I Love Paani is an initiative by Shekhar Kapur. Every thought, every idea, every discussion and every act towards the conservation of water will be appreciated.
78$ of your body is made up of water
71% surface of the earth is covered by water
50% projected growth of population in the next 20 years
35% water is wasted due to leaky pipes and faucets
30% decrease in water available to human beings in the next 20 years
22% of fresh water is used by industries
8% of fresh water is used domestically
1% of fresh water is directly accessible for use
Yes water is fast depleting, Save Paani Save the Earth
Do you ever think about the water that you are using? Do you ever think about the people that actually do not have any? Do you think about the people all over the world that have only half a bucket of water for their family not only for cooking, but for everything? Do you think about the children that are dying because of water diseases? Do you think about sharing? Do you think that water is something that needs a more sociable and equitable resolution to the way we use it?
22nd March is World Water Day and the UN Water Body has designated 2013 as the International Year of Water Co-Operation. Co-operation essentially means all of us. It means all of us getting together to ensure that there is enough water for all of us, for our children, for our future generations, for our planet.
On this day, I and the rest of my team are launching a website called ilovepaani.com. It’s a website of awareness, of thoughtfulness – a place in where you can come and put your thoughts and comments and create a thoughtful, virtual drop of water. All you need to do is just one act of thoughtfulness, one act of a suggestion, but each thought and comment ensures that we’re thinking about it on a day to day basis.
More details will be up shortly. So do come, do share, hangout and do be thoughtful. Your every drop counts!
Link to the interactive website
i don’t know but it looks like paani would be a classic for sure
Shekhar Kapoor deserves a lot of praise for it. Looking forward for Paani.