Dhoom 3 vs Krrish 3: the better trailer? Vote

At the very beginning of the year, two films that were expected to top the charts were Dhoom 3 and Krrish 3. Both established franchises, with two of the biggest stars in the business. The super success of Chennai Express has made it all the more interesting, as Rs 227 crore is going to be a tough number to beat for both films.

Now, coming to the trailer of the two films, Krrish 3 was received well. On Youtube, the theatrical trailer of the film garnered more than 17 million views and was also the ‘most liked’ Hindi trailer.

The teaser of Dhoom 3 has also gone viral with more than 12 millions views. The trailer of the film that was launched late last evening, is likely to cross 1 million views in less than 24 hours.

Watch the two trailers and vote! Which is the better trailer – Krrish 3 or Dhoom 3?

Dhoom 3 or Krrish 3 - The Better Trailer?

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Dhoom 3 Theatrical Trailer

Krrish 3 Theatrical Trailer





  • Tough question, both of them have been successful at what they wanted to show. Krrish-3 was all about VFX, high power action, emotions, and a potential good story, and they were successful at that.
    Whereas, Dhoom-3 was all about, world class stunts, suspense, and glamour, and they also succeeded to catch audience’s attention. So, I can’t choose one because of the different genres. But, I can say one thing, that I have more faith in RakeshJi than Vijay Krishna Acharya. Lets wait and watch out! They both will set a new benchmark in Bollywood.

  • People should rather wait for thor 2 which looks so much better than krrish 3 and releases next week in indian theatres.

  • Krrish 3 trailer – 17832210 views on youtube
    Dhoom 3 trailer – 12443070 views on youtube.
    the true fact is D3 releasing Taser not trailer and k3 trailer released on 4 August and d3 taser came after 1 month then k3 trailer
    So guys Be Smart
    which one is best aamir or hrithik ??
    dafinatly Aamir Rockkzz..

  • Dhoom 3 will make more than twice the money krrish 3 makes. Krrish 3 looks like a cartoon movie with very bad vfx.

  • DHOOM 3_

    Don’t say dhoom3 copy hollywood,because the other so like to hollywood,ex.RA ONE,KRISSH 3_so Don’t think only dhoom 3 like hollywood guys,,,
    keep calm ok……

    Wait 20_12_2013

  • Guys, aamir is my favourite. His acting skills are always fab. But i too think the role didn’t suit him much. Still i am on behalf of D3, because i believe, aamir is never gonna disappoint his fans. Love u sir!

  • salman khan fans can support anybody be it akshay or ajay or amir for hating srk.thank god, salman fought with srk not with amir.poor haters,combination of all die hard other actor fans, they can’t stop our king. My vote goes to k3,though I did not liked any of them much.

  • I think all we have watched k3, the visual effects were very nice and the story was just okay… Wish both films do well…but I think d3 is gonna be further ahead of k3…

  • Srk rocks srk.s ce only release 3500screenes but d3 4500 screenes
    A besharmo samjo Srk Always King Of All Khan.
    Tum Amir Aur Salman Ke Baat Karte Ho Ce Me Kuch Bhi Necked Scene Hai Kya? Aisa family Story.comydy Story.superb Love Story Dekha Kya?

  • Srk Is A Very Good Actor And His Nature Iss A Vry Buty I Am Proud to I Am In Born In The Country Of Alwayas Indian Superstar.king Khan Acting Thre Country

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