Ram Gopal Varma’s last successful film as director was Sarkar, more than half-a-decade ago in 2005. Since then, he has directed several films, all of which have been massive disasters. This time around, he returns with the second part in the ‘Bhoot’ series. The first film released in 2003 and remains arguably the best horror film ever made in Bollywood.
Bhoot Returns is the story of the Awasthi family, who move into a haunted house, where tenants tend to vanish. Tarun Awasthi (JD Charavarthy) grabs his opportunity to buy the house for much below the market value. He moves into the house with his wife (Manisha Koirala), sister (Madhu Shalini), daughter Nimmi (Alayana Sharma) and son (Kaushank).
Bhoot Returns Review
Horror films are made to scare the audience. Here, with Bhoot Returns, you wonder if RGV’s motive behind this film was to scare or make the audience laugh. The script is weak and the story is predictable – Tarun’s daughter Nimmu finds a doll, which was gifted to her from her friend, who is only visible to her. Soon, members of the family go missing and it’s a fight for survival.
Those typical unnatural occurrences, a must for every Hindi horror film, follow – footsteps, weird noises and banging door – none of which are scary.
For a change, RGV gets the camera angles right. The 3D effect is decent too. The background score should have been better.
Baby Alayana Sharma, Madhu Shalini and Manisha Koirala do well. The rest are okay.
Overall, Bhoot Returns isn’t one bit scary. It film ends up being unintentionally funny. So is it RGV’s worst? Not quite. It’s hard to beat AAG and Department. He has tried his best though.
lol..your best verdict till date
Funny review.. RGV falling to new lows with each film.
Just half a star? Is it that bad?
Rgv is a crazy director
Is there any horror if there isn’t then should we call it a suspense thriller. We suppose it is not a comedy movie as hinted out in the main review.
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