Sent by Ram Gopal Varma for publication. The concept of his next, looks very interesting.
Most Swamis in the country are looked up to as almost Gods and yet from time to time, many of them get exposed, sometimes by the media and sometimes by the various concerned in one way or the other of their true selves. On many an occasion, the reason for this seems to be their sex drive.
GOD and SEX is a film I am intending to make which will take a deep hard look at the world of God-men on how these so-called representatives of God continue to keep conning gullible devotees to satisfy their very various and diverse needs.
Inspired from a recent sex scandal involving one such popular Swami, GOD AND SEX will once and for all, explore, examine and expose everything that goes on behind the closed ashrams of both the God-men and their men.
INDICINE ??? started on 2006. In first quarter year with low comments, but after their continuous hard work the first year was average.
Later on with positive word of mouth and also the content was good where people used to visit daily made indicine to reach in top.
Indicine was easily crossing comments page at least 6 pages in a single day, till 2009 indicine collected huge amount of comments from all around the world, they had their fan followers in pile, they didn???t had time to reply any of the request or question from user???s.
February 14, 2010 was a memorable date as it was valentine day, on that day Indicine changed their version in new mode, Login system.They wanted to make user???s permanent but dropped down badly from 100% to 50% .Bad luck started???..
But surprise was on March 03, 2010 when once again dropped from 50% to 45% remaining was only 5%… i.e., users
Currently Indicine is in bad state, they hardly get a single comment in whole day whether article is good or bad no matters.
Will it continue with same conditions or try to pick up all the lost users. Well same old saying ???Try & Try until you Succeed???.
BOLLYPLUS ??? started on Feb 11, 2010.this site started by 2 young energetic guys with their own belief and confidence. They made one Goal which they have to reach in any cost.
As these 2 guys were new to this profession had to make day & night together for their dream project. Bollyplus started with dull results in first month with some technical problems later picked up well on following month that???s on March 03, 2010. On this date it was the luckiest ever date for Bollyplus where they pulled the crowd (users) all the long way from Indicine to Bollyplus. First couple of months it was bit hard to cross 5 pages of comments for single article but currently it is unbelievable crossing easily minimum 9 pages that too in single day, still moving very fast.
Hope this will keep on moving in highest speed, where they will be in top with short time.
Point to be noted:-
March 03, 2010. Bad luck date for Indicine whereas for Bollyplus it was good luck.
What is the truth hidden behind this date???