Bomb blast at a Pakistani theatre screening Salman’s KICK

A few unidentified men threw hand grenades at a Karachi theatre in Pakistan which was screening Salman Khan’s latest blockbuster ‘Kick’. The bomb blast injured 2 people, one of them is reportedly battling for his life.

The cinema on the MA Jinnah road has been running to packed houses ever since Kick released in theatres last week. Police said the motive behind the attack was similar to those who use grenades to damage property and spread fear.

�Two men on a motorcycle threw the hand grenade at the entrance of Capri cinema and fled from the scene. Two persons were injured,� senior police official Imran Shaukat said.

Due to Eid holidays, both single-screens and multiplexes in Karachi were witnessing record crowds. The film has collected INR 5 crore approx in the country so far.

In the past, militants have attacked cinemas in other parts of Pakistan. Few years back, protest rallies against a anti-Islam film turned violent and protesters tried to burn down two other cinema halls on the Jinnah road.



  • Sunne mein thoda kharap lagega Pakistan mein bollywood ka movies release karna bandh karo. They have no rights to murder anyone’s happyness, feelings, entertainments & life.

  • @hamza khan accept truth buddy u still living in fanny world around u made by your politicians,check FATA and afghan border will know d reality, anyways my condolence to dead and injured ones

  • I wish speedy recovery to those who injured in this incident !
    Such attackers should be hanged to death.

  • @radha I mean to say people will talk of kick also coz kick was screening in theater there and I also dont want such things to happen anywhere in world so dont blame me coz my name is bulli and I am not a terrorist

  • This is not acceptable. The bomb attack has become a joke in Pak now a days. Condolence to innocent people.

  • This is very bad… Really bad… but this is bound to happen wen u feed / protect Terrorists..
    Poor innocent ppl have to pay for it!!

  • Unfortunate incident…
    Local terrorists group don’t want Pak to develop and prosper,..common people are the victims!

  • Condolences to the injured…But the corrupted government should get stricter…What can they get after doing that?

  • @Nexus, I don’t stay in Pakistan firstly. And to say, Indian politics isn’t close to good. If you speak about terrorism, then that tag was mostly attached to Islam after 9/11, but what happened in India long before that — The assassination of your prime minister with the use of a plastic bomb. Stop fabricating useless points buddy.

  • @Fake, terrorists? You speak like there aren’t any Indian, or let me be more specific, Hindu terrorists in India. You’re just as delusional.

  • i am afraid i dont have any Bad News coz this news itself is tragic
    I highly condemn such inhuman activities .. Wishing a speedy recovery to d guys injured …..

  • Pakistan Army is doing an operation in North Wazeerizatan ,at the hub of terrorists ….Hope they cut the root of terrorists so that they cannot recover again…..
    Karachi is affected by political war rather than the outside terrorists …..It seems a blast by Religious militants…………….

  • @Bulli, this time you have gone too far, how can you say these things�. just for your mania of Salman?
    @Indicine�.you should ban this man, people like him are distorting India.

  • @Aniel there is nothing such in my comments which is distorting maybe you have third eye which seeing something extra in my comments and the proof is my comments got published means they are clean and I was talking of box office collection coz this is a movies website not BBC

  • Listen guys, once and for all, terroris have no religion and do not belong to any society. And they can come out of any religion or society.

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