When most ‘superstars’ are struggling to deliver one blockbuster, Salman Khan now has 5 blockbusters in a row – Dabangg, Ready, Bodyguard, Ek Tha Tiger and now Dabangg 2! All his films from August 2010 have eased passed the 100 crore mark and set records at the box office.
In it’s 3rd week, Dabangg 2 remained the first choice for movie goers as the film crossed the 150 crore mark. The Salman – Sonakshi Sinha starrer is now the 3rd biggest grosser in history after 3 Idiots and Ek Tha Tiger.
All eyes are now on Salman Khan’s next release, tentatively titled ‘Mental’ which is expected to release later this year. The film will be directed by Sohail Khan.
Day wise detailed box office collections below.
Dabangg 2 First week collections
- Friday – 21 crore
- Saturday – 19 crore
- Sunday – 25 crore
- 1st Weekend – 65 crore
- Monday – 12 crore
- Tuesday – 15.5 crore
- Wednesday – 8.1 crore
- Thursday – 6 crore
- Total box office collection after first week – 106.6 crore
Dabangg 2 Second week collections
- 2nd Friday – 5 crore
- 2nd Saturday – 6.7 crore
- 2nd Sunday – 9.05 crore
- 2nd Weekend – 20.75 crore
- 2nd Monday – 4.25 crore
- 2nd Tuesday – 7.5 crore
- 2nd Wednesday – 3.1 crore
- 2nd Thursday – 2.15 crore
- 2nd Week Total – 37.75 crore
- Total bo collections after second week – 144.35 crore
Dabangg 2 Third week collections
- 3rd Friday – 1.70 crore
- 3rd Saturday – 2.45 crore
- 3rd Sunday – 3.35 crore
- 3rd Weekend – 7.5 crore
- 3rd Monday – 1.2 crore
- 3rd Tuesday – 1.1 crore
- 3rd Wednesday – 1.1 crore
- 3rd Thursday – 1 crore (expected)
- 3rd week total – 11.9 crore
3 weeks total – 156.25 crores (3rd highest after 3 Idiots and Ek Tha Tiger)
Final Verdict – BLOCKBUSTER
Salman the great
@kabir..don’t teach me abt my limits.I know it very well.Better u mind urs.
And what tejas said at that time (BOI/official), i don’t care.But show me any comment , where i talked abt official figures.Again i am saying, stop this double standard game.If u r agree with BOI numbers at the time of any SRK release, then what’s the problem now..??
If any salman fan talks to me , then i simply assume that he ll talk abt BOI numbers as BOI is ur fav site.
X zone and Wht do u mean by i assumed in ma mind that bet wil be acc to boi huh here no one that smart to read ur mind words
Bhai rocks…
i dont know anything except this line in english…
X zone u double standard looser u proved that u people nothin but a cheap shameless fans. . . When Tejas said m bettin in official figure then y f ck u didnt say no its a boi fig bet huh come u u moron lier. . @Tejas wher the hel ur man clear his nonsence bet
@kabir..shut up!!! If u ll post a single more comment in this manner, then believe me u ll regret.
What do u think..? that i can’t use those cheap words, which u r using in ur comment.Ya i am a shameless fan, but u r a typical salman fan, which is far away from logics and other stuffs.U have shown ur class, so don’t communicate with me.I don’t want to communicate with a dumb like u.
But i ll say a single thing that dare to talk logically.Not in this way that if u see that u r losing ur point then start abusing peoples.
Only mental people will watch mental.so it will be disaster.
Dabbang2 is Below expectation and not very good collection because dabbang releas on 1850 sceen and collected 140 crore and dabbang2 release on 3700 screen double of dabbang and only 155 crore.
X zone logically huh u looser . . Here is the fact for ur lie thing Wht u told now . . In article Dabangg 2 1st weekend collection in page no. 2 wher u ask any body want to bet that time Tejas reply u yes i want to bet but in official figure . For that u replied okay . . All this conversation in page 2 itself see it u double standard looser . . Now come on ans me let me see Wht will u tell. . And Srk fans this x zone proved it whole Srk fans are double standard liers. .
x zone come on check it and ans it u lier . . .
@xzone. I checked it u agreed to official figure now y are u changing ur words. U proved it u people are nothing but a double faced liers.
Tanha remember one thing screens wont help in lifetime business. . Only matter in openin day record and weekend record
Great Dabangg 2 is steady in rest weeks too. .
@xzone. Wht u said salman fans are double standard ? Dude actual double standard are u peoples u proved that . @Kabir ur right bro he agreed to official figure now he is changing his own words.
Chulbul yes bro he proved that Thanks to evidence that remained stil.
@indicine:why dont you ban this guy hrithik roshan?you never answer to my question..huuh..
@indicine:why dont you ban this guy hrithik haterz?you never answer to my question..huuh..
Just watching imam in big boss. his ga yish antics, over acting, pretentious drama and even his monkey like face reminds me of my ha-klu bu-dda hi-jda srk. I think my bu-dda ha-klu slept with imam also chi genda kahi ka
Some ch-utiya srk fans says dabangg 2 collects bellow expectations , according to these g-ays 150cr mark is bellow . Many no. of excuses are in the way , but we are not like g-ay srk fans ba-rking with no. of excuses when most hyped g-ay class movie jthj going to be disaster. Salman movies no need excuses , because every new movie of salman blockbuster on box-office. Ch-utiya srk fans wake up , srks every new movie struggles to cross 100cr and you ch-utiyas b-ark here for salmans movie crosses 150cr+ mark in 3 weeks and you says is bellow expectation , ch-utiya sa-ale.
X zone Wht hppn dnt have enough guts to accept it that ur big lier huh lol. . ma advise to u dnt come to conclusion unless knowin whole knowledge abt it and dnt be shameless by sayin lie . .
@kabir and chulbul..i never said ok.Give any single reference where i agreed with tejas on official figures.Yes, it’s true that tejas mentioned abt the official fig.
But after watching ur reactions, it’s quite clear that u salman fans are a bit frstated for losing the bet.
it’s ok yaar.it’s a part of life and don’t stand behind that tejas, bcoz he has a habbit to loose bets, bcoz he always talks impractically.
Recently, he had a bet that CE won’t cross 100 cr.Now i m asking to u, wat do u think , he ll win this bet???
So don’t bother, as always, he ll loose this bet also.Just wait n watch.
@xzone. Abe hi#jde every1 on indicine knows that we bu da srk fans are the most double minded, characterless,shameless, foolish a$#holes. Shame on us that we are still a bud da ha kla fan, people r treating us srk fans as street dogs & dirty pigs really shame on us for being a hi jda srk fan
X zone u idiot again ur lien just check the reference i gave okay m givin again “Dabangg 2 1st weekend collection page no. 2 “u agreed it and said okay to him . . If u again lie it na
X zone acceptin it that i loosed it is not a shame but tellin lie to prevent that defeat is big shame and sign of double standard people
So see the real faces of these sallu fans (of course double standard too).They are using the id of “outlander” to abuse me (who is a die hard fan of SRK).Common my brave bhai fans.If have guts, then come forward and abuse me.let me see, How brave u r???
@Kabir..i ve checked.Now it’s ur turn.
@Kabir..i am still stand with my previous statement that i bet according to BOI.Now it’s up to u, u agree or not.
ha ha ha look at the frustation of dog fans….they want indicine to ban me….keep barking just like ur greek dog….bhow bhow.rakesh roshan has finalised title of krish3 as dog3 due to demand of hrithik fans
X zone so u didnt say okay to him when he said i bet but in official figure huh
@Kabir..i never said.But i ll not surprise when ur dear “tejas” wud have done this cheap activity and copied my id to post such comment like “okay..i am agree”.Bcoz u salman fans are proficient in it and the most common example is copying the id of OUTLANDER, who is a die hard fan of SRK.
Now wat ll u say abt it??
Though i think dabaang 2 under performed by atleast 25 crores because of some unavoidable factors, 160+ crores life time is still a monster collection for a non holiday release. The news about srk is that he has been suffering from high bp after watching d2 collections and this time he is so determined for a SUPERHIT that he is ready to pay 5 crores on just tickets for his next EPIC chennai express for his fans. So srk fans dont worry about money, srk himself will pay for your tickets from his own pocket but please atleast this time dont disappoint and betray him, please give a superhit to him, for bb is almost a dream for him now.