Akshay Kumar’s son Aarav met Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the International Fleet Review in Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. PM Modi was seen pulling Aarav’s ear in jest.
Akshay posted the picture on Twitter and called it a proud moment in his life.
“Proud moment in a father’s life, when the Prime Minister pulls your son’s ear in jest & calls him a good boy ;)” Akshay tweeted.
Akshay’s wife Twinkle Khanna quoted the tweet and said “When a picture is truly worth a thousand words.. #BigMoment”

PM Narendra Modi – Aarav Kumar
@indicine, lolz anyway thanks for posting Ajay article.
@sunny, get lost kiddo.
@Myanmar, cheers mate.
Some comments are really idiotic , if someone meets pm that doesn’t mean he is an extrimist or so called bhukt, people behave like its fault of pm and akshay kumar that dilwale didn’t work, there are only a few no. of people who did all these protests and social media campain but some srk and amir fans behave like pm and anyone who meet him are responsible for it , and why these guys targeting akshay for it ,I don’t understand.
Saying that you would boycott Khan films means you can’t tolerate what they said, thus making you intolerant people
Good he is cute and PM Modi is the biggest superstar of India
Btw when Amir is leaving India,his Height and Mind both matches each other
@Babaji Ka thullu..
What a comment man…!!… Made my day…!!..
Time to kick the haters off..!!…
@Ajay Rocks…
Should i start bashing small star Ajay.. ???…. Lyk i bashed small star Ranbir n flop-star arjunK…!…
Bjp lovers protest khan for intolarance…and here Akki promoted as hindu hero image …tolrant …lol..
I think.they making india as Hindusthan…
I m hindu..but i dnt like such kind of HINDUSUM ..
And nowdays peoples are dramatically liking Akki ..support him..as if he is national Hero…and bashing agianst khans ..as if they r terrorist…
God know what will happen to india…in future …
Any way…love u Don..
Congress ke chamche ko bhul gaye kya ?
@Annydon 1st tell us a bad work done by Akshay Kumar…2ndly India will become far better when they’ll stop supporting criminals and bad people…Religion wale column mein hum bold aur capital mein “INDIAN” likhte hain…So stop supporting criminals…Salman Khan is a criminal and he can’t hide that by his fake acting…Most of u are fools, You all need to grow up…I’m against every religion and I’m with every religion,just the guy/girl must be good…
And Do u know that there’re so many Muslims covering us every time…They’re soldiers…Akshay Kumar is a great human being unlike Salman Khan…So stop bashing him look at u and those ur supporting…Really foolish…Akshay Kumar donates money,helping poors even without a tweet,and you’re garbaging about him…WAH…Look at Khans they’ll donate money and will boost it just before their film releases…They’re making u all fools and stupids not getting it…Like SRK donated 1 cr. to Chennai flood victims from the entire Dilwale team…And do u even know that Akshay Kumar also donated a huge amount to Chennai flood victims but he never twitted…That’s the difference between a real life hero and a coward…Salman Khan didn’t donate even a penny because Sultan release was very far from that incident…
WTF! Isme Proud kya haii!
India is very much Tolerance.
Only BJP, RSS,VHP, Bajrang Dal, Hindu Mahasabha, are trying to make India Intolerance in Some Parts of India.
And some BJP supporters spreading news that This Khan and That Khan call India is Intolerance.
Sure go ahead… Bash the small star..
Finally, NaMo has got time to visit within th e country since there is no country left for him for visit anymore. ;)
Aarav, looks handsome and smart. But dont be a joker like your Makkhi dad but become a superstar like your grand dad. :D
IF you dare kick Khans out of India, then God bless Bollywood!!
Makkhi alone cant save Bollywood. Makkhi will rather breed millions of Makkhis in Bollywood.. And Bollywood will be full of dirt with Eggs, Larvae, Wigglers and much more Makkhis..
Remember India doesnt only belong to the Sanatan Dharm and its followers. It belong to its people, regardless of creeds.
Got that, you communal idiots???
@Annydon not only khans bur majority of Muslims are terrorist
We r not against Muslims we are against them who supports Pakistan…. Concern third party
Surely a proud moment for any parents of the planet… afterall modiji is the greatest leader of india since independence..
Khans have nothing to do with the article. Still some nathuram godse worshipers are blabbering nonsenses on Khans. Get well soon morons!!!
All the sanghis/bhakts who are questioning Aamir’s patriotism should not forget Aamir’s grandfather was a freedom fighter and your ideological guru Hedgewar/Golwalkar were the well wishers of British rulers and boycotted freedom movement. So just shut up your mouth deshdrohio ka chamchas.
To all salman fans, please stop bashing akki. i am salman fan but akshay is also my 2nd favorite actor after salman. both are darling of masses and so we are all brothers. we should not fight with akki fans. akki is a self made superstar and after watching his airlift i literally started respecting him a lot more.
@akki fans, please grow up and don’t act dumb. i am megastar salman fan but i have huge respect for Khiladi kumar. he is the ultimate khiladi of bollywood and versatile actor. we don’t have anything against him and so please you start respecting salman. we should no longer fight with each others because they both are friends and both are darling of masses. so please make an end to this ugly fan war.
These days, those people are distributing Deshbhakti’s certificate who worship nathuram godse (for murdering Mahatma Gandhi), whose ideological gurus took money from Britishers and boycotted freedom movement….. What an irony!!!!!!
Sir I request you not to publish comment which may cause to religious debate and comment…
Hope you understand.
@navin 6: 25pm:
Which chameleon is behind the ids like #true Indian, #mazumder, #jai hind etc??? Isn’t it #babaji ka ullu???
Cool down dude. And please don’t quit #indicine.
Fact is Modi is the PM !!! You can criticise him but to tell someone a dictator who was voted to power democratically is as far fetched as calling Aamir anti national
People say extreme Hindus Aamir … I can say extreme Muslims oppose Modi and bash him left right centre.. Tit for tat !!!
Anupam if he speaks for Kashmiri Pandits is an issue !!! People want to discuss Dadri but they run away when it is Kashmiri Pandits issue…why do pseudo seculars not condemn that incident ? Malda was under reported but godhra is still talked after 12 years… People will down vote but they won’t have answers
Hindi film industry is for entertainment but there are bigger issues where Hindus are getting slaughtered like lambs… I don’t care personally if people go for srk movie but yes if our rights are taken I do care
Next biggest action king on the way . Little khiladi
@True India dream never comes true my open challenge Raees or Dangal or Sultan become HGOTY
To everyone who do not like Akshay … It’s fine personal choice
But people abusing Aarav not cool. The same people will not accept even a word said against Aamir but they are abusing a school kid who dies not even know about star rivalries ?
Most people I see here who abuse Aarav are Aamir SRK fans… You guys take a moral ground on intolerance issue and try to protect your star from criticism … And you are being extremist here by labelling Aarav !! Great
It’s good to see PM modi like in this mood . I am very happy that Khiladi Kumar has been brand ambassador of the International Fleet Review .
This is my second comment on indicine i am really enjoying comment of user . And please don’t write comment on Religion . Everbody has its own opinion on but why u hating too much on modi . Repect him they are improving our indian image .
@ tiger this is embrassing moment for people like u because akki sir has praising Narendra Modi ( NaMo ) thats why u are jealous on him . And don’t take RSS ( Sangh ) name here . People like u praise & back support to MIM & terrorist then we are not support to religion party . But u are real admirer of Congress & MIM party . I know some times Rss talk out of subject . And people like u never speak Modi what has done in Gujrat & Gujrat was much behind from all state but look now they are ahead of any state today . And ur kind of information Rss also contributed chennai flood victim . Work hard to improve improve a lot in . Tell me atleast one good work of MIM they did for india . Azam Khan also most psycho person in india . And watch below link how venkaiah naidu narreted india .
And reply me & please dont use sluggish language . Its warning to u dont bash Sangh .
And all religious user on indicine dont comment on religion otherwise otherwise i will bash also akshay , salman , aamir , ajay & srk fan .