Dabangg 2 Box Office Collections: Day wise 3 weeks

When most ‘superstars’ are struggling to deliver one blockbuster, Salman Khan now has 5 blockbusters in a row – Dabangg, Ready, Bodyguard, Ek Tha Tiger and now Dabangg 2! All his films from August 2010 have eased passed the 100 crore mark and set records at the box office.

In it’s 3rd week, Dabangg 2 remained the first choice for movie goers as the film crossed the 150 crore mark. The Salman – Sonakshi Sinha starrer is now the 3rd biggest grosser in history after 3 Idiots and Ek Tha Tiger.

All eyes are now on Salman Khan’s next release, tentatively titled ‘Mental’ which is expected to release later this year. The film will be directed by Sohail Khan.

Day wise detailed box office collections below.

Dabangg 2

Dabangg 2 First week collections

  • Friday – 21 crore
  • Saturday – 19 crore
  • Sunday – 25 crore
  • 1st Weekend – 65 crore
  • Monday – 12 crore
  • Tuesday – 15.5 crore
  • Wednesday – 8.1 crore
  • Thursday – 6 crore
  • Total box office collection after first week – 106.6 crore

Dabangg 2 Second week collections

  • 2nd Friday – 5 crore
  • 2nd Saturday – 6.7 crore
  • 2nd Sunday – 9.05 crore
  • 2nd Weekend – 20.75 crore
  • 2nd Monday – 4.25 crore
  • 2nd Tuesday – 7.5 crore
  • 2nd Wednesday – 3.1 crore
  • 2nd Thursday – 2.15 crore
  • 2nd Week Total – 37.75 crore
  • Total bo collections after second week – 144.35 crore

Dabangg 2 Third week collections

  • 3rd Friday – 1.70 crore
  • 3rd Saturday – 2.45 crore
  • 3rd Sunday – 3.35 crore
  • 3rd Weekend – 7.5 crore
  • 3rd Monday – 1.2 crore
  • 3rd Tuesday – 1.1 crore
  • 3rd Wednesday – 1.1 crore
  • 3rd Thursday – 1 crore (expected)
  • 3rd week total – 11.9 crore

3 weeks total – 156.25 crores (3rd highest after 3 Idiots and Ek Tha Tiger)

Final Verdict – BLOCKBUSTER



  • great to know dat Dabangg2 has been appreciated by one n all. This is called Power…self proclaimed king of bollywood should learn something from this. Icing on the cake is that Aamir Khans 3 idiots is still on top!

  • i think time will come when srk will book each and every theater in the country for a week by investing 120-140 crores so that people go and watch d movie in the second week…this way he will get 150+ crores at box office :P

  • @Kabir..hahaha.ur comment reminds me abt a hindi saying :
    “ULTA CHOR KOTWAL KO DAATE”.U guys are playing double standard game and blaming back to me.Very nice..!!!

  • @Kabir..don’t lie yaar.And i want to tell u one thing.I don’t need ur respect.So keep it on urs.I am perfect for myself and it is enough for me.And second thing, i don’t have a habbit to escape away I m here and ready for talking wid u in a healthy way and logically.So better u go and prepare again as i have seen a glimpse of ur frstation in ur previous comments.

  • I request any neutral fan or any kind Srk fan to see the conversation betw x zone and Tejas abt bet in Dabangg 2 1st weekend page no. 2 article and decide Wht type of cheap lier x zone is. . Pls any

  • CE will it be able to cross Ready i doubt :P…Hope Salman keeps giving 150+ movies …this year will be awesome battle Dhoom 3 v/s Krissh 3 V/s Mental!

  • @xzone. Why are you disgracing yourself man by this double minded dirty game, even i saw your bet on that page and no where did you specifically mention that your bet was for boi collection and even if you go by boi (where jthj’s collections is less than barfi) it is 147 crores and so there is a every chance of it going past 150 crores as its life time isnt over as yet. But officially d2 has collected about 156-157 crores(courtesy: salmankingdom.com) and the 160 crores figure i have given is expected LIFE TIME COLLECTION. Ok.

  • @kabir we dont have to look into anything he is psycho srk fan just like his idol :P…he keeps barking without any knowledge

  • @Kabir..hahaha.Go and file a plea in supreme court.They will give a better judgement u looser.I am still saying that D2 won’t cross 150 cr according to BOI.If anyone is interested then bet wid me.

  • X zone a healtly debate with u huh no man i cant Bcoz after some days i win then u wil say i didnt post that comment u may have used ma name . . So pls

  • @hrithik haterz-i can’t talk 2 pigs like you who daily drink susu. Of street dogs….u r just suffering from a disease called hrithik hating disease…

  • @NVS..yes . iam agree that i hadn’t mention BOI on that page, but it was my perception that if u salman fans only talk abt BOI, then u ll bet according to it.But i was wrong.

    @niks..oh mr. experienced.U r again here?? U forgot about our previous conversation, when u escaped away??Anyone can check it on the page of SRK award, when anil and 2 more srk fans have made him speechless.Now our nik sir has arrived here in the hope that this time salman fans will support him and he ll win the debate.So, keep dreaming.For me, healthy debate is important and i know, when we talk logically, then u ll not have a single way except to escape away.

  • I don’t know why srk and sallu fans are fighting.srk is the first bollywood actor after salman who gave 3 back to back 100 crore grossers in india inspite of no mass appeal and mixed word of mouth.salman gave 5 100 crore in a row.they both are legends of bollywood.so,please don’t fight.

  • @Kabir.Learn to stand with the truth.If u r a salman fan, then it never means that u r bound to support a salman fan (one like tejas).If i am still argumenting wid u , then u shud think abt it that y???
    I am again saying that i ve never bet abt officials.I bet as per BOI and acc to BOI, the final verdict is yet to arrive.

  • @xzone u lost d debate ….u dont have any knowledge dats why u getting bashed by everybody….i dont need support of any other actors fans…iam aamir khan fan not hakloo who can only give hits with YRF and Johar….haha…iam still saying bcoz of Yash chopra srk exists….otherwise he doesnt even have the skill to become a spot boy

  • @xzone… dont lie yaar.. i also saw that page.. u agrred on a officila figures.. dont make urself fool now.. everyone has seen it.. stop defending ur self..

    @kabir , i also saw that.. n still xzone isnt accepting the fact.. so these r the true double standard srk fans…

  • @niks..bcoz u r a looser.I have given a tight reply for ur statement abt yash ji and Kjo.Even a srk fan (anil) had also given a solid reply and after that u escaped away without answering.But again u started the same song, which clearly indicates that u r a dumb, nothing else.
    And if u have so much knowledge , then keep it to urs, don’t try to make anyone fool.

  • Xzone why dont u worry abt srk’s failure to cross 140 crore mark rather den being worried abt salman khans finall gross…this shows how dumb headed u are…hakloo’s career is over plz go and spread dis message and make sure CE crosses 100 crores provided he finds a suitable date for release haha

  • Hey xzone,what is your problem.I just got irritated by the senseless comments of you in this page.
    Well when Dabangg 2 collects 147 crores in three weeks according to BOI,is it that hard to collect 3 crores more by the end of its run.
    Boi itself has dragged its estimation for d2 lifetime business from 150 -155 crores to 155 – 160 crores then who the hell r u to bark here.
    One straight question to you,can that chennai express collect the same 150 crores by its 3rd week according to boi with mixed to -ve reviews from critics like d2, as it is also a mass masala film.Now if you have enough guts answer to me ?

  • @xzone. Ok, indicine are you seeing this, from now on please post only BOI figures, so that there is no confusion. Anyway, d2 is a clean blockbuster and xzone since you only trust BOI numbers then gladly accept jthj’s BOI collections & not the 120+ crores net figures and i would be more than happy if every srk fan does the same.

  • @niks..when i said that 150 cr is a bad collection? In fact it’s a good collection for a non-holiday release and with such a irritating script.But we had a bet on 150 cr , so we r talking abt it.So, don’t make a wrong perception in my mind and mind ur tongue.

  • X zone ya no one stand in front of u in debate and bet conversation when u people loose then u come with such cheap gimmicks and lots of lies that didn post that comment i think u only used ma name etc etc. . Yes hw can we stand in such thing . .

  • @danger zone..3 more crores are tough for D2 as tomorrow an another biggie MKBKM is going to released.
    And for ur second quistion, my answer is—definitely, salman is ruling at BO now-a-days.So his worse scripts like BG,ETT and D2 are making such a huge business.But if u r talking abt CE, then its collection will depend on a lots of factors and currently i m not in a position to comment on it.But i m agree, that SRK will face more troubles than salman to make a worse script as a hit.

  • it’s quite intersting to see that a single SRK fan xzone is facing the mixture of fans reaction from kabir,NVS,niks,aaa111 and many more so bravely.This is the quality of a srk fan.hats off to u bro.

  • @xzone irritating script iam not talking about JTHJ …dabangg 2 had gud script not like JTHJ which focussed on 3 love angles…srk-katrina katrina-jesus…anushka -srk

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