AIB Knockout Top 10 Jokes: Featuring Arjun Kapoor, Ranveer Singh

All India Bakchod Knockout featuring Bollywood celebrities like Arjun Kapoor, Ranveer Singh and Karan Johar was the most vulgar, offensive yet insanely entertaining show. It takes a lot of guts to laugh at the most offensive jokes, but the stars on the show did just that.

Performed live at the NSCI (Worli, Mumbai) in front of four thousand people, with Ranveer’s girlfriend Deepika Padukone and Arjun’s girlfriend Sonakshi Sinha in attendance, the panel member went all out to reveal those ‘party jokes’ out in the public.

Check this out:

– Introducing Karan Johar: A pilot, a sailer, an actor, a model, an architect are all men he would happily ****.

– When Ranveer Singh an Arjun Kapoor come on stage, Ranveer smooches (edited out in the video) Karan and then goes on to say “Don’t be shocked, I have been doing more than that to him for 4 years, he still won’t cast me in a ****ing movie”

We have attached all parts of the show below, but before you watch it, check out our Top 10 jokes from the show. If you like what you read, go ahead and watch it!

1. I am not saying that Ranveer Singh does shit films, but the last good thing he was in was Deepika Padukone.

2. How does it feel to be the only sad person every time Virat Kohli scores a century Ranveer Singh?

3. Ranveer Singh completed four years in the movie industry.. one year of acting and three years about getting over Anushka Sharma.

4. Rohan Joshi (AIB team) recently moved from Malabar Hills to Santa Cruz, that’s like moving from Ranbir Kapoor to Ranveer Singh.

5. Arjun, you dropped those kilos faster than Deepika dropped her dating standards.

6. Deepika is a state level badminton player and Ranveer is a national level sex offender.

7. We wanted to get Ranbir Kapoor for the show but we could only manage Ranveer, which is also what Deepika did.

8. Ranveer Singh is so horny that if he ***** a chick with Ebola she would die of AIDS first.

9. Arjun Kapoor, not a lot of people know this man, but you flunked in 12th standard. That means technically you are not even qualified to be a bus conductor. Which is really sad, because you would have sold way more tickets as a bus conductor.

10. In 2 States, Arjun Kapoor plays a Punjabi guy who falls for a hot South Indian. Basically he played Boney Kapoor!

The most hilarious moment on the show came when Ranveer Singh says he is sad that ‘Kill Dil’ failed at the box office. Arjun then says that he should do a Dharma film. Ranveer gets an idea – he goes and bends down in front of Karan Johar. Karan takes to the mike and says “That’s my position Ranveer”.

Liked the jokes? Watch the full episode of AIB Knockout below!



  • First of all, these 3 — Arjun,ranveer,ranbir kapoor are the 3 most rude celebrities mainly becoz of family backing and no acting talent.
    1) ranveer
    aib knockout cheap jokes. Virtual cheaptard and the most irritating actor of bollywood……..
    Neither he has any sense nor he has any acting talent….

    2) arjun kapoor
    the most lucky celebrity to have got 2 states as a hit widout doing anything… As far as his last 2 disasters are concerned, i think his career is almost finished..doesn’t have anything going for him apart from being boney kapoor son.

    3) ranbir kapoor
    the most overrated, overhyped , media created celebrity . 1 or 2 hits has gone into his heads…lets wait for downslide- i can foresee his roy,bombay velvet flopping big time.
    He also fooled his fans by promoting lenovo brand under his ID .. Such a publicity hungry cheaptard ranbir kapoor is…..

    I hope indicine publishes this comment abt the truths of these 3 actors err .. Arjun,ranbir,ranveer !!

  • Those all girls like Deepika, Alia, Sonakshi etc can’t blame anybody anymore if he talks about their body parts sex life etc. 1more thing our great celebs hav proved tat if U abuse in English then it’s fun n if U abuse in Hindi then It’s a Gaali n U r classless #AIBShow

  • huhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuh my stomach hurts. oh God. that was so funny.
    I think @Navin wrote some of the jokes like the shakti kapoor one loooolz.

    Btw, I don’t know why is everybody making it a big deal, they were doing this for charity and the end of the day its a just a show.

  • not surprised to all fan bashing arjun and ranveer.
    srk fans(idolises a man who slapped a senior watchman in wankedee)
    akki fans(idolizes a star who had made his wife unzip his pants in public in a fashion show)
    sallu fans(idolizes someone who has cases of killing humans and black bucks against him)
    are giving me advice to stop supporting arjun and ranveer whose only crime is that they hv made fun of themselves!!!


  • I don’t like the name of the group itself, so never bothered about what they are all about.

    Deepika is insulted left right and centre and she is laughing. lol.

  • There is a saying…Humor is a rubber sword – it allows you to make a point without drawing blood.

    One guy commented that they should hang out!!!!! like seriously, Just because you find them offensive and not funny, does not mean they should hang out…relax dude, Nothing wrong with them, sure they are offensive, but it’s only a joke. besides they r actors and just they were raising money for charity.

    -If the purpose of a comedian is to make people laugh …then most of them are demonstrably a ‘Good’ comedians.
    I really enjoyed it. thanks @Indicine for posting it.


  • I loved the 7th,9th and 5th jokes the most.keep it up.
    waiting for dd,bajirao mastani and arjuns next with yrf,rohit shetty

  • The best indian channels on youtube are Kanan Gill’s reviews and Satya Show. TVF is sometimes good sometimes bad. AIB is just _________ I don’t even want to say anything about them, they were okay till last year when the crude humor was in limit but after that Aalia Bhatt video, they have become increasingly crass and they actually love it when people say their content is offensive.

    There is a limit to which you can use crude humor! Personally I don’t find anything remotely funny in this pathetic show.

  • And the biggest irony is that this moronic critic Rajeev masand gives 0 or 1 star to adult comedy films like Kya super kool or grand masti saying them cheap,vulgar although these films did’nt used any vulgar words directly,they used double meaning..but here he enjoys the show… #Hypocrite

  • These fools make me remember my old days with my dad. oops sorry @Navin, he is just like them. always talks nonsense.

    When my dad @Navin was 35 he started running a mile a day to keep fit.
    He’s 40 now and we have no idea where he is :)

  • @IAMAKN,completely right dude,aib guyz are so irritating their faces are real jokes which made me laugh rather than their filthy 3rd grade jokes.

    KING KHAN gave them right answer and reverse slap to that black bald headed guy who was testing HIS incredible humour.but for me ranveer should do joker roles and arjun Kapoor should not do any movies at least not for the sake of peoeples but also at least for his FATHER’S reputation irrespective of his one Dan following in world sambuddha.

  • looool, the show was decent but not as good as comedy central roast. i think the audience in india don’t like sexual jokes.

  • Seriously man, I thought this show was just like their videos with all f-words and sexual references after watching part 1. I just watched the part 2 where they make fun of EBOLA and AIDS! LOSERS!


    I am not gonna spare your moronic Arjun Kapoor and that loser Ranveer Singh again. Making fun of ebola and aids is awful! Plain awful! Forget about the deliberate homophobic, sexist, racist tone of this trash.

    Seriously man, we need Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s long lost genuine humor, I see a glimpse of it in Hirani but these youtubers can’t think beyond AWFUL AWFUL EBOLA JOKES! Pathetic Morons!!!

  • @gj007 And do watch the 1st part..!!
    That guy told Ranveer and Arjun to suck Aditya chopra’s c***.. And yes our legendary gundays started doing making faces..
    And the most pathetic remark that i found was against farida jalal..that AIB guy said KKHH is ranveer’s fav. film coz he’s someone who can jerk off seeing farida jalal!!
    Making the country dirty these losers.

  • @sambuddha Don’t run away man,your idol has done shameful activities..plz say something!
    And you see him as a future superstar?

    Replace him with RK as ur idol,i say ..he does’nt deserve even a single fan.

  • its way too advanced for us to digest it at first. we as audience didnt know its coming… they should have gone slowly. it was vulgar… but who are we to set standards for what has to be shown or whats vulgar?? don’t you guys watch por*??? isnt that vulgar?? how are you born?? because your parents fu***.. yes i know its pretty hard to digest such jokes as we all still have shyness left… even now when condom ads come on tv it gets little awkard… but anyways i would strictly stick to commenting on their jokes which werent really funny… i have laughed more watching any non vulgar movie spoofs than this entire show… but it was different and little funny and i guess as time passes we have to get used to it and its going to become more common may be…. at some point i was feeling they all were just cracking vulgar jokes just to sound or maybe show coolness….

  • Archana puran Singh and Kapil wldv made a more naturalistic spot on show cos 4 real this is kinna artificial….. Offensive and vulgar jokes can b replaced with a more genuine and ribs laughing joke….nice concept but poor execution

  • @gaurav

    The ebola, aids, ‘gloryholes’, skin colour comments was uncalled for and what was evident was the AIB bunch kept coming out with the same material….! Not funny when you repeat the same garbage again n again…

    Anyways some of the arjun kapoor jokes about him letting the kapoor name down n being useless n uglier than shakti kapoor are similar to what I been saying for months about him. I hope those jokers havent taken my jokes as their own…!

  • PS this is why I hate that annoying rajeev masand so much n I hate his wannabe spotboy even more…. The guys a complete fake n a total hypocrite- those jokes were lame n way more annoying than any of the jokes from movies he marks down…

    Lets all Hope that our anupama chopra lookalike n wannabe critiK comes up with a review of Rajeevs roasting…!

  • @chalaa

    I know man, roasts are meant to be rude, offensive, and plain insulting. While many people here have problems with personal attacks I don’t care about that. But the problem is, this is NOT remotely funny. Satya show is 1 Lakh times better than this drivel.

    Secondly, we live in a country where gay and Aids jokes are cracked without thinking twice. Come on man, jokes on Ebola and AIDS are NEVER FUNNY! I have said nothing about personal attacks because roasts are meant to be offensive, but seriously, they were laughing so hard when Ashish was called ‘Black’ I mean like, WTF?

    Thirdly, AIB. was always a sensation. Nothing new for them. Each time they come up with attention seeking videos. Aalia Bhatt video has 7. Million hits. Biggest for any indian YouTube channel ever. They have their own fanboys. These idiots found that stupid video “Out of the world” Really? Ever watched classic comedies like Yes Minister?

  • And the last point @chalaa is, these jokes are plagairised, from many American Roasts and most of them are repetitive. 0 creativity. People think referring to genitals is funny. Once, twice, thrice, here it goes on forever. TVF does use such references but their videos are creative. And they don’t make AWFUL EBOLA JOKES!

  • @some buddha

    You bengali village idiot- not defending akki, bhai or sarkar but in response to your stupidity heres a detailed explanation of their so called misdemeanours for your empty head to grasp…!

    Akki- twinkle made a gesture of unzipping his jeans- thats it- she didnt do what your gunday did which was make blowjob faces/ motions with their hand…!

    Sarkar- claims to have defended his daughter as she was being manhandled- as a father I can understand that n most of us are brothers so would do the same I think if someone was groping/ roughing up our sister, mother, girlfriend or in your case boyfriend…!

    Bhai- was hunting with friends as most of us have probably done- crime was being ignorant of the law n not just him but other people too- Im sure if they’d known the law then they would have hunted another animal…! Drink driving caused a horrific accident resulting in the loss of lives- no intention to kill anyone- negligent yes n stupid but no intent whatsoever.

    Your gunday knew what they were doing- disgusting to see the antics they did in the name of charity- best to make a donation n keep a low profile but their egos decided otherwise. Go look at the charlie sheen roast- he took it n smiled n didnt do the disgusting gestures your fannyless stars did.

  • thank u indicine for posting this all the indicine users hv been unmasked.for last 10months these @thullu @navin @gj007 @element told me that they like arjun kaoor but it was my supportibellve comments that made them hate him but today they hv revealed their true side

    hats off to arjun,ranveer,karan for making fun of themselves in public as it takes lot of guts.keep it up my boys,u rock

  • @thullu y should I stop supporting arjun,ranveer?they hv made fun of themselves not others and these kind of jokes r often shared btwn frndz about each it a crime to laugh at urself?

  • Wow never new indicine fan base was made up of shit load of hypocrites

    When it comes to abusing other star fan base, they leave no offensive words behind
    But when someone does it openly… They r like oh my godse, they r so bad!!!
    N some clever guy said above that it was not clever or creative..
    I bet he or she can’t even write a funny comment (intentionally that is) if their life was depending on it

  • @gaurav ok don’t spare arjun and ranveer.nice to know from u morons that making fun of urself is a crime and unethical.

    but do u know something,v will keep on doing such unethical activities bcz v lack arrogance and hv enough guts to make fun of ourselves.

    but the fact that u r making a mountain out of tese reveals ur true iq and amount of spare time u hv to wastte on nothing

  • I justshared these aib knockout videos with my friends and they r all luving it.they r saying it takes lot of guts to sportingly take such offensive jokes in public.
    today my respect for arjun and ranveer hv grown many times.these ppl hv zero arrogance and attitude and are so sporting in life thats y I believe they will go a distance in their carrer

    love u arjun and ranveer

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