Below we have the revised official weekend collections of Krrish 3. The sequel to the movie that gave India its first superhero, Krrish, opened with collections of Rs 25.20 crore on Friday. The film continued to do well on Saturday with business of around Rs 23.2 crores and the Diwali Sunday saw an earning of Rs 24.30 crore.
The three day weekend total is 72.7 crores including all regional dubbed versions. The Telugu version of the film has contributed around 5 crore to the total, while the Tamil version of the film has added around 2.75 crores. In the Tamilnadu/Kerala circuit the film was affected by the release of Ajith’s Arrambam, due to which it did not get enough screens in the South Indian state.
Monday is off to a historic start, with business in North Indian circuits escalating by around 30-35% from Sunday. Monday update will be posted at around 7PM IST. Stay tuned.
Krrish 3 First Weekend Breakdown
- Friday – 25.2 crore
- Saturday – 23.2 crore
- Sunday – 24.3 crore
- Weekend Total – 72.7 crore (including Tamil and Telugu version which has contributed around 7.75 crore net)
Upto 2010 all follow BOI but today BOI is back dated. Now ALL INDIA NEWS CHANNEL and BUSINESS TRADE MAGAZINE include Wikipedia follow Taran Adarsh or Komal Nahta.
And addatoday’s data match with Taran Adarsh, so addatoday is right. Very good job by kaalia. I believe you & addatoday.
Upto 2010 all follow BOI but today BOI is back dated. Now ALL INDIA NEWS CHANNEL and BUSINESS TRADE MAGAZINE include Wikipedia follow Taran Adarsh or Komal Nahta.
And indicine data match with Taran Adarsh, indicine is right.
yashraj, UTV, balaji and now Filmkraft, kithna manipulate karonge yaar, thoda sharam karo.
Please note, that most of the figures quoted for the regional version on trade websites is wrong. The Tamil / Telugu version has added around 7.75 to the total in 3 days.
Nice. .now haters will say about manipulation.but i don’t care. Becoz boi doesnt include small centres.k3 is a movie with huge screens where there are so much small centres which boi doesnt include. .
Just one word to describe krrish3: ‘EXCELLENCE’
Krrish 3 rocks
@indicine,According To Boxofficedetail Which Is Always Trustable Given 56 Crore And Also Gave 56.5 Crore With Territorial Wise.I Think You Follow Taran Adarsh Whose Website Is The Media Partner Of K:3.That’s Not Fair Indicine.
it will easily cross 250+ cr
Only two types of collection in Box office
1)domestic collection.
2)overseas collection.
tamil telugu domestic me hai so, domestic collection means all languages collection in india.
INDICINE you are doing great job.
At the time of CE & ETT all Khan fan loud BOI is wrong, Taran Adarsh right.
Now all take U tern. This is called KHAN fan!!!
Always fake!!!
K3 rocks and sky is the limit for k3
wow it’s great really didn’t expect this much with this pre diwali period and thinking that today it will collect around 30 crore great!
now today it will touch or pass over 100 cr. so it’s really great……………….
Rakesh ji will present it as 39.9crs.. Then next time aditya chopra will say 49.9crs on this Christmas day.. Seems 100cr for next Christmas day.. Bollywood superiority rocks!
it’s not a good thing to make fool of public. for how long they are gonna manipulate these figures? after few months, BOI will say the film has only grossed only 120 crs, but producers and paid trade analysts will say that film has done 230 crs and it has broken the record of Chennai express.
Girish johar has even deleted his tweet about the actual figures of krrish 3.
@Indicine, why don’t you take stand here? you might know what’s going on.
indicine I told u yesterday that telgu fig will increase… u say same gr8
@nipun: So according to u small centers which are not covered by BOI have contributed 23 crores?? rt
INDICINE. You are right. Your data is correct. I support you. K3 rocks everywhere in india. BLOCKBUSTER.
?#?Krrish3? first weekend Overseas gross: 4 million dollars. Outstanding!- Komal Natha
Means 246960000.00 Indian Rupees
Haters are u listening??????
Ha Ha
K3 Storm.
#Krrish3]Hindi] 3 Days.. Producers Fig is 66cr Distributors 49cr.. Difference of around 25% says it all that who is right??So a manipulation of around 17cr in just 3 Days.. So as per producers only Hindi version will cross past 100r today..
The Krrish 3 weekend was hit by the Pre-Diwali dull period. The film grossed 34 crore nett in its first two days and Sunday will be down a bit as Diwali Puja hit business in North and Central markets by around 15-20% though Mumbai and South are better. The Sunday collections will be in the 14-15 crore nett region which gives the film a weekend of around 48-49 crore nett for its Hindi version. The Tamil and Telugu version grossed another 4.50 crore nett approx.
This is the first time that a big film like this has been released Pre-Diwali so there is nothing really to compare with so it will be the Monday and Tuesday business that will actually tell how good this weekend actually is or actually is it good?
The next two days will decide whether this near 50 crore nett number is huge or the film lost momentum with a pre-Diwali release despite the pre-release hype.
Power of Krrish & Jaadu.
Great movie, extraordinary visuals.
I will not be surprised if monday collection by producers reaches 50 crs…and boi say 20 crs only
Also the distributors are directed to strictly not to give collections to 3rd party sites…so that producers manipulate the actual figures by multplying it to 2
now the difference between boi figures and Ur figures oops official figures is 24.8 CRORERs. he he.
nyc. only in 3 days.
by the end of its theatrical the difference would be guess minimum of 100 CRORES. atleast one record in k3 kitty.
that should be the breaking news
Atleast in khan’s films the differences are within 5-10 % among various sites not a whooping 40%….looks like roshans paid another 50 crs to distributors to give manipulated collections…
Wow!!, I thought2013 is not giving big numbers at bollywood boxoffice, I was wrong.though I feel it will not sustain at box office as it doesn’t have repeat value.
Krrish 3 Weekend: All India NBOC
by Box Office India film trade magazine (November 4, 2013)
Krrish 3* Weekend: All India NBOC
Circuit Collections
Mumbai 17,90,00,000
Delhi UP 10,36,00,000
East Punjab 3,95,00,000
CP 2,70,00,000
CI 1,06,00,000
Rajasthan 3,15,00,000
Nizam 4,38,00,000
Mysore 3,97,00,000
West Bengal 3,80,00,000
Bihar-Jharkhand 1,95,00,000
Assam 67,00,000
Orissa 83,00,000
TNK 2,00,00,000
Total 56,72,00,000
*Collections Only include Hindi Language
Krrish 3 Weekend Collections from Different Sources :-
BoxOfficeIndia.Com :-
49.25cr (Hindi Version)
54 crore (All Versions ) :-
56.75 crore (Hindi Version)
61 crore (All Versions)
Producers :-
67 crore (Hindi Version)
72.8 crore (All Versions)
The Difference is so huge between all these sources. A 6-7cr difference between BOI and Official figures is normal and every biggie will have. But HUGE 19cr diff between Distributors and Producers figures is something which is doubtful.
Reportedly, news coming that Makers of Krrish 3 has asked many trade analysts and websites to not quote their source figures. And warned distributors to not give figures to others.
What Do You Think ??? Which figures are Real and which are FAKE ???
monday collection will be;
37-40 crs(for producers)
Be proud …. And support the *CINEMA* …
Guyzzz its the india and its cinema which is winning ,not an individual ….. So support all stars and respect INDIAN CINEMA !!!!!!!!