Interviews at around the time of a movie release is very routine. But for his keenly-awaited upcoming film BOSS, Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar, who also celebrates his 46th birthday today, was interviewed by a few of his die-hard fans.
Two prominent Twitter fan clubs of the actor called for questions from fans with #TalkToBOSS on Twitter. The response was outstanding. 10 questions were picked and answered by none other than Akshay Kumar himself!
Here you go.. over the BOSS himself!
1. Hello Akshay sir, I am your biggest fan. I want to ask you, how was your experience of playing a Haryanvi character in BOSS? (Gurmeet Singh)
Akshay Kumar: Hi Gurmeet. Every character comes with its own colour and identity. I was excited about playing a Haryanvi character in BOSS because that’s something I haven’t done before. And I like to attempt new things all the time. The character fitted so well with the story. It was a very interesting and enriching experience because I learnt so much about Haryana and its diversities.
2. How was the experience of doing action scenes at 47° Celsius? Is BOSS your best action film? (Twitter Fan: @Action3091)
Akshay: I would like to believe that in every film, I give my best shot. As far as action is concerned, I like to raise the bar every time. I want to do something that would excite me even as an audience. BOSS features a variety of action – that’s the best part about it. And a lot of the action is the kind I haven’t done before. Yes, I would say it was my toughest shooting experience when we shot in 47 degrees. But full marks to the entire unit for bearing it and giving the best results.
3. How would you define your character of BOSS? And what made you sign this movie? (Shourabh Joshi)
Akshay: Hi Shourabh. BOSS is a very colourful character and that’s exactly what appealed to me. He is a larger-than-life figure from Haryana with his own distinct characteristics. That forms the fun element in the film. But there are some things he will neither forgive nor forget. You don’t mess with BOSS and that message is very clear. When Ashwin (Varde) and Tony (D’Souza) came to me with the film’s concept, I loved it. Because other than the fun, action, stunts and highlights, BOSS has a huge emotional quotient.
4. Which was your toughest action sequence from BOSS? (Arpit Baherawala)
Akshay: Hey Arpit. Like I have always maintained, the action schedule in Bangkok was the toughest for me. Not because of the action involved but because of the severe conditions we were shooting under. After the first day, we decided to take a two-hour break every day for the unit so that they could retain their energy.
5. How is BOSS different from other action movies? (Twitter Fan: @InaveeNJ)
Akshay: It’s different in several ways. Firstly, it’s different because it offers a medley of action in all its forms. Every action sequence is designed differently. That’s not because we wanted to showcase a variety of action but because the script demanded it. Secondly, the justification for the action is very strong. There’s proper reasoning behind every action sequence. The film’s eventual culmination is a man-to-man battle in Kurukshetra. And that’s something you probably haven’t seen in a long time. There are so many things like these.
6. Which is your favourite song from BOSS? (Ganesh)
Akshay: Hey Ganesh, don’t ask me to pick out one favorite because I love them all. I genuinely believe that the BOSS soundtrack is a complete package. Each song has its own novelty and flavor. Each song has been shot in a unique way. But yes, the Pitaah song is somehow closer to my heart because it’s about a father-son relationship.
7. How do you manage to be so humble despite being the BOSS of Bollywood? (Surbhit Mishra)
Akshay: Thank you for your kind words, Surbhit. I don’t know how to answer this question. I don’t do anything special to stay humble. I am like that only. In life, it’s the easiest thing to stay humble. Look at Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. There’s no bigger star than him and there’s no one as humble as him.
8. Who is the real Boss in your life? (Malay Dubey)
Akshay: Hi Malay, that’s a tricky question but I have to be honest with you. The BOSS in my life is my wife (Twinkle) and I mean that. And well, the BOSS is always right!
9. You worked with Ronit Roy way back in Sainik. How was your experience and how far has he changed now in BOSS? (Amit Kumar Bishwas)
Akshay: Hello Amit. When Ronit and I worked in Sainik, we were both very young. There was a lot of affection and respect for each other even then. Working with him again in BOSS after so many years was a wonderful experience. He is a tremendous actor and BOSS will showcase him in a very different way. It’s commendable how hard he worked on the character he is playing. He will surprise everyone with his portrayal in BOSS.
10. You have two songs made on you (Hum Hai Seedhe Saadhe Akshay – Akshay and Chandni Chowk To China Title song” but in the BOSS title track, for the first time, your character is calling your own identity as his brother figure (“Akshay Kumar toh bhai hai apna”). What was the first thought you had when you heard the lyrics and the song for first time? (Ram Jakhar)
Akshay: Hi Ram, it’s good to connect with you again. Honestly speaking, it wasn’t planned at all. As far as I remember, it was something else earlier. But then they changed it to that because of popular demand within the unit. It was all in good fun. I feel humbled when I see the kind of response it is getting.
Sir, at last, any message for TeamAkshay and Akkistaan? :)
Akshay: I can never thank you enough for your unconditional support and love. Do good and be good. God bless you.
WOW what a nice way to start the day and Akshay’s birthday. Thanks for the interview. The man is down to earth and so humble, even though he has achieved so much in his life.
From a bawarchi to India’s top superstar. Amazing journey and he looks so young. Wishing for many more years of unadulterated entertainment from Akki.
God bless him.
Wishing very very happy wala b’day to the BOSS of Bollywood.
and All the best for
and the whole life..
love you from an Aamir Salman fan…:)
Happy birth day akki. .wish u a great and sweet life.
And liked the sentence “each song has its own novelty”.
Great human being. Happy birthday Akki sir.
@Indicine can I ask him a few questions too if possible?
shameless khiladi akshay stop irritating people by doing 5 movies in a year for money .do 1 or 2 movies in a year like my king khan badshah khan srk.anyways happy birthday akki.
Happy Birth Day Akki Hope Your Boss movie will regain your top spot
BOSS-Box Office Super Success
Wish you a successful and prosperous year ahead Khiladi kumar – the real daredevil of bollywood. Have a great and memorable birthday. Boss phodega !!!!!!!!
Salman Fan
This bakrid Boss mithaiwale (y y mithaiwala) ko phodega !!!!! :p
Where was ‘r420’ question….? Guess you aint the ‘big fan’ you claimed after all you loser. :-P
Happy Birthday Sir and all the best for BOSS- Box Office Super Star…! ;-)
Happy Birthday Akshay wish you a great year ahead and wish you lots of success ahead.
A true superstar Khiladi Kumar.
Happy Birthday Akshay wish you a great year ahead and wish you lots of success ahead.
A true superstar Khiladi Kumar ///
happy birthday boss. a true legend of Bollywood
Happieee birthday bosss
Shahrukh Khan is my favourite actor but I have a special affection for Akshay Kumar he is a phenomenal actor and always has been modest. Those SRK fans who don’t like Akshay are mad and morons, and some are fake here. Akshay is one of the best actors in Indian cinematic history, a true superstar with more hits than all the other actors. He does 5 films a year and treats his fans, hits or flops don’t impact his ego as he is an established superstar. After SRK, akshay kumar is my fvourite. He is an actor like Shahrukh who can resonate with the audience and make the audience go through emotions. Shahrukh, Akshay and Salman Khan are the greatest actors of their generation. No one comes close to these legends! And icons of world cinema. #HappyBirthdayKhiladiKumar
boss emotional thing? really? pokiri raja is crap film..trailer and songs looks like extension of k-786..sureshot flop
happy birthday akki sir i hope boss is blockbuster and collect 160cr.
I do not understand about SRK fans, they abuse and are insecure with each actor.
I am Salman Fan but do love other actors work too.
Will watch Boss for sure.
In Akshaykumar’s birthday, why there comes the comparision between Sharukh & HIM. Frankly speaking, Sharukh has come a long way with his great luck, nothing else. After watching CHENNAI EXPRESS, I am shocked that how this film has done this type of business. As per as quality is concerned, it is far more behind of 3 IDIOTS, which is a real cinema. Chennai Express is bogus, mindless & irritating. The only saving factor is Deepika. Can the SRK fans metion any good or entertaining film of Sharukh(except DON2) during the last 5 years. There are boguses like CHENNAI EXPRESS, JAB TAK HAI JAAN, RA ONE, RAB NE BANA DE JODI. People are saying that Sharukh has bought all the tickets of CHENNAI EXPRESS to make it a blockbaster. He also played dirty with SON OF SARDAR n ONCE UPON A TIME IN MUMBAI DOBARA.
Many many happy returns of the day Mr. Akshay kumar and thank u very very much for the boring interview.
@Seema. Akshay kumar is not down to earth instead he’s been drowned in to earth due to joker, khiladi, special chabbis and last but not least OUATIMD performance
Helo a.k i like your comedy
Hello sir i asked your favorite character in Bollywood