Bollywood star Aamir Khan holds Amitabh Bachchan in high regard and says he neither sees himself on the same platform as the megastar nor can he ever compete with the senior actor.
Both the actors were contenders on Big CBS Prime’s show “India’s Prime Icon”. While Aamir is out of the race, Big B is among the top three icons along with politician Narendra Modi and master blaster Sachin Tendulkar.
“I don’t even feel I am on the same platform as him (Amitabh), I am not even anywhere close. I can’t compete with him because I hold him in such high esteem,” Aamir said in a statement.
The two actors, who share a mutual admiration for each other, haven’t yet worked together in a film.
amir is one compete with big b.
he is legend
yeah amitabh sir is a legend
@indicine team, hw unfair, u always psot abt evry star’s b’day, n today is hrithik roshan’s b’day n u didn’t made any b’day wishing post fr him , y dis partiality ??
Aamir holds Amit Ji in the same esteem he holds for Dilip Sahb and Nargis Ji. Aamir truly respects his elders who have been path breakers. @velocity- yeh I agree with you but I think you should just go direct to twitter and say Happy Birthday to Hrithik in person like I and many more have. Lets leave Indicine alone coz they seem to only remember SRKs birthday over everybody elses. ?
@indicine team, did you khow?today is the mega supper star hrithik roshan’s birthday.if you know then why you don’t post his birthday wishing article.
@indicine team, did you khow? today is the mega supper star hrithik roshan’s birthday.if you know then why you don’t post his birthday wishing article.
@Velocity y are u crying ha
what?today is greek dog’s birthday…i really didnt know….such is his stardom that no body even know him…forget his birth date
happy birthday to my pet greek dog…..where r his 2 puppies….bhow bhow
thats not true.. after 50 ur way ahead of big b.. He is nthng infront of 3 khans..!!
@tanha, indicine is paid by khans !! @hrithik haterz, ur mom got r aped by a street dog , dnt u knw ?? @Star, suck ur own hairy ba lls
thats aamir for u who never be arrogant he knows who is great who is not he is humble, intelligent and perfectionist he got national, filmfare and padam bhushan 3rd highest civialian award still down to earth hats off to Aamir and big b, those are thinking that amitabh is not great as these 3 khans ask ur parents and elders perhaps they will told you what great stardom he had that time, i watched interview of aamir, salman and srk all three said that the popularity enjoyed by big b they even not close that popularity he was declared star of the millennium all over the world by bbc, enougit to all who under estimate the big b he was, is and perhaps will be only greatest indian actor.
indi-cine is busy to counting srk total award so they forgot that today is one of finest young superstar who completed 38 years Happy b’day hritik, wish You success and happiness in life ahead so indi-cine be unbiased not many are invested in what srk got, because srk will get many awards which are meaningless in that time Hr will become star ahead of srk.
@aks, agreed
Duggu, one of the finest actor of India.
Hritik haterz aapka to SRK se jalte ho na fir abhi Hritik ko kyun. I love salman but acting k mamle me Hritik is far away ahead of Sallu bhai.
Shame 2 indicine that u forget hrithik’s birthday…..huuh….why this partility @indicine??
@hrithik haterz. Bluddy,non sense…..which planet u belong 2??
only because of he is out of race
if he is still in race he wouldnt have said that
@velocity, must say these ullu khan fans are damning.. now using my name to comment against you… you better be aware and see between the lines dude.. Ghanta bhai rocks :)
Sweetheart u r better than him,d true legend Amir Khan.
@star, i knew its nt u :P
amitabh bachchan n aamir khan r both two of d finest actors, bt we ppl r of dis generation, so we hav no idea abt epic stardom of amitabh sir, dats y ppl sayin aamir is bigger, bt he is nt, atleast nt till nw, no actor is bigger dan amitabh sir till nw, may b in future dey cn match upto him or lead him bt abtak sirf amitabh hi SIR hain ! no disrespect to any1 !! i lyk all dose who show their acting perfection in films be it amitabh sir, or aamir or hrithik or ajay or any1 !
@nkp, dey didn’t frget ofc , hw can dey frget if evrywhere else hrithik’s b’day buzz was dere, m jst thinkin wat cud b d reason behing dis insulting ignorance ??
i respect aamir fr dis, he is accepting dat amitabh sir is bigger n he is showing his respect towards d living legend , dat attitude itself meks aamir special !
He is the most cunning person in movies at present he never shows his true colours & is always diplomatic to show the world that he is really good!
Both amitabh and aamir r pride of India.
This hypocrite Aamir Khan is the same guy who bashed Big B’s masterpiece Black on his blog and years ago he said Amitabh’s films misled youth by encouraging violence! Now he’s trying to show he respects his seniors! Maybe he learnt his manners after doing Hajj! PerFAKEtionist’s fake humility!
Amitabh is nothing in front of Aamir Srk and Salman. Khans praises amitabh bcz he is older than them. But amitabh also know that he is a kind of small ant in front of khans. Only dilip kumar is the biggest star or legend who is ahead of 3 khans. Got it guys? :)