Second surgery for Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan who is suffering from abdominal complications will be undergoing another surgery at the Seven Hills hospital in Mumbai.

Today morning, the superstar wrote on his blog “I seek forgiveness .. I will not be detailing any more …some fresh medical issues have come up, and I need to concentrate on the treatment now ..”

He later confirmed on Twitter that he will undergoing another surgery “Some more tests.. more unpronounceable medication and another visit to the OT.. operation theater ! Going to be a long stay. I have no idea now how long this will take, but it does look as though it will be long .. thank you for your prayers and love ..!! How times change ! During 1982 ‘Coolie’ episode, I used to keep all your prayers under my pillow .. now .. on Twitter and Blog ..!”


1 Comment

  • Hope that it’ll be a successful operation, Mr. Bachan doesn’t deserve all this pain coz of the incident in 1982.. a tax he paid from his health for a film making

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