Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani Movie Review

Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif, two of the most good-looking actors in Bollywood come together in Rajkumar Santoshi’s Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani. Santoshi in an interview promised a Laurel-Hardy kinda comedy, something that would appeal to the masses and classes, a movie that would be universally accepted, much like his cult classic Andaaz Apna Apna which released over a decade ago. Can Santoshi who has hard-hitting critically acclaimed films to his credit, recreate the AAA magic?

The movie is about Prem (Ranbir Kapoor) and Jennifer (Katrina Kaif). Prem is the president of ‘Happy Club’ which has a few simple rules – be happy, make others happy, unite couples – but its these very rules that test Prem when he eventually falls head over heels in love with Jennifer.

Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani Review

Here’s what we liked about Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani

  • If there is one reason why Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani is worth a watch, it has to be the brilliance of Ranbir Kappor. Surrounded by mediocrity and unnecessary madness, Ranbir stands tall in yet another fabulous performance. Undoubtedly, the future ‘superstar’ of Bollywood!
  • Some well written scenes (mentioned below) make the movie, a good one time watch.
  • Katrina Kaif adds immense value to the movie, purely by her screen presence and stunning looks. Its hard to take your eyes off her, due to which you manage to sit through those 2 – 3 song and dance numbers in the second half.
  • Supporting characters do well.
  • The chemistry between Katrina and Ranbir was excellent.
  • Tere Hone Laga Hoon was by far the best soundtrack in the movie.

Sequences that deserve a mention

  • When Katrina invites Ranbir to be her dance partner and the sequences that follow with her chosen-by-parents groom are hilarious. Slightly over the top, with Ranbir dancing all the way through with weird expressions, but funny nonetheless.
  • When the jobless Ranbir takes up a job in a sweets shop to impress Katrina.
  • Those broken English dialogue scenes were nice, again credit to Ranbir’s fantastic dialogue delivery.
  • When Ranbir’s mother, in an effort to stop his father from entering the bathroom, flirts with her husband.
  • Govind Namdeo’s introductory scene which includes that funny ringtone of his assistant.
  • Last but not the least, when Salman Khan (as himself) makes a dashing special appearance. The girlfriend – yours or mine talk – is sure to bring the house down.

Why we don’t recommend a trip to theaters.

  • What starts off as a light-hearted romantic movie, turns ugly in the second half with slapstick – Priyadashan style comedy.
  • The romance between Ranbir and Katrina almost works, but the addition of 2 unnecessary characters into Katrina’s life somewhat ruins it.
  • Like most madcap comedies in the recent past, Ajab Prem Ki Gazab Kahani lacks a coherent storyline.
  • Upen Patel is a non-actor, even in those 10 odd minutes of screen time, he irritates.
  • Ideally Ajab Premki should have been a good 30 mins shorter. Blame those songs, all of which are badly placed.

Overall, Ajab Prem KI Ghazab Kahani belongs to Ranbir Kapoor and to a certain extent Katrina Kaif. The first half is good but its those post-interval portions that prove to be a major let down. Wait for the DVD.

Rating: ★★½☆☆

Seen the movie? Do post in your Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani Reviews below.



  • Sudeep, can’t do much. We don’t really follow these news channels either. Full of utter crap, especially those India TV guys, heights of insanity.

  • INDICINE TEAM:Yup,i too wish i can close tht channel INDIA TV….anyway…I donot wanna go off topic..People will surely loved this movie n family members too…Look like movie can earn 25-30 crs in 1 week!!!!Making safe Hit Status to it

  • i agree dat Ranbir can do no wrong. da media give him way too much credit. yes he iz 1 for da future but come on. if Salman or Akshay were in dis film den people would have said dat dey were OTT or repetitive. come on be fair

  • Why compare? If Ranbir does Wanted, the media would thrash him too. Like Ranbir can’t do Wanted, Salman / Akshay are too old for the role of Prem in APKGK.

    Different roles are meant for different actors. If wrongly cast, the best of actors can look out of place.

  • Indicine team:How too old????Look at their friend role…Does they look like ranbir age…some were looking much younger and some were older than ranbir!!!There was no such demand…Movie need a lover boy which Akshay can easily do but thing doesnot happen is producer n director doesnot take him….Thts only reason

    I m not going far away though hehe

    NAVEED:Totally agree….with u

    ANd INDICINE TEAM:U were saying u r going maintainence ..but nothing is changed in this site???When will it complete??Just Above header page more information is added only tht..nothing have change??

  • Indicine team- that was a power packed answer…:) person shud play his age n suitable character..;) completly agree with u…

  • I feel that ranbir’s acting looks natural and he is talented actor too but he would have to prove himself in serious movies too.

  • great movie. comedy romance type

    ranbir makes love with no demands and complaints. without saying i luv u, just feelings.

    1st half is quite comic.

    go & watch , u will enjoy for sure.

  • sudeep

    don’t think like that if ak or salu would be in movie , then critics would thrash it. it is just because u r fan of ak or salu , u want to favour them. But do not get angry on critics , everyone has his own way to think.

  • after watchin Ranbir- katrina together, akshay- katrina jodi seems bit dull…. nw am really having my doubts on DDD.. 2 comedy movies in a same month dat 2 wen one has already clicked.. may not be accepted… and akshay this yr has underperformed n losin it..

    so fingers crossed….;0

  • Praveen:I n not anti of akshay…I m going to watch de dana dan movie first day first show…Critics never praised akshay…since Ajab prem ki ghazab kahani is same leauge of Welcome,Golmaal returns,no entry…but critics are praising this movie beside INDICINE TEAM giving it 2 and half n Glamsham.com give it 2 out of 5….If akshay was in this movie..surely critics have another view!!!! SO Dont used bad language ..this is not the site to blame on other though

  • But critics praised Akshyay for herapheri,bhoolbhulaia..he was show catcher…only for singh is king and welcome..may be because of repeation of same types of roles…like Govinda also faced critics before..

  • I got it .one guy Harsh has written-

    some laugh scene hai par okkk
    i think ranbirkat look good 2gather
    but thre is weak story and some boring scene movie goes down ..

    so avoid and watch i think still London drems is far batter than this ……………. u really taking want to risk go go for ittttt….

    my rating for this movie – 2/5 ok…..

  • I completely agree with Harsh……….. though my rating will be 2.5-3/5 due to awsome 1st half………. the comic scenes are just brilliant…………..

    Bollywood got a new jodi in Ranbir-Kat for sure………….. they’ve shared a crackling chemistry………..

  • when this guy – ranbir kapoor came on the scene, i told everyone on this site that this guy will be the next superstar.

    no one believed me at the time.

    see, i was right.

    i have a knack of identifying talent.

    iam always right.

    all ranbir kapoor films this year have done very well, and he has beaten many of the top stars.

    ajab……..has taken a record breaking opening.

  • Like in promo akshay kumar said”harr kute ka din aati hai….similarly,anti of akshay i wanna say same thing for u….because i know when akshay will arrive again next year,ur mouth will be shut..

    Srry for outgoing from topic!!!

  • what’s the current status of all the films?indicine team pls tell…jail,LD are sinking totally?apkgk ll be a superhit?I want to specially about jail,a gd movie,a gd story sp.what’s about it?now a days only publicity is the main thing?or or gd films are coming in sideline because of star value or other factors?as neil is a superb actor but his star value is less than Ranbir..

  • I’m back from cinema.. a good comedy romantic movie.. and as I expected to be.. Ranbir’s best 4th movie.. he didn’t dissapoint me at all.. actually he’s the first actor in bollywood who did a movie after a movie and they were all good..the 4 movies were good.. even if Saawariya didn’t do well, but I loved it, saw it 3 times in cinema and considered it his best.. Ranbir is amazing actor, cute, talented & loveable and he’ll make it big.. he’s definitely the superstar of tomorrow, and probably will be globally famous in future.. he was so funny in this movie, and Katrina was beautiful and did well in this comedy movie.

    What I didn’t like only few scenes.. unnecessary scenes of the kidnappers, who kidnap Katrina, they could’ve deleted all those scenes in the movie, and as usual.. always the hero or the heroine in bollywood movies could never realize or find out theat they’re in love with the guy only in the end.. at the end they find out the truth about their feelings.. that’s a repitation which I think bollywood must avoid now.. they’ve repeated this 20 times in their movies and now they’ve to change all that.. the movie was predictable, when Ranbir was disappointed when he finds out that katrina loves someone else.. so I could predict that she’ll leave her boyfriend in the end and will accept Ranbir.. but in the last scene of the movie.

    Overall.. it’s a nice entertaining movie which u all will enjoy with some nice songs.

  • Glad you enjoyed it Fathiya. Your second paragraph is exactly why we rated it 2.5 and not 3 – 3.5..

    Bristi, London Dreams has fallen badly in week 2 and is a flop. Jail is poor but could pick up. Aladin is the biggest disaster of the year.

  • Indicine Team: London Dreams is a flop movie!! strange! everyone adore Salman Khan and the movie was good, funny and not boring at all.. so why?! Is it because the movie lacked some action scenes?!

  • Not at all. The movie is a flop / below average because family movies are slow to pick up, takes a bit of time. In its first week, it lost out on around 10 – 15% business because of cricket matches and this week Ajab Prem Ki released. And releasing two Salman Khan movies back to back isn’t a great idea.

    London Dreams deserved better at the box office, but the timing of release affected collections.

  • A note to Mr. Rajkumar Santoshi…Sir, your latest movie “APKGK” has taken a huge start. But i would like to tell you a reason for such huge start. its because of people like me and many many more…who have been your fan since decades, have waited for a long long time for a film to come from your side and when one film did come from you, we immediately grasped the tickets

    …and as an hoest fan of yours…i must honestly admit that this is your weakest presentation ever. a movie from a director, who gave us directorial perfections such as Ghayal, Damini, Lajja, and many more…from a director who gave us the best comic entertainer of our age…Andaz Apna Apna…a director of such epic proportion presents a half baked and inconsistent product like APKGK, then it becomes a shock for peopel like me who are eager to watch almost every new film that hits the screens.

    The name is AJAB PREM KI “GHAZAB” Kahani, whereas the story of this Prem has been beaten to death wihtin last few years. the climaz of teh film has been seen in almost the same scenario about 100 odd times.

    before going furhter into the negatives…lets see what are the good things over here…well…there are 4 of them…

    1. Ranbir Kapoor’s charma and talent
    2. Pritam’s excellent score
    3. Fabulous picturization of “Jaane naa” song
    4. Soem very funny moments in the first half

    i haven’t been able to find any other plus but this. The second half is WAY TOOO BORING (except for a few laughs here and there). There are so many useless and un-likable characters such as the Gangster “SAJID DON”. There are so many jokes which are not funny at all. The last 10 minutes are not only pradictable…but have been viewed by us in uncountable fims.

    Katrina Kaif perform good at all in the comedy scenes. She is better in emotional scenes…Santoshi Saab ! in the past you have extracted memorable performances by your heroines…but over here…you didn’t get Katrina to do what should’ve been done. Her dialogue delivery is extremely inconsistent. I actually feel that she was miscast…(although her onscreen couple with Ranbir looks perfect).

    it is obvious to compare this film with Andaz Apna Apna…as although the movies have been directed by the same director in two different TIME ZONES…yet Andaz Apna Apna became what it is becaue it was Witty, Original and Consistently funny throughout. But this is not he case in APKGK. The scripr is as old as the rust on that script. even the last fight scene has been 70% influenced by the climaz fight in AAA. but APKGK, as not original, yet it becomes pradictable, which doesn’t make us enjoy it.

    Ranbir is simply superb and is deffinitely here to stay as long as his father. songs are wonderful. Upen Patel is as bad as ever.

    due to hype and music and promos…this one might become a hit…but it is not even distantly close to what was being expected from it. what should’ve been another classic, has become just another run of the mill romantic comedy.


  • very well said Akhlaq. dis film is no where near AAA. infact am gonna watch AAA again just to feel better.
    cost me 5 pounds for dis film. i want my money back.
    also i feel bitter dat such a good film like LD got unnoticed and APKGK is breaking records.
    but yeah lookin forward to Santoshi_Sunny combo again.

  • will someone tell me why this movie has bombed??? can u answer it today cos it will after 3 days ..so please tell me why it has flopped?? is is because there are no funny moments??? is it loud?? is it staged comedy???? have we as audience become mature and discard frivolous attempts at comedy??? has the audience decided to give a good spanking to the crorepati megastrs and shown them their right place…dustbin…than k u all for making this movie bite the dust. it shows the wisdom in us

  • LD is a family movie??? the makers didnt tell us that…!!! its a flop because u cant go on saying mera prah mera prah throughout the film… also can indicine team tell me is kaminay a copy of CASSANDRAS DREAM???

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