 15crs (acc to boi), then how can use the term thrash here ?. First the know meaning of movie superstar. Superstar can only give bumper opening not bumper lifetime. Now u will come up with salman’s past few films lifetime collection. But dude luckily all of salmans movie is masala genre with descent to mixed wom. In ra one case it was effected with huge negativity. Therefore bodyguard got lead tht too by small margin. Understood?.

  • @hrithik do you have any example of salman when his films clash with other big star like akshay kumer, srk, amir khan, ajay devgan films & he beat those films? If you have any example than you can say people scared to relese their movie with salman. But before that you can’t say that sentence. In this situation srk is ahead. Bcoz his last film JTHJ clashed with ajay’s son of sardar & he beat that film. You are saying about ready which was only hited for good effact of dabaag. SRK has brave heart bcoz his films always clash with big star film. But i don’t see that in salman.

  • Salman is unable to break any overseas record of Srk
    Srk has 100 cr. Movie in overseas too..
    Where salman is struggling to cross 60 cr.

  • @soroop : Take that with some salt, BG is at 4 n Ra1 at 8 with 25 crores of difference

    Top 10 Worldwide Grossers of All Time

    3 Idiots (2009) – 385 crore
    Ek Tha Tiger (2012) – 310 crore
    Dabangg 2 – 251 crore
    Bodyguard (2011) – 230 crore
    Dabangg (2010) – 215 crore
    Jab Tak Hai Jaan – 211 crore
    Don 2 (2011) – 206 crore
    Ra.One (2011) – 202 crore
    Rowdy Rathore (2012) – 201 crore
    My Name Is Khan (2010) – 200 crore

    source : Indicine site

    Link :

  • @chowkos : Bravery is not clashing with movies neither insulting elders like Manoj Kumar nor stealing dam water from drought hit district. Bravery is helping poors, donating blood on numerous times n saving lives. I agree in past srk have won clashes but time have changed. Both SOS n OUATIM 2 had announced their respective release dates before JTHJ n now CE release dates were announced. I call it as stupidity, in todays era it will result in eating into each other business due to clash. Salman will (no past references only present n future) never do it atleast for big stars like Akki, Aamir, Ajay, Hrithik n even for srk unless someone challenges him !!!

  • @hrithik eating due to each other business due to clash. Yes i support it too with you. But in 2011 when ra one was relesing salman supported damadum and tell me oh khuda. In damadum he was in guest apperance & in tell me oh khuda he was in an item song. He did this work so that those 2 film would hit and srk’s ra one don’t get so much box office success. Again last year when JTHJ was relesing he supported SOS to do and an item song & guest apperance in that film. This time his mind was also playing that kind of work. So if he can do that why can’t srk do. Actually salman has always a Tenson about his 1st place in bollywood. He knows only one man can take his 1st place & he is shahrukh. I think srk’s mind is in challenge mode. Last year he challenged ajay’s SOS and he beat him. This year he challenging aksay’s OUTM 2. Who know’s next year he may challenge salman kick. If this heppens then you and i will see who is best shahrukh or salman.

  • @chowkosh: May be for first n last time i agree with u. I dont think SK n SRK clash happens, if it happens then lets wait n watch !!

  • Mental will make a new record in 2014 for sure. . . that why they won’t release this movie in 2013. . . actually there are releasing dhoom3 and krishh 3 in 2013. Anyways niece pick sohail. . .

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