Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, whose latest release Dhoom 3 has smashed all box office records worldwide, was seen spreading awareness about road safety in Mumbai.
The actor gave a lecture on road safety at an event organised by the Mumbai Traffic Police department on Friday evening. Aamir was also felicitated at the event.
Photos below.

Aamir Khan spreads awareness about road safety

Aamir Khan at Road Safety event
Respect Aamir Khan #Salute
aamir needs to give to awareness to Salman Khan first as he is waiting for his verdict yo go for jail……and he will get 10 years of imprisonment for culpible homicide
All salman fans are supporting aamir bcos salman gives them ett,bodyguard,ready
Amir n HR are best
Great man
People who wears Lungi while driving bike should take speacial care of their Lungis bcoz wind of Dhoom storm is still strong
How funny by breaking many rules in Dhoom 3 and breaking almost all existing record,now Aamir giving lesson of traffic safety. This is called a conversion of reel villain into a real life hero,salute the legend.
What about Aamir,when he broke all traffic rules in Chicago!!!!!
Way to go Aamir looking like 25 yrs old!!!! The botox is surely working!!!!!!! Now he can play role of teenager in the sequel 4idiots lol
awesome comment sachin 11.. hahaha.. rofl
Aamir is always wearing black helmet while flying the bike in DHOOM 3..This shows how aware he is about road saftey..LOL#
SRK is the greatest human being who has walked on Earth.
HNY poster is the worst poster of all time. Design, poses, expressions are all the crappiest imaginable. A 2-year old kid can create a better poster by playing on Photoshop.
@sex guy please open the eyes and just find good people around,do you know personally than how can you said he is greatest person walked on earth,there are many great people in the world than these all actor. Dude love real life heroes not reel heroes.
Hahaha your SRK now looks like a 60 year so now u are sad that Aamir looks like 25 year old. Aamir is the evergreen and ever youthful hero…..
@dxt namm thanks.
@SAKHI again u have commented something which will not happen.stop dreaming now.
@Sex u r the greatest comedian who has walked on
hats off to aamir khan….he is the only superstar who voluntarily gets involved in these kind of awareness programs….respect to the legend…..
After teaching rash driving to masses through Ghulam, RDB and Dhoom 3, Aamir’s giving lecture on road safety!Hypocrite!
SRK has trained criminals with his movies like Don, Darr, etc.
He also taught his kids how to abuse elders at Wankhede stadium
@deepu exactly dear after murdering Shilpa in Baazigar, threatening Juhi in Darr,attempted Murder of Sunny deol,killing Kareena In Don etc Srk teaches you how to love. So according to this Srk is Big Hypocrite. Because he is biggest Star for you.
Aamor khan and katrina rocked in dhoom 3
@deep in denial Deepu…. Hey long time no see nor hear from you loser- hmmm first Aamirs TV show kept you quiet when you feared you would be exposed as a child slave trader and now the Dhoom Tsunami kept you inside for fear of losing your lungi in the storm…
Your comments are silly but so is your sordid story but my brother ‘aks’ and friends have given you a fitting reply already so all I can add is that you cannot live in denial for much longer- season 2 of SMJ is coming soon and you will finally be exposed for the criminal you are…!
@IAmTheVastUniverse Aamir only looks 25 becuz of botox and plastic surgery, if not for these two things he wud look like Golum from Lord of the Rings hahaha Also many women around the world want SRK as a lover……………however ur star Aamir is a chotu Khan and unwanted by the opposite sex except his wife Kiran………………..
@triniman srk also enjoying boys company as per various media report,go give him company because people like you want him in their life.
@Aks Just becuz ur jealous that SRK can pull more women than u and ur Aamir, ur homo shaming him and me………….hahah u probably never had a gf in ur entire life so I guess u cud go hug chotu khan Aamir and comfort urselfs at not being good with the opposite sex……..its u who wud enjoy male company, me and SRK are aces with females. Also Aamir first wife divorce him(as he is not good with women) and kiran might also do so soon when his botox wears off so u can go give him some male company lol