Chance Pe Dance opened yesterday to a poor response at the box office. Completely unexpected for a Shahid Kapoor film.
If you already managed to catch the film in theater, scroll down a bit and submit your ratings
Read our Chance Pe Dance Review

unexpected… genelia was cute… wat happened…. this movie has everything to be a hit…
if you release themuvi between the 1 month of release of 3 idiots and you wont promote that much then it bound to be a flop or average at best what happened to chance pe dance
i think veer also not be a that much of hit which it would if it releases letter 3 idiots will affect its collection in small way but not big way because it already running for 4 weeks
good joke anuparno comapring sallu with shahid. veer is guranteed a 100%opening in single screens
to put things into perspective VEER will kill it at single screens. no doubt about it.
da question is can it do it in multiplexes and overseas.
if so da film will easily collect 70-75 crores MINIMUM.
in regards to overseas people over here in England r lookin forward to it wid great anticipation. after 3i no good film has released tbh so VEER next in line hopefully
FACT- Sallu is da hero ov da masses.
and yes i also do think dat dey should increase da ticket prices.
coz dis is CPD thread. i will watch da movie in da near future den post an honest and genuine comment
btw dose dat r sayin dis film is a masterpiece r in cuckoo land!
Good movie, good music, very cute.
“Chance pay Dance” for me, is the first contender of the “most disappointing films of the year” for me.
And my review in the comments portion of “CPD Movie Review” article will explain why do i feel so.
shahid and priyanka only
totally disastar movie what a F!!! from shahid.