The first look of all the lead characters in Bajirao Mastani are out. Ranveer Singh sports a bald look in the film where he plays the role of Maratha warrior Peshwa Bajirao 1.
Priyanka Chopra, who plays Bajirao’s first wife Kashibai, looks absolutely stunning. Deepika’s look is pretty impressive too. She plays the role of a Muslim courtesan and the second wife of Bajirao.
Check out the pictures below and tell us which look you liked the most. Our pick – Priyanka Chopra!

Bajirao Mastani First Look – Ranveer Singh

Bajirao Mastani First Look – Deepika Padukone

Bajirao Mastani First Look – Priyanka Chopra
The ‘anti hindu anti Indian anti bollywood’ satan worshipper wants to leave Indicine and our Dear Complan boy wants him to stay… That just about sums up where this fools loyalty lies…
The worlds smallest violin is playing in the background as two retarded lovers are parting ways… Complan boys is once again heart broken after another one of his losers stroke lovers is leaving Indicine…!
Good riddance to bad rubbish
Just be thankful you are physically able to leave on your own accord coz if I was allowed to confront you here then I would have kicked your behind right back into your cell in Prisonstan you satan worshipper…!
you floored me… Too much fun
But its true- the scumbag from across the border insulted 1 billion hindus and many more Indians by calling hindu Gods all sorts of derogatory names not to mention calling bhai jaan a buffalo n yet he is whining like a lil girl when someone calls his ugly goat queen a dog…!
Hypocrisy of the highest order
@Sanu you idiotic jerk.. Ram Jaane was average.. It ain’t a hit..
Also Indian beat Asoka in 2001.. Forgot that? JTHJ lost to SOS despite overall collections as one Ajay Devgan crushed the might of SRK-YRF-AR Rehman..?
As long as I am alive I will never leave this
site …… hahaha ?????
I wanted to leave but my bro sss requested me to stay …. so I will not leave
indicine as long as I am alive ….!!
@sss bro , I stay only becoz of you !
@bewi 1 , I am never scared of any one !
@nvs , oh shut up u dumb-ass…. !!
@navin, I never call u uncle aunty whatsoever….. !!!
whatever I said about Hindu was reality
I am not anti Hindu ….. !!!!
but I promise u when I meet u I will tear u
into pieces….. seriously u jerk !
I wanted to leave this site becoz most of my comments are not published this really
hurts me as I spend most of my times on
this site ….. !!!!
but now sallu fans call us coward so I will have to stay and continue till the end !
Srkian comparing RS with him ?
Is srk is dat small actor?
Leave it yr, v’ll know Dilwale will collect more money dan BM. Even if dere is no srk in dilwale, masala movies always do gud business is festive season. So, don’t bother it.
whatever salman sallu says I intend to break records, mark my word he is not going to break opening/weekend/week/lifetime shame on sallu, I don’t know why sallu has so many fan following while he is facing so many cases on him eg hit and run/chinkara case/threat to many ones in bollywood etc etc. one thing is sure if you kill or do something against law then you try to be innocence, you will get huge fan following like sallu enjoying, post hit and run case he established beinghuman organization which is doing good to others? but question arises why sallu established it post hit and run case? to show that he has golden heart. he said after quarrel with srk that he will never ever talk to srk and will never ever do friendship with srk? but when his films becoming huge blockbuster one after other like never before he started praising srk, why?
on the other hand srk had ego problem between 1995-2008 because he was top spot in those days, post 2008, he is successful but on a lower side while other two khans were huge successful at box office.
if you try to find out average of last five movies of srk and salman, then you will come to know tht srk is still lead over salman but very less margin both at indian as well as wordwide gross but they both are nowhere near aamir khan in terms of that,
bajirao mastani is going to be epic disaster of all time if it clashes with dilwale,
I think SLB want to cheap publicity with the news that he is going release his film on same date as dilwale, which he is not going to do because his trailer is going to out 5 months before as normally trailer is released just before 2-3 months
we want srk to get solo release than it is possible for srk to cross nett. 300cr at domestic, unless it is impossible, if Pk too faced a clash, it will not even cross dhoom3 284cr, forget 300cr,
lifetime270cr for dilwale bjirao mastani 80cr with/without clash, mark my word
how can one director make a movie with budget more than 140cr and dare to release it with srk half budget film dilwale? epic disaster of all time max 22cr lifetime BM, Dilwale 275cr+
Javed Sheikh BM & Varunwale Se Clash K Darr Se Bhag Gaya..
Raneer’s Power.
ranveer look like joker here not interested at all with what ever ranveer do
@sss, @javed and all srkian here on indicine please you guys dont care what ever all morron said about king khan ……what we can do to stop they hatred toward king khan ? SRK is a person that doesnt need any thing to proved about his achieves ment in Bollywood ……we as his fan just can do loyal to him as we can ok sooooo please ………even indicine support all morron here to bark srk by publishing all the hatters word toward king khan it doesnt change the fact that SRK is the best and king of Bollywood sooo please all srkian be happy and cherrs?????
People watch historical dramas only when they know about the protagonist (Asoka , Akbar for example) .
But who the hell is Peshwa Bajirao ? Nobody has heard his name outside Maratha region , LOL .
No one is going to watch this film , because we are not interested in attending History classes of Bhansali .
Hey my king, I have one idea for you. Why dont you also beg SLB to postpone his crap movie for your epic masterpiece brilliant movie dilwaale just like you requested jeetuji during CE time to postpone OUTIMD? So we rumored fans can at least watch your masterpiece without any insecurity. Come on king.lets do it. Bang Bang ?
Every one is forgetting – Indian vs Ashoka clash. Where Sunny Deol thrashed the overrated actor.
its really sad to see a trailer of film like majhi the mountain man is being ignored by this site..movies like that deserves some respect and appreciation . It’s a sad thing really lack of media coverage for such film will hurt its box office performance for sure. Hugely dissapointed. Anyway we guys from Nepal are waiting for this movie Nawaz is best actor ryt now in bollywood that’s what we feel no disrespect to others though..
@nvs(neanderthal vapid saky),you’re giving the definition of SRKIANS?????THEY are kind hearted,most lovable fan base.unlike your salman’s fans who are illiterate rural based area peoples,cheapest,taporis,antisocials,criminals,pathetic natured peoples,most hatred fanbase who always know how to say cheapest words.1st look at your comment you 3rd grade cheapest fellow,how your comments looks like,just like a roadside tapori is writing something!!!!!,ROFL.
and what about that day when you cried before @indicine,when someone said your bhau as buffalo.but I astonish how can someone can call him buffalo who actually looks like a pig.and who are you to day like to my @javed bro,better you f-off from here otherwise I will kick you out from here,so stay out of this little shameless kiddo,it’ll be better for you.don’t force me again to come back to my previous form which couldn’t make you sleep whole night.and after all who you’re?????just a cheapest 3rd grade salman fans who is habituated of watching craps from starting to ending of career of your bhai.I can even be astonish how that non actor put such deep impact on your mind,that you’re supporting that cheapest non actor who couldn’t not only can act but also couldn’t give a single expression ,he is the worst among all non actors as well a criminal too.ha ha ha ha big shame how pathetic can be peoples in your fanbase are??????and about crying your old retard bhai cried at the court when verdict was about to given at that time.crying star’s crying fan is making fun of others,1st look at your bhai ,then talk about us you decade disaster loser’s fans.
@ps,better you give attention towards your illiterate sallutards,just look at the pathetic way they are blabbering all the time you mental patient.
@navin,better auncle you care for your position bro @javed is an innocent hearted guy who couldn’t bear the way you real Satan worshipper broken his heart.when HE bashed OUR GODS?????and HE just said about how WE worshipped and to you made him to say like that by saying satan worshipper and @indicine supported you at that time for which reason that RELEGIOUS war happened on that day.satan has no relegions just like how you are now bashing someone’s relegionsrelegions and we’re not a criminal worshipper like you.grow up auncle,no matters how much your brain’s age be around 60-70 but it’s behaviour is not even mature than a 5-6 year old kid.
Heheheheehehe, @javed habib gone forever. Dont worry bro, @iamdhakkan and @hisss will also follow you after this Christmas. ??
Or if they are too besharam, they’ll stick around even after Christmas and get thrashed and insulted for their stupid comments. ??
Waiting for retard SRKtards to trend : #DilwaleBestFilmEver when it releases ?? and making a fool out of themselves and SRK, again ?
I wished they had introduced each character with single posters. That would have been brilliant.
Slowly and steadily they should build the buzz for the movie.
Definitely in Maharashtra and esp. in Mumbai, the locals would want to see Bajirao as it is a history that is of their State.
Some fans were commenting and thrashing Salman for doing Masala films, and praising how their star is coming up with Content Rich movies in future. But, now when their own star’s Masala film Dilwale is against a period movie like Bajirao, which seems to be more content based, they are all out thrashing and name calling it. Lol.
@ishan gulati,not after THIS CHRISTMAS,WE’LL always remain here.and why you’re so desperately want to left us from here.if you don’t have enough stamina to face the lion better you should stay awake from here you midget 11 hit star’s fan.
@jc,if OUR STAR will make once,twice such masala movies once a decade which is too less compared to HIS CLASSICS, then WE have to support that movie.and you’re a typical salamn fan so you shouldn’t talk about content rich topic as your star doesn’t has a single CLASSIC in his career.your choice of watching movies is too low class compared to US.OUR STAR’S masala movies even seems CLASSIC compared to your star’s so called classic/wannabe social message giving movie jai better you should have pointed out yourselves then your sensibility would have worked but with out doing that if you will try to pint your finger towards us then the whole world will laugh at you.
While sallu fans are laughing at KING KHAN as ranveer doesn’t fears that f KING KHAN.then hat about their star too will face a CLASH against KING KHAN next year.and sallu fans desperately wants KING KHAN who locked the ESTIVAL RELEASE definitely 1st after destroying this monkey ranveer and pagal slb ,next year WE SRKIANS will show you sallu and his mindless fan’s real aukat.still then wait and enjoy,ROFL.
@Sss @javed:
This is a right time for you to leave @indicine. Otherwise after releasing Jhundwale kahi mooh sipane ke liye bhi jagah nahi milega.
@Nvs & @navin: ROFL.
@Phenom, who watched Asoka??? Koi bakri bhi nahi dekhne gaya tha.
I’m disappointed. The poster from Dipikaya gave out nonprofessionalism of SLB. Who so keeps the bow? To me it was ridiculous and sick for the talented person. So framed.It is unlikely I will watch this movie – I don’t love a dilettantism.
@ Tiger :
Exactly !
Only few ‘people’ saw Asoka , as a result , it flopped .
In case of Bhai-films , many ‘bakri’s go and watch his movies , as a result , film becomes Hit !
@tiger—-the real queen,that’s why lallu has 3 golden disasters marigold,yuvraj and main Mrs. khanna as many pigs/buffaloes didn’t even knew about the release of these 3 bhojpuri movies.similarly amoor too had 3 disasters,ROFL.these useless papa’s boy entered the industry for no reason spent a decade with disasters and due to grace of raju/dhoom/south remake the existing in the industry.otherwise they would have becomes a rikshawala/chaiwala till now.thanks to those survivors our flopsters motu and chotu disaster stars.
Better you prepare and get lost from here forever because after DILWALE you can’t show your face anywhere.DILWALE will break every time record by facing clash just like CE broken all records by facing 3 films,so prepare from now otherwise you’ll choose suicide later,lol.