Below we have the revised official weekend collections of Krrish 3. The sequel to the movie that gave India its first superhero, Krrish, opened with collections of Rs 25.20 crore on Friday. The film continued to do well on Saturday with business of around Rs 23.2 crores and the Diwali Sunday saw an earning of Rs 24.30 crore.
The three day weekend total is 72.7 crores including all regional dubbed versions. The Telugu version of the film has contributed around 5 crore to the total, while the Tamil version of the film has added around 2.75 crores. In the Tamilnadu/Kerala circuit the film was affected by the release of Ajith’s Arrambam, due to which it did not get enough screens in the South Indian state.
Monday is off to a historic start, with business in North Indian circuits escalating by around 30-35% from Sunday. Monday update will be posted at around 7PM IST. Stay tuned.
Krrish 3 First Weekend Breakdown
- Friday – 25.2 crore
- Saturday – 23.2 crore
- Sunday – 24.3 crore
- Weekend Total – 72.7 crore (including Tamil and Telugu version which has contributed around 7.75 crore net)
@ a google user (read- hater)
According to box office india, chennai express collected 87 crores in the 1st 3 days and everywhere else, the figure was 100 crores. its a difference of 13 crores, not just 5-10 percent. pehle padhai karle, fir comment karne ana. And these are the official figures of K3, each and every website and trade analyst have given this figure as the true collections. As far as boi is concerned, it has a strange system of calculating collections, and it doesnt mean that figures are being manipulated.
those jealous idiots who are saying figures are manipulated must know that taran adarsh,komal nahta, amod mehra all these leading trade analysts are giving very close figures, and thats the actual figure, BOI is a site which is based in texas, it has the least idea, it has always been anti Hrithik site, BOI said agneepath is flop on day 2, how is that possible ??? the film made staggering 123 cr at b.o !!
those same srk fans who said no BOI is fake and ce got highest opening of 33 cr are now saying BOI is trusted , sale itna v niche mat giro !!! if distributors would be losing their money , why the hell they will say escalated figures ??? will it do any good to them ?? INDICINE has shown the correct figures which match with most trade sources !!! HATERS KEEP HATING !!! KRRISH 3 will CROSS 100 CR TODAY !!!
Huhh.. Watzz happening yaar
M really confused…
I dont care whicheva figure is right but d bottom line is in our country we dont even hav a reliable tracking system like dose in hollywood. I follow boxoffice mojo dere N itz quite accurate.
But here inspite of exposure to media we arent as successful as dey r.
We need to work on dat..
@indicine cant u ppl(all trade experts) unanimously agree on a single figure.
It not good foh our hindi film industry.
Letz hope foh best for krissh 3
‘I am HR fan From Sri lanks. From small town called Kegalle near Kandy. I have never heard such a big crowd for foriegn film here. what a responce from audiance. Housefull in weekends’- Sameera Madusanka
“The sequel to the movie that gave India its first superhero, Krrish”? wasn’t Mr.India india’s first superhero?
indicine, be frank and smart.. dont go overboard by posting such fake numbers.. the total weekend collections of krrish3 stands at just 49.5 crores… bt nt da numbers posted by indicine..
not only indicine, it is a similar case with almost all the other boxoffice sites except boi….
the way these sites are manipulating the figures as if their own money is at stake and they themselves have produced the movie in collaboration..
surprisingly, this tym papa roshan ne peth bhar kar har site ko khaana khilaya hain.. i think sr. roshan was not very confident of his movie.. that is why all this gimmick…
i am not a hrithik hater.. i like him a lot… itz jst day i am posting the fact and real figures…
personally too i believe the movie was not upto the mark except the climax action scene but awfully that too has been a direct mishmash of many hollywood flicks…
Krrish 3 will bang on 230+ crore
Actually the problem about this manipulation comes first time for Krrish-3 is because the difference between the figures of various sites is more than 40%….that’s why people are thinking that they are fooled by Roshans …..If you take CHENNAI EXPRESS collection;Taran Adarsh,Komal Nahta,Indicine,Koimoi,Box-officecapsule,boxofficedetail etc all given almost same collections except BOX OFFICE INDIA(which is understandable because the difference is about 10% only)unlike Krrish-3……..please reply me with a suitable answer
I don’t understand why people are fighting according to me I can neither trust BOI nor producers claim. Since record of BOI in past have been mischievous they consistently gave some figures and then changed it later god only knows why (eg. JTHJ, OSO, cocktail & many more cases like this). Also, Many ppl consider BO nos of taran adarsh when movie of their fav star releases but for other stars they becm fan of BOI why this Hypocrisy. I have taken average of all the sources and it comes out around 65crs (All languages)
@debottam basu:87 in 3 days nett (paid preview 6.5 were not added to this).. so 94 – 87 (diffrnc 7 crores in 3 days….. not 24~ in 3 days like in the case of Krrish 3…
whatever k3 can’t break ce in any figure.
@romance crap, the only fake thing here is YOU and frustrated jealous fans who are busy supporting BOI the same site which all of them degraded when it said CE didn’t break ETT’s opening record WOWWW heights of double standards
my dear @indicine plz give me gori tere pyaar mein bo prediction will it be a blockbuster. waiting for your aNSWER.LOVE YOU.
Few cynics are saying Producers number are 72 cr, I will like to add not only producers but many trade expert like Amod mehra, Amul mohan, taran Adarsh, Komal nahata, Box office Adda and many others are supporting this number so if all these sources can be bribed to inflate figures why not BOI be bribed to deflate figures?
@debottam rightly said boss. Support u.
Actually haters are going to be mad in just 3 days…
Get well soon haters
@debottam bashu,, sorry for interrupting…… ce weekend collection was 100 crs including the paid preview of 6.75 crs…. if you deduct paid preview then it will be around 93 crs……. and as per boi it was 87.08 crs excluding paid preview….. so the difference was only 6 crs….. toh bhai pahle tu padhai kar le…….
I am a huge fan of Aamir Khan & Hrithik Roshan but when CE broke 4 year old record I was very happy because i love hindi cinema and more collections means more money coming into the system and it will help improving quality of cinema. I would love if K3 break record of CE and then D3 breaks K3 followed by Jai ho breaking all the records and then HNY break record of Jai ho so on and so forth.
@debottam basu:
that’s15% not 33%.
Bollywood India BOX OFFICE
Krrish 3 Weekend Collections from Different Sources :-
BoxOfficeIndia.Com :-
49.25cr (Hindi Version)
54 crore (All Versions ) :-
56.75 crore (Hindi Version)
61 crore (All Versions)
Producers :-
67 crore (Hindi Version)
72.8 crore (All Versions)
The Difference is so huge between all these sources. A 6-7cr difference between BOI and Official figures is normal and every biggie will have. But HUGE 19cr diff between Distributors and Producers figures is something which is doubtful.
Reportedly, news coming that Makers of Krrish 3 has asked many trade analysts and websites to not quote their source figures. And warned distributors to not give figures to others.
What Do You Think ??? Which figures are Real and which are FAKE ???
@romance new-year, i think boi film trade magazine datas are most accurate followed by……. official figures are totally fake…… i think in future roshans will be responsible for these huge manipulation, if any othe producer does……. i think every producer manipulated figures in past, but not in such a big way as roshans are doing….. i think they are affraid of rejection of their movie, though the movie is fantastic for me……
Figures are manipulated hugely..weekend is less than 50cr according to come there can be such a huge difference in just 3 days which was never seen before..wonder what will happen when the lifetime figure comes..!
As per BOI, CE collected 208 crores with 1st day collection being 29 crores only.
Monday will be historic for ?#?Krrish3?, especially in the North. Mad rush for tickets, families coming out to watch the film!- Indicine
@hey haters….if u believe in u boi figure den u should believe in every figure not only in case of krish 3….the figure of every films is low than offficial……if u beileve den plz dont say ce has highest day collection,dont asy ett lifetime is 199 via boi it is 186…..nd dont visit other site becoz their figure is way diff for every film…..yes it is very big diff for krish 3…close to 20 cr…dont no why bt it does not mean makers manipulet the figure….it is prob of boi…they say so much lower figure dont know why….they always say different figure…now difference is big so u called maker they are fraud,it is riddiculas……boi website is a riddiculas….how can u believes a sits figure whichs archives is no up to date….their still archives say 3idots is highest groosing movie…highest 1st day 14.5 cr by dabbang….no update from 2010….so how can u trust their figure… that a joke,people trust thier figure and star to say that why so much differance…..
now boi said that monday collection can be touch 30 cr…..from their source sunday collection is 15 cr…so a film jump 100% in 4th day…is not that awkward… no one ask how is this happen….bt ask why figure wont match with them…
I always consider Taran figures,check BOI to check the trends … we know BOI is always lower than Trade………at time of ETT difference was 14cr,at time of CE difference was 18cr approx for lifetime….but here for 3 days trade says 72cr and BOI 49cr…23cr in 3 days………..i am surprised with this hypocrisy ……but who is doing this dont know …i was expecting a difference of 5-6cr for ist day but know truly confused(and dont take my comment as K3 hater,i am a true HR +SRK lover)…..
@debottam basu
BOI quoted CE weekend figures of 87cr alone+6.5 cr PP……difference was 6.5 cr
indicine these are the right figures.i wonder if boi says is a flop, indicine will say is a hit ha ha ha
The Krrish 3 collected 49.25 crore nett approx in its first weekend. The breakdown for the first three days was as follows.
Friday – 18.75 crore nett
Saturday – 15.50 crore nett
Sunday – 15 crore nett
TOTAL – 49.25 crore nett
I am confused. Is the profit is going to on ur pocket? Just enjoy the movie.