After 7 years of fervent anticipation comes the third part of the super successful Krrish trilogy in the form of Krrish 3. This time around the stakes are higher, the amount of money involved is also higher (in fact a lot higher). So what does the most popular Superhero amongst kids in India have in store for us this time around? Is the story simple or complex? Does the film entertain? Does it justify the immense hype? Let’s dissect.
Story: Kaal (Vivek Oberoi) is paralysed from the neck down and has been on a life long quest to find out the reason for his torment. He creates a laboratory in the Swiss Alps (presumably) and makes dangerous mutants like Ant Man, Scorpion Woman and Kaya (Kangna Ranaut) through his experiments. His sole objective is to spread a deadly virus around the world and sell the antidotes to earn money for his pharmaceutical company. When this objective of his is stopped midway by Krrish (Hrithik Roshan), Kaal sends Kaya to Mumbai to tackle Rohit Mehra and his family and to find out how Rohit invented the antidote even before his company’s scientists. Thus ensues a highly elaborate sequence of events where each party compete to take the upper hand.
Screenplay and Direction: Rakesh Roshan has clearly worked hard on coming up with a suitable script and that is probably what explains the time lag between Krrish and Krrish 3. He has imbibed the script with emotional angles involving the father-son relationship and heavy philosophy about humans and humanity. Not all of it works, but he deserves a huge round of applause for the innovative storytelling tools and the out of the box ideas he has incorporated into Krrish 3 without ever making the film’s plot too complex. Rakesh Roshan directs the film as well as he probably could have. There were a few niggles in the pace of the film here and there, but they can be overlooked for the joy it provides when Krrish is out there saving lives.
Films like Krrish 3 are highly dependant on the technical expertise of the crew working on aspects like production design, visual effects, costume design, action design, cinematography and editing. The visual effects of Krrish 3 are top notch considering the limited budget of the film. Red Chillies VFX have bettered their Ra.One work here. Another important thing to notice about the visual effects of Krrish 3 is that the visual effects never gets too intrusive and doesn’t intrude the story. The cinematography ably supports the VFX work. The production design however comes across as too tacky and too unrealistic. It was a major letdown. The costume design doesn’t create too many benchmarks of greatness. Editing is decent enough.
Music and Background Score: The major talking point of Krrish 3 in the general public has so far been concentrated around the dismal music. Krrish 3 songs don’t work and most of them are highly unoriginal and below average. For a big film like Krrish 3, a better soundtrack was expected. It won’t be unfair to say that Rajesh Roshan has lost his touch. The background score however lends a grand scale to the film and works in the film’s favour. Salim-Sulaiman deserve credit for this.
Acting: Hrithik Roshan is the heart and soul of Krrish 3. He excels as both Krrish and his father Rohit. He brings a familiar sense of estranged and innocent good-heartedness in his performance as Rohit. And he is in super form as the saviour of Mumbai – Krrish. He has worked hard to attain a great physique and that lends an air of domination in his stature as Krrish. One look at Krrish and you know that he is your saviour! Priyanka Chopra doesn’t have a lot to do in Krrish 3 except for play the part of the damsel in distress. Vivek Oberoi brings a new type of villain to Bollywood with his portrayal of Kaal. His facial expressions form the crux of his performance and he delivers a great performance. Kangna Ranaut plays her role as Kaya like a mutant with the lack of any facial expressions and this is what was needed for her character.
Conclusion: Does Krrish 3 justify the hype and anticipation? Yes. Does it have any flaws? Yes, but they are very minor flaws and can be easily overlooked because of the high dose of entertainment it offers in regular intervals. Hrithik Roshan owns the film and how! Krrish 3 is worth a watch just for Hrithik’s enigmatic screen presence as Krrish. He knocks it out of the park. If you are in the mood for entertainment this Diwali, go inject yourself with a dose or two of this highly entertaining film.
Box Office: The box office opening of Krrish 3 will be huge owing to the excitement and buzz generated around the film and the opening will give it a momentum to carry on the performance for the next two weeks. 100 crore in the first 5-6 days is a given and 150 crore should also be achieved barring any major negative word of mouth.
- Hrithik Roshan excels as Krrish
- The newness in the story
- The visual effects is ambitious inspite of the budget constraints
- The climax showdown
- Vivek Oberoi as Kaal is menacing
- The music is a major letdown
- Priyanka Chopra doesn’t have anything to do
- Production Design is unreaslitic with too many brands cramming for attention
Thank God It was not like raone…Congrats Hrithik and srk VFX department
@nipun. why should we support k3 which is a copy With instances from Tron, X Men, Spiderman and the concluding stunt piece an exact copy from the recent Superman edition Man Of Steel, such rampant and obvious plagiarism .the makers of k3 should have made orginal film instead of shamelessly copying hollywood films really shame on rakesh roshan he always copying
@Prince, Wouldn’t want to argue about other Hollywood films that you mentioned, but the shooting schedule of Krrish 3 wrapped up before the release of Man Of Steel on June 10th 2013!
Just came out of movie its pathetic to say the least …. better you go for Thor. Mind u i ma Hrithik fan to. I just loved Hrithik in the movie rest was bull shit
Wom is average to good….no records ha ha ha
Great movie..
very boring. never expected such movie from hritik.
Ok…. wat shd I say that srk fans now u can stop or shd i admit its a good movie presently my revised wish…. krrish 3 deserves 203cr as that way it ll b more than 3 idiots but far less than 226cr of ce don wan ce loose topspot but honestly it is actually good may even go for second my first for a nonsrk movie but credit to rr n vo…..this is me with all repressed emotions ……….a 3.5 star
Srk fans we luv r idol but don mis d movie coz ull miss out on a good one
Tried hard not to but ended likin it krrish 3 is to kmg wat was judgement day to terminator ….. a significant improvement u can ignore krrish2006 n my dialogue…….
“Kyun kaal phat gayi” the whole cinema went into raptures
we all know that indicine loves hrithik. but being a site which provide bollywood info to public, being biased is not good. 4 stars are too much.
My *favorite*dialogue plz correct
virat kohli and some guys are like born on earth only to hate krrish 3. i am marking this from long time. but people don`t go on their opinion. i watched movie today morning. it is very good movie
So a guy with the id ‘KingKhan’ says that he is a Hrithik fan, but didnt like Krrish 3. LOL. SRK fans are feeling insecure that the Chennai Express record will be broken..
@sagar why dont u compare ce or d3 with hollywood films?? coz u know hollywood porn films r more better dan dos,.
to add to ur knowledge k3 climax was shot n canned by june 2012 by d time man of steel came they were into post production wid whole shootin wrapped up by june2013 as indicine mentions here ……so there was no way rr wud hav translated it for this movie d genious envisioned to same level like zack snyder that is what earns more respect frm me if only superman movie had released a bit later then even west wud have noticed his grand vision by d time k4 comes u wd hav seen 12 if 3yrs or 24 if 6yrs later superhero movies costing 300million each not fair to expect him escape ideas fm all movies which r also supported very well by own comic book stories… give a thought to this n .. u too wil respect him ..he s lik d lone crusade against whole hollywood frm our side ..others in d industry don hold a candle to him
The only complain I have is ….I wished if he ever wd collaborate wd amir or salman that wd bring the whole boxoffice down n burnin lik hellfire
@Sri a person can be a fan of SRK and HR no issues with that and i am one of those. Being a fan of HR i want to movie so early today else i would have given it a skip but the movie is not upto the mark and is nothing as compared to hype it had. I will say KMG and Krisshh2 were far better than this actually makers tried to made a mix Avengers, Ironman and Spiderman with an Indian touch but in the end it cameout to be nothing but a peice of shit
Or even coproduction wid redchillies for a huge scifi srk movie that wd b somethin srk has money to spend but why on earth did he choose sinha ever ….. I mean grabing crotch of villain by srk seriously how did that passed to script leave alone final movie sinha let srk down big way srk money + rr brains == all time historic scifi ala avatar of indian cinema
Most of em have not seen the movie, yet they say it is copied.
If you hate the movie, just tell it in open, instead of giving excuses like this copied, that copied.
Most of your silly hollywood movies are outright blantantly copied from the east, but since you flush out your tounge to whatever the english dishes, there is no point arguing with you guys.
He did k3 fr 100cr give this man even 200cr he ll knock ur socks off ……k4 d wait has started ….but d3 comes first….yeeeee…… 2 movies to end d yr wid dhoooooom
it is fantastic. i like aeroplane scene and climax fight. and kangna is superb. everyone should watch this movie for great time
knew that indicine will brag about the film as it usually does….but we are no fools!!!! we know a stale product from a fresh!!! and will not allow the roshans to fill up their coffers… so from the entire humanity it is a no….. a big NO….. we will not spend our money on this indian product which is stale……
Awesome movie!
First of all, Roshans and team deserve a lot of praise for their hard work and dedication. Hats off to Red Chillies and all the technicians involved in the visual effects of the movie, they have produced better visual effects than their previous project RA.One, which is always a good sign for the development of Bollywood. (Hopefully, it will increase it’s scope in India for them). Some of the visual effects were on par with Hollywood if not better, only few of them were below their standard, which is acceptable considering it’s comparatively lower budget than Hollywood ‘A’ level films.
Hrithik Roshan, as expected, he was awesome as a superhero, father and son. It was also one of Vivek’s best performances, he excelled as a supervillain, and played his role very well, so did Kangna as a mutant. She looked stunning!
Not to mention, it has a very intriguing story as well! RakeshJi proved why he’s still one of the best directors in this industry. He was able to connect the audience with the film emotionally. I was blown away by the suspense behind Kaal, and by the climax showdown as mentioned in the article!
As far as Priyanka’s role is concerned, I think she had fare amount of role considering it was a superhero film. In fact, she was involved in some of the most important scenes of the film.
I also think it’s music is underrated, not up to our expectations, not even as good as previous two films, but I personally liked ‘Raghupati Raghav’ and ‘Dil Tu Hi Bata’. They were well worked as whole, and none of them were fillers. (Although, some people might not like ‘God Allah aur Bhagwan’, and I don’t blame them), only negative point in it’s music. Background score was rock solid, which matters the most in a superhero film.
The only negative point was it’s production design, as you said. But, it can be overlooked, since the major portion of the movie was shot in India, and an Indian superhero saving foreigners in their country wouldn’t have looked cool.
Overall, it’s a complete superhero entertainer, you will feel proud as an Indian after watching it, as the technicians involved in the film are all Indians, and they did a great job! 4 out of 5 is reasonably good. I will give it 4.5, though, as it has exceeded my expectations with it’s amazing visual effects.
If you really want to watch a movie on this festive season, go for it with any age group, its worth watch. Don’t listen to it’s haters, it’s obvious that they haven’t seen this film yet.
accepted .movie is copycat . bt i m diehard fan of hritik .will always support his movie .
its a well made movie..
brilliantly acted and gud vfx (in such a low budget)..
vivek was menacing ….
but the movie was bit too stretched and music was bad…
but an all in all entertainer …
rating 3.5/5
Hey guys some1 is using my name spreading negativity against…!!!
I am die hard fan of hrithik…
Krrish 3 superb movie….and i can never think bad about hrithik even in my dream!
Feeling so sorry for haters!
They r too much frustrated…they cant digest the success of krrish….but sorry bro no1 can stop krrish ;)
One more thing, they have gone way beyond their previous installment Krrish.
Just came after watching krrish3.. I had huge faith on rakesh roshan’s story telling ability and he kept my faith live.. Hats of to you rakesh roshan sir.. Now coming to the movie guys it is fantastic, brilliant, mind blowing, outstanding… In many scenes i was speechless.. And i think this is the movie which is going to make india pride.. Coming to performances, hrithik and vivek were fantastic, kangna was damn good infact first time i liked kangna in any movie, priyanka was just ok.. So guys its a must watch, and one request to all of you that don’t compare it with hollywood movies and watch it only as a bollywood movie then you will realize how good this movie is as per indian standards. Coming to boxoffice prospect then anything below 250 crs, i will be sad for it as it deserves more. So my advance congrats to all hr fans specially nipun and others.. From a true srk fan.
krrish3 wwhat a a srk fan but now i am hrithik fan..
the baap of superheroes..
my friends say that it is splendid movie. i am going tomorrow for it,
Terrible movie. Only ppl liking it are hrithik roshan fans and kids below 5 years of age.
Even u release krrish 3 two times then also it is impossible to break the record of chennai no one will break ce record . not d3 also cause family members will never their and even hny will miss the records of ce cause of crowded cast or suraj badjatiyas next or Rahul dholkiyas next will break for sure