Bollywood Superstar Shahrukh Khan has been named as ‘Bollywood’s Most Charitable Person’ by China based Hurun Research Institute (HRI).
According to the report, Shahrukh Khan’s company Red Chillies Entertainment has donated Rs 25 crore towards ‘Social and Rural development’, while Salman Khan’s Being Human has donated Rs 11 crore towards healthcare.
The report is for a period of one-and-a-half years, starting from April 2013 to October 2014.

The now famous photo of the two Khans
Entrepreneur, philantrophist and the founder of UTV Group, Ronnie Screwvala and his wife Zarina, have donated Rs 350 crore towards social causes.
HRI has named Wipro chairman, Azim Premji, as the ‘Most Charitable person in India’. He has donated Rs 12,316 crore towards charity.
Wow after Sir Asambuddha comes another idiot called @Romu fan to ignite another round of fanwars..Too much fun!!
@sid fake when did I say a single bad word about aamir???and that charity comment wasn’t intended at salman instead his stupid fans who throughout the year call srk ‘evil’,’selfish’,’greedy’ etc etc
“Sir Asambuddha” really cracked me up LOL! :D :D
@ Gauravv,ya ‘sir asambudhaa’ lol name
now wait and watch how I entertain u throughout this month
@sid 5:41 don’t u think u r also doing the same about srk (second last sentence in the comment)
when there’s an award involved, there’s no doubt srk always win whether acting or charity. how’s it silent charity? and just donating more to a certain organisation doesn’t mean he does more charity than salman.maybe srk paid 20cr for the award and 5cr for the actual cause. lol
Great point which sadly will be lost on kings illiterate fans….
The real people doing REAL charity are infact the ground staff digging the foundations, building the homes, wells, schools and also the doctors at asylums who take care of the criminally insane psychopaths like the bengali idiot…. Ofcourse they do this through donations which helps but their hard work has been completely ignored and as always fans wanna give credit to their stars thinking they do all the hard graft by simply signing a cheque… Ludicrous thinking-
@some buddha mukherjee
You never were a fan of Youngistan but a closet fanatic of King…
I said it before and I say it now- your chameleon antics here are pure ugly just like your so called ugly star arjun kapoor…!
Stop fibbing coz you have afew more IDs still in your closet- a chameleon who admits to acouple of IDs will no doubt still hide afew more away coz why would you have even one additional ID….? You have them bcoz you in reality spend all day on Indicine n it must get pretty boring so to entertain your ugly mind you create IDs quicker than Duplicate King Dynamic causing mischief/ havoc…! You being offended by fans abusing Srk- please who you kidding- you watched PK right- in it Aamir asks the question why does the Almighty All Powerful GOD need pawns to do his bidding n defend him…? In this case why would Global King with 3.7 billion subjects who are real devotees need some bengali village idiot defending him…? Why you…? King already has afew deluded loons of hos own like SSS khan ready to defend him so why a so called fan of Arjuna Kapoor feels he TOO must step into the trenches and defend kings honour/ name…? Answer is pretty obvious I think…. You always were a kingtard…….!
PS Salman does alot of charity in the physical sense that he gets his hands dirty with lending a hand in building homes etc but I hope he is willing to get his hands even more dirtier by trying to launch Arjun down south so we will all find out for once and all if you really are a fan of arjun kapoor- if you are then shift base to Kollywood and annoy fans down there with your youngistan nonsense 24/7…!
I feel very strongly that both King n Bhai need to do seriously more in helping charities/ NGOs around the country… They need to up the ante and NOW…
In particular address the funding situation at the Bengal Mental Psychiatric Institution where funds are severely low, so low that afew patients like some buddha mukherjee have been released early back into society without their chameleonism disease being fully cured n removed from their psyche…!
12000 crores in charity? Is this real?
Even srk does charity, i’m really surprised! but if he really does then respect & salutes to srk but then why doesn’t he start a registered charity organization like ‘SRK & gauri khan’s foundation’ or ‘Green chillies foundation’ or ‘being srk’ foundation or ‘global king of 3.7 billion fans foundation’ (or being mayamemsaab’s bade saab foundation) and do charity, there’s nothing wrong in doing noble charity publicly and it will do only more good because some rich srk fans like SSS, Romance_????, Gotya etc may donate money to the charity so that more & more people will receive help. By the way salman is known to donate as much as 70% of his earnings to charity and more than that salman as a human being is a person who would never say no to the people who genuinely ask for his help, monetary & otherwise (now some srk fans dont say that if salman is like that then i will ask him crores of rupees so that we can produce evergreen classics like mayamemsaab or ra.1 or crappy new year etc with that money). Bill & melinda gates foundation, one of the largest charity foundations of the world has hardly won 2 or 3 awards and that doesn’t include a UNESCO award (which our king won! may be he must have really donated billions of dollars for the charity (and secretly) to really get that award or may be he might have really paid some crores to BUY that award, only srk, his PR & his fans know!), great billionaire philanthropists like bill gates & warren buffett themselves haven’t won many awards for charity even after doing charity worth some billions of dollars but our king got UNESCO award for charity! again our king doesn’t show off like he is doing charity, people in india are rarely aware of it but the firangis like unesco & some chinese institute know that he does big charity, wow, srk!
Kudos to both superstars as well as many people who are engaged in noble cause for betterment of humans.
Kudos to many fans also for their intelligence to make this page also spreading hatredness.
I think no one noted what @dhobhi ghat said but every one bashing sambudha kapoor.Just look that how many like @dhobhi got for his hatred comments and still people here showing hypocrisy.Oh we should not thing how someone gives.Strange.
@Sir Sambuddha
You’re already an entertainer for all wrong reasons.
The way you fought with indicine few months back was pathetic. You even went ahead and posted cuss words. I thought indicine admin will kick you off this site, but they are too humble and generous to still keep you.
Im gonna get a backlash from you but Im gonna put my neck on the line and call you out here- who are you and where have you been these past 2 years…? When I first came here you were here regularly n then one day you did a Jaadoo/ Houdini and vanished…. You made sporadic appearances hinting at a possible permanent return but you did another Jaadoo n went away… This time I want to know what you been doing and I hope the answer is the truth…!
PS if you are the ‘NVS’ of yesteryear then great otherwise I dont like seeing chameleons on our side as it weakens the moral ground I want our fans to stand on…! Thanks and if you really are the NVS of old then you may proceed to reprimand me and I wont mind one iota…!
who is this arjun kapoor fan.. he is a nuisance.. always creates fan wars.. his comments are piece of garbage.. wanna see his face when tevar flops.. i will be the first to rejoice n so will other indicine users.. annoying idiot
@Navin. ya bro i am that same old NVS, i haven’t vanished anywhere just that i was busy with my career, i write blogs whenever i get some time. Actually i am addicted to facebook & indicine, i visit both of them atleast once in a day, it’s not that i was not commenting anything on indicine, i was commenting but you know that our dear indicine is a pro-srk site and so it wasn’t allowing my comments for sometime (you know what i mostly comment on :D :D) so i got really pissed off and stopped commenting, i just used to read the articles on indicine & read most of the comments but wasn’t commenting anything (and i wondered how was indicine allowing some of the weird, stupid, ugly comments from some people (especially from SSS) but was blocking my comments? Oh i forgot indicine is a pro-srk site right :)) . LOLZ Hope indicine doesn’t block me again after reading this comments :D
@NVS, please tone down your language a little and do post some on-topic comments too. We’d be glad to post your comments. Thanks :)
@mr.gauraav u saw me using thst slang word to indicine but u nvr saw wat made me do that.
indicine admin knows that there was a misunderstanding btwnhem and me so they let me continue writing here.
u hv a habit of reacting on something by only partly knowing it’ so I want to know how do u top ur exams u even read the question completely?
Well said
@dxt namm
Yes hes just a bengali chameleon with lil else to do in life apart from arguing about how big shakti kapoors prodigy will be in Kollywood… Sad
Good Work Srk & Salman.. Ajim Premji Top The List. Feeling Pround Being Wiproite
@pjp, we all r well aware about ur king’s awards. Tell him to dance more on streets and marriage parties to earn more money to buy some more awards.
@badshah, all srk movies from 2007-2014 are blockbusters!! Really??? Don’t know when wil god giv little wisdom to u understand differences between hits and blockbusters. I m sure tommorow u will not hesitate to declare that yljk is a ATBB…..
Would love to read your blog buddy
@indicine Is name calling still banned or have you eased up on the moderation of late…?
Out of respect I will address the 3 idiots/ chameleons of Indicine as the following:-
-‘Arjun kapoors only fan’ as ‘samBuddha mukherjee’ and not as ‘some buddha mukherjee’ or ‘the bengali village idiot’
‘Babuji ka thullu’ as ‘kShitij Srivastava’ and not ‘kShitty SriWasteTevar’ or ‘rasputins thullu’ or ‘sarumans sole surviving disciple’ or ‘chameleon head principal babuji’
-Nipun Kumar as ‘Nipun Taylor Swift Kumar’ and not ‘nipun kumari’ or ‘nipun alcoholic’ or ‘rajeevs apprentice/ anupamas wardrobe assistant’
I look forward to reading your guidelines about name calling and also your views about whether or not the ‘F’ word is appropriate or not to be used in your comments section as it has been seen quite alot recently in the comments from your sites resident wannabe critiK….! I personally think such disgusting words are not for public consumption but we clearly differ so look forward to your reply.
Kind regards
Navin Uncle
Raees Fan : Whoever is in current top form is best !!!!!! Dont involve or compare legends like Sachin with Srk. I am not calling Salman as legend. For me, only 3 legends in Bollywood : Dilip Saheb, Big B n Aamir Khan. Legends never ask favors like Srk asked Jitu sir during CE release !!!!!!!!!!
@Badshah : Nobody is king by calling himself king or Badshah. Check 1999 bollywood list on wikipedia you will get your answer about Salman. Since KKHH, Srk has given only 5 Blockbusters – K3G, OSO, CDI, RNBDJ & CE whereas Salman has given 7 Blockbusters – Partner, Dabangg, Ready, Bodyguard, ETT, Dabangg2 & Kick !!!!!! Yes, Srk has been consistent in giving Hits but Salman has been consistent in Blockbusters !!!!!!!!!! If Srk had done Marigold n Main aur Mrs. Khanna he would have been vanished now. I have no shame admitting Salman flops n failures but his come back has been remarkable. Srk fears failure n will never be able to make such come back if he fails like Salman in past. Your king is struggling to give highest grosser of the year since 2007 & u still call him king !!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Salman without highest grosser longest streak – 4 years in both cases 2000-2004 / 2006-2009.
Srk without highest grosser longest streak 2008-2014 (7 years).
Dhoodh ka dhoodh n Paani ka paani !!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Indicine Team. hahaha lol Thanks for the reply and ya I will tone down my language if people like SSS, Romance_????? stop provoking me (by commenting bad against salman,aamir & actresses like sonakshi) . just compare my comments to that of SSS and prove whose comments are more harsh & demeaning, mine or SSS’s? And what to do you mean by ‘post some on-topic comments too’? i don’t think i have deviated much from any topic that i was commenting on, at times i may have but think about this, on any given topic most of the users have almost similar views & comments so should I post the same as the other users? if we, the users of indicine start doing that then it will get monotonous & indicine would become a boring site, we don’t want that too happen. but that doesnt mean that we should totally digress from the topic and post totally irrelevant & unrelated comment & even use abusive language but its good na ki if we users have some thing creative & unique to offer indicine like the comments made by bulli, bulli fan, Sachin 11, navin, legend khan, tiger the real king, nipun, babaji , sky, gj & even users like megha, arjun kapoor fan & gotya who make reading comments on indicine interesting (at times they may be irritating but most of the times they speak their heart out without disrespecting & abusing any actor/actress directly). its good to have healthy competition among the users and I want as many srk fans on indicine as the number of salman, aamir, hrithik & akki fans. bulli is the most funniest & perhaps the most popular user of indicine but these days the humor in his comments has decreased . And indicine one more request, if some srk fans can call salman as lallu or bhojpuri and aamir as tingu (and most of the times you have allowed the comments involving such names) then we can also call srk lovingly as haklu na then why do the comments with the name haklu don’t get published? so better u don’t allow words such as lallu or bhojpuri or tingu or haklu etc in any of the comments from anyone. thank you.
ya forgot to add the user ‘hrithik’ , one of my favorites on indicine :)
@navin . sorry bro I don’t maintain my own personal blog but I do write sometimes for some of my friends, I do write poems ( 5 poems so far) & stories, I am actually working on a script for a short movie with some of my office colleagues and if everything goes as per the plan then my short movie may come out within 3-4 months. I am just an amateur, just about starting, so it will take time :)
I like you and your unbaised comments too ARJUN KAPOOR FAN. You are one of the very few who don’t post strong biased and opinionated comments here.
@tiger, r u a dancer who survives by dancing on the streets / weddings and became jobless because of SRK!!!!!!!!no wonder y u hate him!!!!!!!