Happy New Year has collected Rs 108.86 crore in its first weekend at the box office, which is Rs 1.25 crore higher than the first 3 day business of Dhoom 3. The film opened to record-breaking collections on Friday, but ended its weekend with collections of Rs 31.6 crore on Saturday and Rs 32.29 crore on Sunday.
The film was extraordinary in circuits like Mumbai, Delhi/UP, East Punjab and West Bengal. Newly introduced entertainment tax of 30% in the Rajasthan circuit meant that the film was below the collections of Dhoom 3. C.I, C.P Berar and Mysore circuit opened very well but dropped on Saturday and Sunday.
Happy New Year is also the joint fastest to the 100 crore mark with Dhoom 3, and Shahrukh Khan’s highest ever weekend at the box office beating his preview film Chennai Express.
Monday (today) will be the biggest test for HNY, if it has to beat the lifetime collections of Kick and emerge as the highest grosser of the year.
Happy New Year Weekend Collections
- Friday – 44.97 cr
- Saturday – 31.6 cr
- Sunday – 32.29 cr
- Weekend Total – 108.86 cr
@Sid_Original can’t stop laughing at your 1:09 comment.lol
@ sachin
Excellent clarification by you
Boi manipulate k3 collection to to keep it below yjhd
Good job
Still we win
On a serious note, in 2012 talassh was released 2 week later than jthj-sos which combine total is 190cr as per trade so being a non-holiday and non masala film it can’t c Ross 100cr without holiday weekend but thakur fans said it was flop,sensible fans like @sht saying film failed, same thing gonna happen with hny which already happens this year ealierd with singham returns.
As neither SR nor HNY were rejected by audience and critics bit humogenous collection by kick,stop se to perform great in weekdays and coming weeks as most of the people seen kick and they can’t afford two big silm in 20days duration,similarly combine total of bang-2 and haider as per trade 200 cr than how can guys expect 300 cr from hny and 600cr we,only fools like srkian @aman mathur,@aryan khan,@vikram,@noam,@romance,@complan boy can thinks so.I was surprised being a trade follower since 4 year how can Indicine predicted 40cr for Sunday when hny opening figure come out. So much obsession for srk of this site making fun of itself even a common guy like me can understand the normal business sense.
I have read many said if srk salman or akki would in d3 it will cross 300cr may be but if you think with same script which d3 has than I don’t think so as no one can able to carry that double roles in dhoom films the way Aamir did.
Intelligent critic like our mithaiwala who thinks d3 Aamir did pathetic acting but equally he loved critics when they praise srk performance in hnu as hr was great in hny but when the same critics incidine included said Aamir was very good/excellent in d3 these guys don’t agree.Fact is Aamir Samar act was surprised element and no critics want to spoil that element by releasing that’s why d3 performance of Aamir wasn’t got much hoopla otherwise he was superb in d3 that y after 102cr weekend still film collected 273.5cr (261cr Hindi+12.5cr regional) as per trade.
Hail Aamir Sir, class apart.
2 min silence for all srk fans.
HNY is not liked by general population
It will struggle to cross 180 crs
It It was released on deewali day then it would have got one extra holiday benefit
But now it’s going Raone way
HNY wom is better than kick n d3, so it will trend better than kick or d3, hny beat d3 weekned, at the end of its run hny will beat d3 lifetime record, puri picture abhi baki hai mere dost
@kingshuk are you Mad just visit boi and open the link of trended film of dhoom 3,they mention many times 261cr Hindi and 12.5cr regionals total-273.5cr,officials of d3 is 285cr,just 10cr difference.At least first check facts you moron.Now don’t day hny 300cr lol.Get well soon.
HNY weekdays trend is looking very average!! it will fall way short of 200 cr mark. word of mouth has hurt the film business prospect badly. forget chasing dhoom 3 record, let us hope its lifetime boxoffice collection will atleast cross that of YJHD!! sharukh is above boxoffice status!! he is still a seasoned and succesful super star!! all he needs is a film with a good script and a sensible director!!
The multistarrer film with Deepika Padukone in lead started crashing today it has been learnt!! Morning shows Occupancy are just 30% comparing to Friday!!! Nightmare begins for sarook and his fans after flirtatious week!! These people are behaving as if washing machine has broken the lifetime records of Kick, K3 and D3! Shame!!
According to BOI, it is 97 crores weekends! Already 11 crores difference!! Yet, the manipulation king has to release its exaggerated figures!!
@sky well my heart says hny will beat d3, it is underperformed mainly in southindia due to the release of khatti, puri picture abhi baki hai, if hny will trend like ce, then 300cr possible as no big film release till action jacktion
Shah Rukh Khan has become the FIRST actor to be part of 2 films which broke opening day/weekend records back-to-back! Monday earlytrends 19cr #HNYBestFilmEver
Aamir is king- non holiday record beaten by a grand holiday release by just 1 cr…. Hardly worth debating as to who is biggest Khan of industry… Any lingering doubts will be squashed this Christmas when PK releases.
dhoom 3 is big frachise 3 part…….but hny is not……so ……king khan rocks
@sky — A fan expectation knew no bound….Every aamir fan expected 140 crs for TAALASH…Every Salman fan e expected 300 crs from KICK…Its a viewpoint of fans which you cannot change….Anyway coming to film business D3 , 3IDIOTS were a combination of many things…a brand (D3), a Khan, a production house like YRF, Awesome trailer, Vacation period, Good open run etc….whereas SRK tried his hands in new things such as RA.1, DON 2, in outdated romance saga etc…but the problem is he didn’t got his colleagues right such as director ANUBHAV SINHA for RA.1 or he didn’t got the script right like JTHJ…SRK is more a businessman than actor as he has projects like KKR in hand which makes him worlds 2nd richest actor…he wants to make bollywood as grand as Hollywood with good VFX and other aspects but he is not playing his cards right….just like HNY and RA.1 where both had imness potential but ruined by two bad directors….whereas AAMIR getting likes of RAJU HIRANI and DHOOM brand to his name…so its obvious that one should get people’s who can do their job well like Rohit…Hopefully upcoming three films of SRK has good directors and it will do awesome business.
Omg in overseas only 17.crore in 3 days . It cant reach bang bang record 80 crore
@sky — D3 also didn’t trended well….From 1st week 174 crs it came down to 68 crs to 17 crs in 2nd and 3rd week….Even CE trended more well than D3…Its one film had entertainment and repeat value (CE)….Another film has brand value and free weeks (D3)…While the other film is entertaining but content wise poor (HNY)…So it 2 films trended well while the other one didn’t.
@Indicine, any report about the WOM of the film? Maybe, you forgot to mention it. I’ve heard its not so good.
Coming to collections, it’s still huge considering total collections over the weekend, but has slightly under-performed considering it got a 45 crore opening. It has to collect over 20 crore today to remain in contention to beat Dhoom 3’s lifetime record.
Great collections all opening records broken. Its very important for HNY to collect near to 15 crore today.
how is the collection decreasing day by day
@kingshuk it happen with every srk film too which become huge success,question is not prediction but they way you guys insulting others,why only srk fans though many factors for others but not srk,hby was an srk-deepika film along with Farah to whom they given oso,yes tmk was big letdown but here Farah is not making any period film she is back again with oso team which was huge grosser,so many also expect next mhn and oso.
@romance nice to see you back,srk was 2nd first was Aamir who had given back to back highest opening day and weekend of all time with Ghajini 29cr 3 days and 3i 35cr in weekend. though ghajini had extended weekend of 4 days which total was 40cr.Check facts other thing you said earlier that cr still hold best opening records in most circuit it may be but every circuit first week and lifetime record held by d3 globally except Mumbai lifetime of 79cr 3idiots.I don’t think that hny will cross d 3 but I can cross 200 and 208cr of CE.
Yuvraj: (October 27, 2014 at 12:06 am)so its two days nett india collection should be 72-74 crore. 76 crore first two days collection but they manipulate first day also to show they can give competition to krrish 3 in manipulation but when we salman fan bashed hny like tiger srk and his team start afraiding and look now no more baazigari with collections. bhai’s kick will remain highest grosser cuz there is no krrish3 is comming in his way.
Reactions of hardcore SRK-fan.
After 1st day: Dhoom3 toh gayi.
After weekend: Kick toh gayi.
After week: 3I toh pakka.
Lifetime: SRK Chhakka
@ Kingshuk – FYI
D3 Trade Fig is 262 Hindi + 11 Regional = 273 cr
D3 Producer Fig – 272 Hindi + 12 Regional = 284 cr
D3 has variation of just 11 cr i.e. 4% difference between trade fig and producer fig. Other yrf films have had a higher difference. Aamir’s 3 Idiots recorded the same collections from every source.
If aamir wanted to manipulate, he could have easily said Talaash crossed 100 cr. Remember Talaash producer fig is 94 cr and trade fig is 92 cr approx……There was plenty of scope of manipulating with Talaash.
To Aamir’s credit the difference in aamir’s films as far as trade and producer figures are concerned is minimal.
I am a Salman and Aamir fan, i didn’t expect Talaash to break records nor Kick to do 300 cr.
Also, not all fans of srk are expecting HNY to do 300 cr.
Some fans are simply swayed by their fan love, and that is okay, even not all HR fans believed BB to be biggest blockbuster.
What @sky said is true in a way that people don’t keep going to movies every second week, especially families, who needs to spend around 1000 to 1200 bucks esp. for big movies with hiked ticket prices.
But now, with PK releasing in December, people would be saving their money, and only Action Jackson looks promising next month.
@sky — Talking about manipulation…I know that D3 s regional version is 12 crs but many Aamir fans are saying that SRK fans have turned D3 to 260 crs from 284 crs….And now here they are behaving likr saints just like nothing has happened with D3 but manipulation was happened only during HNY.
Just to remind one more thing, Dhoom 3’s 5th day was 26 crore due to Christmas holiday and showed good jump on Jan 1st, too. No such holidays for HNY. It should target to become 2nd 250 crore movie now should it holds up decently.
LoL :p BOI total 97cr bata raha hai
Good news, hny open decent 30% ocupancy on monday but jump 10% noon show n trending well in evening shows, as per early trends hny should do 17 to 19cr on monday, anything less than 17cr will be disappointment n if nite shows goes well then 20cr also possible which will be huge as a working day, #HNYBestFilmEver
@New yr – Just to remind you, Aamir (with Ghajini and 3 Idiots) and Salman (with Bodyguard and ETT) have already broken opening day records twice back-to-back. Stop posting non sense.
HNY witnessed big fall today in Mumbai