Celebrating the super-success of Shahrukh Khan and Deepika Padukone’s latest release Chennai Express, diary brand Amul called the film a ‘Bokwaasoffice Hit’, referring to Deepika’s ‘Bokwaas’ dialogue in the film.
Both SRK and Deepika in their ‘Kashmir Mein Tu Kanyakumari’ outfits enjoy bread, butter and tea! Have a look.

Amul’s Ad for Bollywood blockbuster Chennai Express
He he.. bokwassoffice hit ! Sarcastic
I feel Amul should get oscar award for this marvelous cartoon because cartoon deepika looks way hotter than real deepika and cartoon sharukh looks younger than real sharukh. And the best thing is salman cartoon in lungi next to deepika. Chest is perfect but biceps is thicker compare to salmans and must say wig perfectly matches
bakwaas office hit!!!!!!!!! amul celebrates or hates????????
This spoof is ok but Shahrugate spoof was better than this.lol
@soroop : after so many years srk fans are happy so just enjoy it. you idiots wants salman name every where just like your idiotic fake king.
ha ha ha ha ha. burning from inside.
one masala movie from the king has kicked and decimated all the records. wow
ya we are happy
its Ur problem to come on all SRK pages and bark. WY don’t u simply stay on Ur page . lol
@Hrithik. Well come back, where were u?. BTW Missed ur foolish analysis and idiotic comments
@ soroop : I was away from devils like you due to holy month of Ramzaan. It is clear who is making foolish n idiotic comments.