Bollywood Superstar Shahrukh Khan has been named as ‘Bollywood’s Most Charitable Person’ by China based Hurun Research Institute (HRI).
According to the report, Shahrukh Khan’s company Red Chillies Entertainment has donated Rs 25 crore towards ‘Social and Rural development’, while Salman Khan’s Being Human has donated Rs 11 crore towards healthcare.
The report is for a period of one-and-a-half years, starting from April 2013 to October 2014.

The now famous photo of the two Khans
Entrepreneur, philantrophist and the founder of UTV Group, Ronnie Screwvala and his wife Zarina, have donated Rs 350 crore towards social causes.
HRI has named Wipro chairman, Azim Premji, as the ‘Most Charitable person in India’. He has donated Rs 12,316 crore towards charity.
what a nice gesture by great actors.
@Sir SamBuddha
What knida of a thought? You were the first who first posted hateful comment. If you have problem with srk haters, then comment on them “specifically”. Salman has genuinely done charity, so has Srk. No need to say, who has done better.
Because of your remark the whole page was full of hate comments. And you know what, almost every other fan be srk, salman, aamir, hr, akki, ajay, emraan fan hates you. Because you are always the one who starts hateful comments. Get well soon!
Sallu gives away 11 cr and some assholes are still moaning!
@gauravv u boast of understanding and njoying nolan’s masterpieces but u couldn’t understand the inner meaning of my simple comment!!!
#shame on ur intellectuality
@sss : You and your entire clan cannot be compare to Salman’s foot !!!!!!!!!!!! If Srk is no. 1 why is he struggling to give highest grosser of year for not 1 or 2 years but 7 years ? Why his most movies in past are just Hits (Except CE). Why count only flops of Aamir or Salman why not Srk flops ? After DDLJ, he gave epic failures in Trimurti and ODYHI, Sunny Deol thrashed him in clash in 2000. Despite getting best critics reviews Swades still a Flop, why ?
Some Srk fans are singing about UNESCO award. If Srk does hidden charity then how did UNESCO got to know? Isn’t Srk PR spreading it ? It may be hidden in India but he publicize in UN and USA !!!!!!!!!!!
@sss (reply for your comment on who is Hero # 1 article) : You are not even comparable to Salman’s $hit !!!!!!!!!!!! If Srk is no. 1 why is he struggling to give highest grosser of year for not 1 or 2 years but 7 years ? Why his most movies in past are just Hits (Except CE). Why count only flops of Aamir or Salman why not Srk flops ? After DDLJ, he gave epic failures in Trimurti and ODYHI, Sunny Deol thrashed him in clash in 2000. Despite getting best critics reviews Swades still a Flop, why ?
Those who are saying SRK is doing more charity to remind you @beinghuman is not invest hard cash but they had given necessary things to others like recently 200 lenes in srilanka, painted whole village by salman and their unit in Maharasatra so many more things.
@saky its because people trust Aamir and his choices. If it is a Aamir film it must be good and something different. I would also like to see Srk doing quality films like chak de etc.
datz good srk starts to donate in charity. world’s 2nd richest Actor give only double den salman :O Kingu jii u wll able to donate same as lyk’s lyftym business.
@MR.GAURAAV the true fans of every fan base like @zeeshan,@sky @saksham etc luv me a lot but I am more than happy to b hated by the rest
See that’s the problem. Have I ever said I’m Intellectual? No. Have I ever boasted about how much great Nolan is? No. It is you who is living in a delusional world assuming everything.
I have rarely written about Nolan. I live Kubrick more than Nolan. Any problems there? Yes, Inception or Prestige or Dark Knight are great works but I prefer Dr Strangelove and Clockwork Orange over them. But what has that got to do with your nasty comment on Salman? Nothing
And regarding one of your comment saying, “Give me a list of people you hate.” Yes, I hate Chetan Bhagat both as a person and as a writer. Regarding Bhansali and Johar. I don’t know much about them, but I admire works like Khamoshi, KANK (where Johar tackled a serious issue) But their style is routine and cliched and I have issues with them. Happy? Now keep quiet.
Type. I “like” Kubrick more than Nolan
@hrithik just reply me in 1 word ok….who is best Sachin or virat kohli???????
@hrithik u kid again I would advice u to grow up or just shut up.
From 2007 – 2014 Srk is always giving blockbusters and super hits . He was ruling from 1995-2007. Not like Bhojpuri bhai who was delivering huge flops and disasters after 2000 – 2009. Only hits were no entry and partner that too multistarers. Actually his career graph started falling after 1997 only. Lol
You also forgot how Srk thrashed and completely overshadowed sunny in darr. Sunny was in his prime at that time.
It’s really painful to see that yet another page has been turned into that ugly fan war. Why don’t you people understand that charity is charity, whether it is worth ?1 or worth ?100000 . Why comparing the amount?? Just see the intention behind that amount. They are doing their bit towards society, that itself is not enough??
@Tiger : Totally disagree with you. It’s not like SRK has started his charity today but he has been doing it since then, when most of the people were not about the Spelling of the word “C-H-A-R-I-T-Y”. Google it out, he had adopted a separate ward for cancer patients in a renowned hospital of Mumbai and its running successfully since a long time.
You know , most of Bollywood actors do charity but we know only about few. Are you aware of Sunil Shetty’s portable hospital?? One van with all the medicines and qualified doctors runs daily in the slums of Mumbai and it provides on the spot treatment to poor’s. And all the expenses are being paid by Sunil itself. So please don’t underestimate anyone’s effort. Charity is charity and even if it is being done for show off what is the issue?? Ultimately society is getting benefitted , isn’t it??
Guys please don’t’s generous of both khans to do such a honourable you both.lets applaud both.?
@MR GAURAV first u stop stupidly reacting to others thoughtful logical comments and start respecting then oonly give advices to others
I have always noticed that this ARJUN KAPOOR FAN is the guy who starts these fan wars on every page and pretends to not be a fan of any senior actor.
@gj007.. I request you to please ignore him.. He is doing this on purpose.
@Arjun kapoor, completely agree with you.
Salman Khan might be known for his charitable nature, but only a few know that Shah Rukh Khan has been silently helping the needy without much publicity.
While many people think he is selfish, the Sharukh has been associated with a lot of NGOs and charitable foundations. He was honored with a special award for his charitable work by UNESCO.
Although he gets busy with his films, ShahRukh spares time for the kids in orphanage and with the help of his company Red Chillies Entertainment, he helps them monetarily. While we all know Shah Rukh only as a star living in luxury, not many of us know that he goes that extra mile to support the deprived.
@mr suniel I hv also noted how on shamitabh page u questioned amitabh bachchan’s acting and here u r pretending to b a saint
You’re right. He has this bag of tricks to constantly be in the lime light. At times he creates his own fake accounts (charmeleone/Arjun Kapoor), at times he creates troll accounts (like Mahesh Bhatt) at times he fights and abuses Indicine admin and if nothing is working, he abuses senior actors like Akshay/Salman.
I think we should ignore this lunatic. He should join PR machinery of Arjun Kapoor the actor. At least he’ll get paid for this rubbish
The king is always king
Good job
@ GAURAAV-THE GREAT now I had moved on from ur nonsense after u said ‘keep quite’ but look at urself again,u hv again stated passing lewd remarks at me.
u think that ‘chameleone’, ‘bonney kapoor’accounts r of mine!!!I I just had 2 fake accounts ‘ungli emraan’ abd ‘mahesh bhatt’ bcz I hv lot of problem with things that emraan and his fans do but I hv sorted my issue with element but ur comment is just igniting fire.
mr.opinion maker first look at what u r and then pass lewd remarks about others.
this engineering geniuses thinking they r superior to and say watever rubbish they want about others but plz don’t do this shi# with me.all these days I hvnt padded a single offensive or personal comment about u but u r going on speaking trash and thereby revealing ur actual class
@mr gauraav I will b grateful to u if u cn point out a single abusive or offensive thing that I hc said to salman or anyone until and unless provoked by others.I basically give back stupid users a dose of their own medicine so that they can understand how it feels when someone passes offensive comments at u
All you Kingtards speaking about Aamir Khan’s is the article for the same..
Stop barking just because a certain Sir Asambuddha Mukherjee has created hatred!!!
Someone rightly said ” It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving”.we should not compare the amount given by someone is less or more than someone else….giving to needy person is itself a great we should not fight over these things…instead appreciate them thats all reply in that Aamir Khan article once again to all the idiots questioning Bhai’s charity work..
All you dimwit SRKians..ask that child who was gifted a laptop as he was a BPL kid and couldn’t afford it..ask those ladies to whom he donated Sarees..ask those poor kids to whom he donated cycles..ask those people who have been immensely benefitted by his charity organization..also ask those people who were benefited by his money during natural disasters.. Ask those poor people for whom he hosts feast during ganeshotsav… You will get only one answer..
Bhai and Aamir sir have done innumerable charity which you losers won’t acknowledge ever in your life..even Akshay Kumar has done innumerable charity FYI..