Two new posters from Krrish 3. The first features all the villains from the film – Cheetahwoman, Rhinoman, Striker (right bottom), Kaal and Kaya. We liked the second poster the most – Krrish probably looking to take control of a plane.
After all the disappointment over the film’s music, its high time they released a few action promos of the film.
Krrish 3 New Poster
Click Here for more pictures from Krrish 3
Woh !! Exraordinary posters of krrish !
Loved the second one !
Hats off to Rakeshji and Srk’s Redchillies for this amazing visual !
Its a flop for sure even srk fans are disliking this and wait they dislike films of every other actors except srk
that’s why international collections are not counted, as they are all fake inflated figures.
record r meant 2 b brokn & i m sure k3 will create new landmark.
and its sad 2 c srkians behaving exactly lik salman fans. cmon guys, v shld never care abt these records. hrithik has always respected srk, so plz giv him the respect he deserves & if the record is brokn, learn to take it like a sportman.
and this the tweet of hrithik abt ra1 for those srk fans who r badmouthing k3….
It takes a Lot of
HEART to be a
superhero with a
H.A.R.T !! Way to
go @iamsrk!!!
Congrats to the
Ha Ha in every post whether it is for hritik or salman or aamir……SRK fans always talk about Chennai Express….records……….it shows how insecure they feel about CE records…….which will eventually be broken by K3 and if not by K3 definitely by D3……….Guys…….just chill and enjoy…..the this temporary phase………..because I am hundred % sure that if a crap movie like CE can cross 200 crores…….then K3 and D3 will…….definitely …….cross….CE figures…….
Just enjoy……this 2-3 months……coz this the maximum ur so called king can give…..u……next year onwards again he will be following the records set by……others…..the way he was following for past so many years……….
as some one pointed out this is new in Indian cinema. to battle so many villains protagonists and then to finally take on kaal the film looks to be promisin. coz taking on so many baddies usually doesn’t even happen in Hollywood movie as well let alone xmen. looks commendable as far as posters go. (but like ra one posters more as I am SRK fan.) but realy krish 3 would be path breaking in many aspects of film making. and ya not to forget vfx. it would be top notch as it has been provided by India s best .
as an Indian movie it ll always have an emotional connect to the people. so not to worry about that.
so its got all the making of super movie taking India on to global stage after ra 1(though ra 1 could be still more better as SRK himself pointed out).
only fear. many people try to pull down the movie even before it releases. so sincere advise to all fans don’t do this. see the film and then judge rather than usual bickering.
@sumeet. dude watch what u say. SRK fans are not badmouthin k3. read sahir s and my comments. we r SRK fans. this bickerin is being done by lal u and tin gu fans who are actually same. so don’t say any thing bad about Chennai express here.
and if u are even 0.5 percent literate u would know that film does well at boxoffice only when people like the movie and goes past 200 CRORES only when people love the movie. so stop bickerin against other KHANs and concentrate on making hrithiks movie blockbuster.
as usual insecure bhai fans and per fake tionist fans bashing and barking and badmouthing krish3 and blaming on SRK fans. grow up people.
and as usual hrithik fans like dumb they are believe. grow some individuality first.
illiterate retards.
@noam. well said Bro. it would definitely be path breaking as far as many things concerned
I see a lot of fake ID created in the name of dabangg, salman etc., giving negative comments.
srk fans have broken the limits of trolling.
Krrish 3 ko all the best. Record gayi bhaad mein, just entertain us. We salman fans loves only one thing – Real Phaadu Entertainment.
Krrish 3 – 3 thumbs up.
Cant wait for this movie….at last some good movie coming this year after crap movies like chennai express and grand masti
@perfect nonsense. dude atleast momentarily SRK has come to the top. and ll chase if his records are broken. but what about Ur bhai who is chasing from past 4 years and having successive Eid releases and still not able to go past 200 CRORES. truly Ur r trolled
@jc. wow Yaar. when u came to know that SALMAN ll never in his dream catch the express so u changed Ur . . . . ., heights of double standards
Exclusive Krrish 3 Merchandise collection with bluegape. India’s first superhero on merchandise at bluegape. Cushion Covers, Posters, Wall Clocks, Wall Decals, Kids T-Shirts, Photo Frames, Lamps, Toys and much more. Merchandise designed with beautiful artwork and Mask from the Movie Krrish 3. Movie is coming on 3rd of November this Diwali. Stay tuned to bluegape to see more actions of Krrish, Kaya, Kaal and others.
Enjoy Hrithikians our time is coming near
Chennai express col 3cr in 5days in egypts, lifetime col may be somewhere 5cr acc to trades
Each and every single record will be broken by Krrish 3. This is what each and every trade expert is talking about. Don’t think that they are fool!! they are in this business for years. So if they have said something like that, then people should take it lightly.
Dont blame srk fans,we are not spreading any type of negativity ,without watching the movie how can anyone do this……as for as music is concerned ,its true superhero has nothing to do with music,although good music can boost the movie but cant affect its of luck for krish 3…and dont blame srk fans ,we only answer those who hates SRK and thats not the case with HR……..we love both SRK and HR…………….and will support K3………but will never support any of srk haters movie including BOSS,D3,jai ho……..first respect srk then get respect for your star and for those who say that SRKIANS fans spread negativity for every star,yes we do coz you all together spread negativity for SRK,all amir,akki and sallo fans badly criticized CE and spread negativity so expect the same for your star…………..but we will always praise good work by HR,RAnbir,shahid,immi,ajay……..thanx
85 crore max…bcoz it is for kids
Flop movie yaar…coz none of the songs r good
Kiaara Sandhu?@KiaaraSandhu
Superstar #HrithikRoshan is very Famous in Overseas. #Krrish3 Overseas Theatrical Rights Sold Out at Fantastic 50 cr..!!
” @rakshamistry: Kid Krrish rated the #1 show of the week in the kids’ genre! Howz that for a good start! #Krrish3 “
Hrithik joins the league of Colin Firth, Jude Law
Hiren Kotwani, TNN | Oct 13, 2013, 12.00 AM IST
Ever since the launch of its motion poster, producer-director Rakesh Roshan’s ‘Krrish 3’ has rapidly advanced along the digital marketing route. Thanks to its campaign on the internet, including a chat session with lead actor Hrithik Roshan on a social networking site, the third instalment of the popular superhero franchise has managed to grab the attention of over 63 million users across the globe.
Tech giant Apple has now signed up with the filmmakers — a first-of-its-kind tie-up for Bollywood. The content — including music, video and apps — of the movie is available in a new dedicated area on their online store, iTunes. In fact, the movie is among its biggest Diwali promotions to run internationally — including the US and UK. Hrithik will also be making a special appearance at their store in London on October 15.
Rakesh Roshan says, “This association takes Bollywood to a new standard. It gives us a platform no (Hindi) film has got before. It’s a great feeling that people from all over the world are accepting ‘Krrish’ as a franchise.”
Hrithik will also become B-Town’s first actor to be part of the ‘Meet The Filmmaker’ series that has, in the past, included the likes of Colin Firth, Jude Law, Matthew McConaughey, Robert Pattinson, Drew Barrymore and Amanda Seyfried. For those who’ll miss the event, a video podcast will be available for download. “It is opening so many doors for promotions and music, too,” adds Roshan.
Incidentally, the trailer of the movie — that also stars Priyanka Chopra, Vivek Oberoi and Kangana Ranaut — has apparently registered 17 million hits till date.
Krrish 3 releases November 1.