Preity Zinta is one responsible citizen.She is concerned about Mumbai and wants the citizens to go out and vote.
Questions on Mumbai’s cleanliness and other civic issues have been bothering Preity Zinta for some time now. So it comes as no surprise to know that she intends to make her presence felt during the BMC elections in February.
“I feel inside me that I need to do something about the situation. The BMC elections are in February. And this is our only chance to see a cleaner and greener Mumbai. I intend to go out and tell people to vote.”
“This doesn’t mean I’m getting into politics at all,” she hastens to clarify. “It’s just my way of creating awareness among people that if they vote Mumbai city benefits.”
Preity was in Delhi recently and she kept marveling at how clean the city is. “They don’t even have potholes on the main roads. Delhi is so much cleaner. Why? When we in Mumbai are the highest tax payers in the country.
Parts of Mumbai stink, roads are pitiable. Much as I’d have liked to distance myself from all this, like we all do, I can’t turn a blind eye because I feel I can make a difference.”
Preity got involved in creating voting awareness as soon as she returns from her holiday abroad for the New Year.
“I feel there’s already plenty of awareness among Mumbai’s people. I want to be part of that movement. I’ve been asked to get involved with the BMC elections, to create awareness about the caliber of candidates. Sometimes I wish I could just paint my nails, wear my high heels to go out dancing