Happy New Year Advance Booking Report

The advance booking of Happy New Year has opened all over the country. Majority of theatres have only started selling tickets of the film today, so plenty of tickets are currently on sale.

Even with a runtime of 3 hours, the Shahrukh Khan starrer has been allotted plenty of shows at multiplexes. The show count is about the same as Kick at most multiplexes, but higher than Singham Returns and Bang Bang. At a few multiplexes in Kolkata, where Shahrukh Khan is well and truly the king of the box office, Happy New Year will be running on all screens throughout the day. Just two shows are taken by two different Hollywood films at a multiplex.

The story in similar in other parts of the country too, Happy New Year will have absolutely no competition except in South India where two Tamil films have released today. But even in Tamilnadu, Happy New Year has been allotted a good numbers of shows, although advance booking at quite a few centres hasn’t begun here.

The opening is expected to be record-breaking in Andhra/Nizam (outstanding advance booking already), Delhi / NCR Region is off to a good start and even in Mumbai circuit tickets are selling quickly even though counters opened only today.

The increase in ticket prices varies from 5% to 15% higher as compared to Bang Bang, but prices are generally about the same as Kick.

Detailed advance booking report of Happy New Year will be out tomorrow. Box office prediction and much more later today! Stay tuned.



  • tried booking tickets for an evening show at a high end multiplex here in South Mumbai but was jaw-dropped as tickets were ‘SOLD OUT’ in hours as the advance booking started in the morning.

  • hny is getting extraordinary adv booking in Kolkata.I somehow managed first day first show tickets.cant wait for the film.

  • And don’t worry at 3 hr long run.
    All great movies in Bollywood and Hollywood have been this much long, eg, Titanic, Avatar, 3 idiots, Ghajini, BMB to name a few.

  • films that I enjoyed this year
    1 2states
    2 haider
    3 queen
    4 mardaani
    5 fanny
    6 kick
    7 villain
    8 holiday
    9 humpty
    10 htp
    11 gunday
    12 highway
    13 mth
    14 jai ho

    wat do u think will b my ranking for hny?

  • Hi this is Sohail from Hyd , i went to multiplex for booking 7 tickets to watching HNY. But i found 24th , 25th , 26th booking over. This sad for me and my frnds.

  • Oh no.Many multplexes have just started selling tickets from today.We want our king to give us Diwali offer in tickets like buy 1 get 1 free ticket

  • my sixth sense never goes wrong. 1st day collection is 34cr and lifetime will be 180cr.
    I guarantee it movie will be flop.
    hope after this movie srk will understand everything….
    where we goes wrong.

  • hyderabad advance booking is not that great as it is being stated. Only friday shows are fast filling but saturday and sunday are going slow…anyways it has good chance to break opening day record and first week record but no chance of first weekend and lifetime or any 2nd or 3rd week records….

  • Advance booking is nothing in front of D3…
    So you can expect the opening…
    35-38crs..not more than that!

  • Expect less and we will be happy if it returns more.

    Expecting around 38C, more than the numbers I want the film 2 be entertaining and not like dhoom 3 where it collected huge but was not a great entertainer…

    Feel like YRF will try 2 preserve the Dhoom 3 records

  • We want our king to order all theaters owners worldwide to start advance bookings immediately coz we want our king to break opening day record of dhoom 3

  • after spreading huge negativity. I personally feel that we have to spread some positivity.
    I hope movie does well. I know that movie will not cross kick collection. forget kick even movie will not cross ce collection. but let’s hope movie will cross 200cr. tough challenge but nothing is impossible for srk.
    I’m spreading positivity bcoz movie need it. bcoz Salman already said in jai ho help 3 people instead of thanks.
    but I’m helping to 3 words HNY bcoz they need it. srk fans plz don’t say thanks now. I feel bad if u said thanks to me.

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