A few of you might have noticed the latest version of the site which was online approximately for around 30 mins, late last night at 4AM Indian Standard Time.
As soon as the site was live there were more issues than we expected – like User Registration system, comments system, review system and more – this even after months of bug-fixing.
The server load too increased drastically, due to which we quickly restored the site to the older version.
Since we couldn’t keep up the promise of launching the site today. We thought we would release the new look along with the brand new movie page for everyone to see and judge.
The screenshots of other features like Actor Page, User Review System, External Review system will be released soon, if the interest is high enough.
Go through the two screenshots and let us know what you think. Questions, suggestions, appreciation (the more the better) are all welcome.
Again, we apologize for the delay. But promise to make the wait, well worth it.
Click on the image below for full resolution image.
Just too excited to know what you guys think.
But its been a long day and the entire team has a 3 Idiots show to attend in 30 mins from now (yes, once again).
Will respond to all comments after 3 – 4 hours.
wow this look great so much better to me
SUPERB good work done it really gives the fresh look to your site but I hope it’s user friendly since that is the one of the reason i m here and I really liked the logo which has been given the look of multiplex ticket means u r entering the movie world especially the indication screen 4 so finally ALL IS WELL good work INDICINE TEAM.
Wow… really gud.. :) wen will u launch it? dont wait for SRK to come n inaugurate..;)
Dis look will surely get u into top spot . so make it soon..;)
wow….its really fantastic indicine…..keep it up :)….
thats Gr8 Look…
and if you maintain good content then i think tum toh bollywood hungama ki bazza ke rakh doge…
Thats gr8 lool..
indicine nice page
i liked the colour scheme and take ur time we r not in rush , just make good thing and add new and diffrent things, we just want latest and true news and u want to put comments on that and these things are happening here , new version is just plus point .
so dont be rush just make perfect site.
hopefully u will do it soon , and new page i really liked it best of luck with u .
just let me know did u get my mail which i sent u 2 weeks ago?
awesome!!!!keep it up….ll b with u for ur good work:)))
Great but i like this black colour background,easy to ready without much stress.
Hmm..looks amazing..go for it…waiting for the updated version f my favourite website :-)
looks good Indicine. just plz make sure dat ur da first to update box office figures. if u do dat no doubt ull be 1 ov da best
Loved the music of MNIK..Barring rang de which was above average all other songs r extremely gud.But I feel this kind of music won’t b accepted by everybody as it doesn’t hav a mass appeal as such….personally its one f the best albums since last 2 years
What are your views on the album..why don’t u start reviewing music as wel???
Cool …looking forward to ur new avatar
Just one word for you… Great Great Great….good change of colour scheme….. excellent and brilliant….
yes the new page looks better than the one you have now dull and boring red black
Sudeep u said that indicine is lounching there new version on 4th jan which is MNIK’s music releasing date as well . but unfortunataly they couldnt start due to some technical problems.
so do we expect new version of 12th Feb ???
if by chance they couldnt lounch on 12 th fab then i cant wait till Ra -1 ‘s release coz i think it cant be release this year.
so indicine herry up man , fix ur problems soon i wana see a colourfull bright website , now black n white movies has finished so plz enter in colourful world.
Good work Indicine Team, although I still like yr current version.. never found it boring at all, but it’s good for a change and in order to develop the website.
Thank u anyway for your cooperation and for your good service.
Looks promising. Wish u all the best Indicine…always enjoy your website and hope the new look will deffinitely enhance the experience.
I think is very nice though this current one is also good but this is very good.I hope u can desighn a wider comment place 4 us, Keep roking Indicine.
Hai indicine…….whatever you change if you didn’t change your biased reports and reviews nothing good will happen to you and if you are taking comments and suggestions seriously try to make sure that your new version loads fastly for users I mean too much graphics is not good…You can make another link for graphic pages..just like what gmail is doing…basic version,normal version and advanced version……………..try it …you won’t be disappointed….as there are also broadband and dial up users for your site
it’s good but i still prefer the current background colour.. more easier to read..
i think u should remove the column of top actor n actress.you cannot judge.every actor is best n at top.so to be a true site you should remove it or unlike others you can keep it
good to watch the new version
i think little similiar to santabanta.com
difference in colour theme thats it
hoping for new version might be………………….
Indicine: It looks like a good one to me but I will keep my final decision for the end result that we will eventually get when you are done with the launch… Anyway good work, keep it up….. the site is really getting famous…
Masa, thanks for the first comment ;)
Arshan, Thanks for commenting on the logo. We love it too :) If you have noticed, there are just two pieces of advertisement on the website, when we so easily could have filled the site with a lot more and made much more money. So do not worry, the site will be user friendly with a clean interface.
Amish, we are upgrading the servers and fixing some of the issues that came up. Shouldnt be more than a week.
Kunal, not gonna compete against anyone. Like Rancho says in 3 Idiots, we are not gonna go behind success. Our only goal is to make Indicine a quality site. Content is most important, agreed.
Nauman, you contradict yourself mate. First you say “take ur time we r not in rush.. so dont be rush just make perfect site.” and then “so indicine herry up man , fix ur problems soon” – Anyway, it wont take too long, dont worry.
Sahil, thanks. We’ll put up the MNIK music review..
Fathiya and sumair – we wanted a fresh, brighter look.. Hope you like it when we launch it :)
Vinshal, thanks a lot. Glad you like it.
King, we have never been biased towards any star or any movie. When it comes to reviews, we aren’t here to please anyone, its just our views.
Shubham, thanks for pointing that out. We’ll rename it to just Actors and Actresses, its just a list of some of the most viewed actor / movie pages, nothing else.
Nazeer, Santabanta? Think its totally different, we were never really ‘inspired’ by some other site, while designing the pages.
Shivalaya, Usman, Akhlaq.. Thanks :)
Did we miss out on anyone.. Where’s Payal? ;)
Good night everyone, thanks a lot for the positive feedback :)
indicine team
i was replying Sudeep that he said u r trying to lounch new version on releasing date of MNIK’s music lounching date , but u couldnt so according to his statement now next date is 12 Feb when MNIK is gonna release and if by chance u couldnt make till 12 feb then we hv to wait for Ra-1 ‘s release.
it was just funny comment , i know u r not following SRK’s movies .
but plzzzz let me know that did u get my e mail which i sent u 2 weeks ago . why u r not telling me abt that ??
INDICINE TEAM- I too loved the new version, its a gr8 change and innovative. I hope it will be really gud, wid lots of new features like user reviews and external reviews, contests etc.
Its also heartening to see u replying to all. It would be really great if u reply more often, if not every time. That would, I feel would be d best and most distinguished feature of ur site.
It looks great. Great work indicine.
Thanx a ton guys for ALWAYS being so receptive…